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Posts posted by Wrathoran

  1. It's bad ethics when to balance a game, developers choose to hit the healing population mercilessly. It is absolutely stage 3 - game is in emergency - knee jerk reaction - band aid solution - or an act of complete lack of empathy towards your players base, and community as a whole.


    Let me explain why.


    Healing by itself, is a thankless job. During our mmo lives, we as players, have to live with many tunes, we understand that - but when healers are hit so hard as you just hit them, it is a usually during an expansion when all classes are changed, design philosophy changes, AND all classes are given new skills. This is not the case here. Nothing has changed, except the introduction of rated warzones.


    So, going back to healing being a thankless job, you get aspect number two. Who are these players that play healers? Being the thankless, stressful job that it is? It is your most dedicated player base. The ones that hold the community together. It is the number one driving force in the dynamics of guilds. Healers, believe it or not, have the toughest job out there. It used to be tanks, but that was 3 or so years ago, when they used to be the most dedicated - and a good tank, a dedicated tank, was worth an entire guild roster.


    Which brings me to the last point.


    Healers don't reroll. They are so crushed, so passionate, when they get hit - or in this case, gutted, that all their enthusiasm, passion for the game suffers in the tremendous investment they have put into their class. A dps class will always be more lenient towards the aspect of tunes in chasing that all important highest crit or aoe damage or most damage, it is always an evolving process that by its nature takes them through different builds, different classes, chasing that high which a dps class by nature provides. Healers have a different dynamic. They only care about keeping their group alive, so when they get gutted, it really really hits home hard for them. And, it hurts everyone.


    When a dps gets tuned, well, that's life, but when healers get an across the board slaughter in order to balance pvp, that is the most callous thing you can do to your community and I hope you understand that.


    You can always buff dps, give them new toys, different ways to handle healers - which is usually done by locking one down and focusing/interrupting them or just bursting them once their big cool downs have expired. But going after the healers is just wrong.


    You can't sit there with a bunch of numbers, and try to balance the game, especially an area like pvp, because like it or not, most players that pvp are not very good - they don't understand how to kill a healer. They don't understand bursting a healer down, they don't understand HOW and WHEN to interrupt them and FORCE said healer to blow their most important cooldowns, and once they expire, FOCUS them down. That is how it's done. If that's not possible in swtor, then you planned your dps classes wrong, but to gut the healers and do this to them without even prior warning is the lowest of the low, and one of the worst things you can do in a game just because by definition, a healer is ranked as a "healbot" for a reason - they don't get much respect from any players especially the dps focused ones and are expected to heal, heal, and then heal some more - thanklessly. And when they fail, the answer is - yo dude where's my heal. It's the life of a healer. Why you would make their jobs even more UNFUN is beyond me.


    So you give out all these nice toys, like legacy, but guess what, it's only the dps players who will enjoy these new toys. The healers are left in bewilderment, and I think a large part of their community is in a state of shock right now. You will lose a lot of subscriptions if these changes are not re-thought.


    they should give healing reduction talent instead. In pvp a full geared healer is like a god. Really really really hard to kill and need alot of peopel focusing him. This is unbalanced

  2. I didnt have a great idea for the title but it is true, i only have 28 days left on SwToR and i dont think ill take them all.


    First thing first , im legacy 25 near 26, i rerolled quite alot.


    I wont got on QQ but more observation and no you cant have my loot , ill give it to my guildies.


    My favorite class is the Scoundrel, that is why i post here and i believe by really unsubing, i would show Bioware that im not just faking, im really tired.


    I love the shotgun, the attitude, our companions etc. The first ick with it is the look of the class in term of clothing selection. I found out while leveling from 1 to 50 i had to use my Esseles Jacket so often because what i had was horrible and i never showed my helm. I thought i would look more like a outlaw. You know , bandanas , leather jacket , dusters and all that cool stuff.


    Then came 1.2 with the PVE and PVP armor set and the legacy armor set. I could say that i am not thrilled about it.


    PVE set is really blend and the helm looks bad with the leather strap around head. The color choices are horrible

    PVP set is even stupided looking. I feel like a teletubies. Seriously? a set based on the Rakata was the worst idea ever. The color are horrible too.

    Legacy armor set are simply set you had while leveling and get to use them AGAIN.

    Current PVP PVE set : what make me the more sad about it, is the fact that we have a single set while other classes have 2 different set. It is just a recolor. I can live with the cape but damn the leather strap around the head make me look like a r-tard.


    I loved the frantic action, knowing your priorities etc , was really fun. I did good in pvp and had fun.


