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Everything posted by xxJadestormxx

  1. Devs, I'm an officer in a guild on the Eidolon Security server. I think its a great idea to have a guild summit but since I can't afford the trip, I'd like to post my comments, questions and suggestions here...hoping that they will get represented at the summit. Keep up the great work! 1. Guild Log: something that lists particular metrics for each player and a timestamp that it happened. Metrics include: player logins/logoffs, guild join/leave, level up, guild bank deposits/withdrawals, promotions/demotions, significant events such as boss kills. Guild officers should have the ability to select which metrics they want logged and how long they want the log to be kept for. Some metrics should be permanent such as date joined. 2. Guild Bank: I know its incoming, hopefully guild officers will be able to lock sections of it down and specify which player ranks have access to each section. See #1 ref a guild log for bank activity. 3. Upgrade the Guild Tab, specifically: add "Date Joined" as a column that auto-populates with the date the person joined the guild. Add "Last Played" as a column that auto-populates with the date when the person was last in the game. Expand the guild description text box (allow more text). Expand the member and officer note sections (allow more text) 4. Guild Calendar: an ingame calendar that can be edited by guild officers to annotate raid dates, important get together's or even player birthdates. 5. Add an in-game email contact list for guild members. As a guild officer I'd like to send in-game emails to members who have accomplished something, as well as send emails to ALL guild members for certain things (the same concept as receiving an email from an NPC after a quest is completed). It's extremely difficult to do this without a contact list to choose names from. 6. A guild webpage on the SWTOR server, similar to what would be provided by a third-party provider such as Guild Portal that can then be modified and updated by a guild officer. I know this isn't practical considering the number of four man guilds that get created, or the guilds that get created and then go defunct however it could be provided once a guild reaches a certain size (100 members) or accomoplishes a particular in-game feat (defeat a certain mob). 7. Guild Levels. Guilds should have levels the same way characters have levels. There can be daily quests, FP's and OP's that provide guild level experience. If a guild member completes one of these quests, they get personal XP as well as XP that goes toward the Guild level. Alternatively it could function the same way the Legacy XP is working, in that a small portion of each guild members XP also goes to the guild level. Having a guild level would also set up for my next recommendation.... 8. Guild Perks. There should be perks that can be earned by the guild such as temporary raid buffs, social items, etc. 9. Guild Housing/Capital Ship. A place that the guild can call home, linger and socialize. With access to class trainers, cargo holds, GTN, and mailboxes. 10. A "Player Looking for Guild / Guild Looking for Player" menu that could list which guilds are recruiting and even specify which classes / levels they are looking for. The menu could allow guilds to enter a guild description and it could also list recruiting officers for the guild that a player can then contact in game. 11. Guild Smart Phone App that allows you to interface with (or at least view) your guild's functions while away from the game. Thats all I can think of "off the top of my head". I played Everquest, Everquest 2, AION and WOW. Several of these recommendations are from EQ