    Now where my fun was cut short..



    - Class balance : First the class balance. Not about being weak or strong but about the diversity of skills/talent too. People said to me "dont look ever the fence, the grass always look greener". In that case i did look and yes it look greener. I wasnt really disturbed at first but after doing ALOT of pvp (being 49 99.999% valor before the patch) i felt like some classes had way too much good stuff going on for them in term of utilities.


    Exemple , the shadow tank. Got around the same burst as me, can force speed , can force pull , can guard, taunt , push and got good defensive cooldown


    Exemple , the guardian. Can leap to enemy , friend , push , good defensive cooldown. DPS slighty lower ... or higher burst depending on the spec


    I could go on on other classes like commando , vanguard etc. but well stop there. I dont mind that they got all that but i felt like im missing some pieces of the loot on that. I got no movement skills , push pull or speed. My defensive cooldown are quite bad at 50 and my sustain is horrible.


    I just felt like i was a weaker assassin.


    - PVE : was were i was the most displeased. Perhaps by not playing other classes i wouldnt have felt that way but ... I felt like my sustained damage is totally worthless. Im on a low pop server (was med when i chose it) and since there is no transfer, im stuck there. Most of the guilds already got their core group. Even if they know im a good player (since i pvp with most of them) they dont want to have a scoundrel in their team. Like they "just reroll gunslinger and well be all over you". I dont bring nothing to the team via buff/talent/skills and im far from being able to do the same a sentinel or sniper do. At first i was a PVE player but now im stuck to do pvp all night. Some guilds use Scoundrel i know but im sure if they could replace them, they would.


    - 1.2 : i was actually waiting for it in a hope for a change. Yesterday a friend of mine talked to me about the PTR and how it was for his Ops. He was kinda neutral on the change down to a disapointed of them. He said like we do around the same but it was hard to judge atm. So i feel like nothing got corrected.


    Perhaps i judge too hard but tonight i played Bastion, a small game and had terrible fun... which i dont anymore on Starwars Online. I had no frustration , was fun , had some laugh etc. I was like , why do i put more time theorycrafting and nerd raging on game then actually playing it. I did many years of mmo (15 yrs). Ive did most of the end content of games like Warhammer , WoW , Aion , EQ2 etc. was raid leader , guild leader , did hard mode , got server first on Rift etc. Perhaps im getting older and i dont want to strive as hard as i did back when WoW got out.


    I just feel tired of fighting the mechanics that constantly change and usually not in my favor (hehe). I dont ask to be OP but i do ask to be brought on par with other classes.


    So give me your thoughts on the scoundrel and how you liking it end game for PVE and PVP.


    Dont give me a Scoundrel is fine kthnxbye. Explain why do you think it is fine or Why do you think it is wrong. Im sure some of you think it is fine. Share a bit of experience.

  3. Actually, it pushes you away from hybrid builds, and into a full scrapper build. The energy changes to Sucker Punch and Pugnacity makes Scrappers more energy positive next patch.


    Reports from the PTS are that energy management is much better for DPS scoundrels in raids. Have you even checked out firsthand reports, or did you just come here to complain first?


    Look, i dont know if you play a 50 smuggler but i do.


    Im in full BM gear now and i dont get around 3 shotting a 50 that is for sure, even newer 50.


    All the scrapper ive seen in pvp are always 31 point to get flechette round or you lose a ton o dps so there was not a ton of hybrid in the smuggler after 40.


    For the raiding, i still suspect it to be a problem.


    1- Bosses are still not melee friendly. Smuggler Defensive cooldown suck and we have no movement skill

    2- One of the stappler of the rotation , backblast just took a 3sec cooldown more with a small increase in dps. So even if we produce more energy, we use it a more on skills that didnt require some at first and we see alot of things before making a clear statement. Even with more energy, what will i fit in? I already sucker punch on upper hand (or refresh pugnacity). With more energy what will i do? Quick shot? grenade? Those arent that massive to bring us closer to marauder, sniper dps.

    3- Skill like shoot first cannot really be used in raid


    So like i said in 2. In raid , my energy was not the main issue for me (i could use more but i was still doing OK. Its the overall damage of my abilities that sucked. I seriously doubt that this patch will fix us for PVE.

  4. Seriously... people are maaaad when they make changes to their beloved class. That's so pathetic.


    How dare Bioware changes their game !?


    You know, it is natural to feel bitter when someone took the time to take a class from 1 to 50, put time an effort on it and being rewarded with a nerf when the class was already lacking compared to others


    a.k.a smugglers scoundrel


    Yes good opening burst... what is left after that burst? nothing

    Now with 1.2 the burst is changed to be less of a burst...

  5. i dont see why because my class got a tanking tree that i am branded as a tank.


    Mercenary get a healing tree, are they healers? should their damage be subpar?


    Paladin in wow got a tanking and healing tree, their damage should be subpar too (it was mouhaha)


    Death knight got a tanking tree, their damage need to be subpar.


    Wait! there's more! Operative got a healing tree, must be why they are getting screwed in the next patch


    Wait! Sorcerer can heal , they need to lower the dps too.

  6. sorc because you can respec and dps if you want to, get force speed, can pull people etc.


    with the ops you can only spec healing, other spec with 1.2 are utterly broken and not enjoyable


    so being able to use 3 spec vs 1


    having a gap closer vs none


    having an OP shield and being able to survive vs going back to stealth, if you got a dot you pop back up


    pulling people vs nothing


    Awesome aoe heal vs ok heal (1.2) or bad heal right now


    Single application of HoT vs having to stack it twice for the same effect


    Cool ressource system vs bad resource system


    Keep healing under pressure vs having to manage upper hands



    there is no reason in the world to not make a sorc healer vs an ops

  7. They haven't commented on the increasing price of toilet paper either. Doesn't mean they're ignoring it.


    I would imagine Bioware have their hands full just reading the messages, nevermind replying to the ones you think are important.


    As for Nerf/OP conversations. They're pointless.

    Doing less DPS/HPS/TPS than in 1.1? What does it matter? These numbers are all relative, not absolute.


    Are classes getting nerfed/boosted. Of course, change is always the result of skill/ability changes. That's kind of the point.


    But as long as NPC's from quest mobs up to raid bosses still are capable of being killed and PvP battles remain more or less balanced (as opposing TEAMS) - then everything is peachy.


    Thats actually why we voice our concern. People dont bring smuggler scoundrel or Ops in their Operations because we do lower damage, cannot avoid the melee unfriendly aoe and come back in time to dps and we bring 0 utility to the raid.


    As far pvp goes. We were doing not bad on the opening but if the fight drags we need to run. For me it was ok until i roll an assassin and had the same opening burst but was in tank stance instead and was able to defend objectives , run the balls , had a gap closer etc.


    So yeah, its not really fine you know

  8. personaly ive tried that a bit and it was terrible.


    I know you wanna be concept and stuff but they didnt make a good job out of it.


    Being an evil sith warrior is worth everything. Epic cutscene where you open hutts and stuff. When you go light side, you just sign paper, get spit in the face etc. I really really didnt like that. Even for my jedi making dark choice, they werent really entertaining and it really doesnt affect that much the story at all.


    If you only want the Dark V look , pick up diplomacy, that help.

  9. Yeah, because every other MMO released nowadays is totally balanced and fair to all classes.


    You may not know this, but a lot of MMOs coming out have a lot of problems they need to fix because MMOs are the Raid Boss of Game Design. Expect changes, and expect a lot of **** to roll downhill right ontop of your head. But guess what, that's why there's 7 other classes to choose from. And if you ONLY want to play that ONE class, well that's your personal preference, but the fact that you have options you refuse to utilize tells me you just want everything to yourself.


    You people are eventually going to have to re-learn the fact that even WoW had a some pretty horrendous balance issues when it came out, and sometimes still do. This game isn't even HALF A YEAR OLD.


    *********** MMO gamers nowadays are so spoiled and aren't willing to put the time and dedication into a game that they have the option to do so. It's why eveyone moves back to WoW, or w/e game they used to play, or start talking about how great other games look (Although I have to agree, while playing the Beta Tests I was very impressed with TERA).


    Stop expecting everything to be done and fixed with the snap of your fingers. Class is broken? Either try to make up for it with personal skill, optimization, teamwork or whatever, or try a different class. The people who tough it out are going to be the most rewarded.


    And on a final note, if you're playing this game, and not having fun, just leave. Seriously. There's no reason for "End of Days" posts like this to appear on the forums.


    I agree with some of the things you say but you surely noticed this...


    As exemple , smuggler scoundrel or Ia operative are unable to enter Ops most of the time because they cant dps like a sniper , merc , marauder etc. The only thing making them competitive in pvp was their burst , which the assassin got too while being in tank stance now. I dont mind tht the opening burst is lessened if something else is adjusted since the class is "lacking" something.


    So here come patch 1.2 . The smuggler scoundrel that nobody wanted in raid because of their poor damage got another damage nerf (opening burst nerf) and dont get to be able to do a steady rotation with Ok damage.


    While the Assassin tank is clearly overpowered right now, they dont fix it. While deception and madness tree are lacking , they are still lacking.


    While the trooper got mortar volley and full auto broken since beta , they are still broken up to date and no fix in 1.2 so far.


    while marauder were already in a good spot , their spot is even better now


    while tracer merc were annoying , they can still be if they put alacrity. They lose a bit damage but they will still be devastating and the problem isnt fixed, its a one button class.


    while the sorcerer are realyl powerful (i dont say unkillable) both in healing and in damage, they arent hit really hard on the nerf as for healing nor in dps. Yes i have read the change but it will just make you work for your mana a tad more, nothing drastic.


    So i was expecting perhaps more interesting balancing out of 1.2. Its perhaps because i was already burned by the same situation that im afraid to see it happen again. (you get the joke? Bright Wizard, burn? hehe... ). Most of us played warhammer and saw the same thing happening.


    Powerful class get more powerful while Weak class get more weaker.


    Sorcerer stay powerful (or assassin tank) while smuggler get down every patch to a point where they cant be useful anymore as dps in pve ... nor in pvp if 1.2 hit like that.


    Bright wizard stay powerful and get buffed every patch, leading to a full WZ of bright wizard while the magus started ok to good if you knew how to play it right (smuggler) and get nerf every patch. Even when the class was weak and pathetic, every patch they kept nerfing him until the class was not playable anymore. At one patch the magus was sooo pathetic, he couldnt quest anymore at max level if you didnt have OP gear, it was that broken.


    So im not happy about 1.2 so far


    legacy abilities? only in heroic moment each 20min ... heh? wth is the purpose of that, waste of time develeopement and balance...


    Most of the new armor set are bad looking. Inquisitor , smuggler , Ia , consular (really blend but not that bad looking).


    More pets? why do i care , they dont give bonus, more content that is playable then having a small "i do nothing" at my feet.


    Leaderboard , I do pvp alot but i would prefer more time on balance and new WZ then having a leaderboard.


    etc. etc. etc.


    Why if im so against it i dont leave? Just waiting for may 15 my dear :)


    sprint comes in at lvl 1 in 1.2 and isnt that much of a big deal as it doesnt function in combat which is where you should be anyway. With the exceptionally generous bolster system lvl 10-19s can be the toughest and hardest hitting characters in the warzone


    Seriously stop crying, concentrate on your own performance which is likely to be lacking as good players dont whine about others when they pug, or make some friends and form a premade.


    I remember being a mid 20 on a team of sub lvl 20s and was trying to prepare them for a loss and not to get stressed about it with a "we got a low level team, dont get upset if we lose" and we totally dicked on the other side. Theres plenty of battlemasters I would happy trade for a lvl 10 on the team.


    4k crit on ambush + 3.2k on explosive probe at lvl 11, yeah, it hurt


    edit : i still see lvl 43 that got no effin clues what to do in WZ , move slowly , attack the wrong target and are free assassin's medal


    300k dmg at lvl 11 on my sniper , 51 kills and 2 ball caps in huttball.


    210k dmg at lvl 12 on my assassin , defended succesfully the doors in voidstar with really little help.


    Most of the players are clueless. Even at low level, you can be quite useful

  10. the only thing going for operatives were the initial burst


    as many know , the assassin got the same sooo... now operatives are truly a dead calss.. yay for us?

  11. I was waiting to see 1.2 patch note on smuggler to see if i was shelving it... now i got my answer... YES!


    We got nerfed on our dps again. People werent bringing us to Ops, now its definitive.


    Sage/Sorc : running fine no nerf

    Assassin/Shadow tank : running fine, no nerf


    why in the hell did we get one...

  12. at 50 with good gear


    assassin > powertech


    the ability to self heal, force speed in huttball for capping , stealth cap in civil war , having the same kind of opening burst then an Ops etc.

  13. ive played a smuggler scoundrel (Ops) up to 50 to BM gear.


    We are not wanted in Operation (raid)

    We are not wanted in Hard Mode


    this is for DPS and Healing. Some people take them, rare but they do.


    We are in melee, bosses are not melee friendly

    We are squishy , bosses hit us hard

    We have a Really Good opening burst (=assassin) but cant maintain the dps

    We heal less often and less stronger then a BH healer or Sorc healer

    We dont put the damage of the marauder or the sniper

    As a smuggler the gear look horrible.


    This is why i rerolled. I was tired of not being invited to an Operation because of my classes. Im sure i could have done good, i was really good at pvp and i did alot of hard mode with my friends. But i know i cant sustain the damage

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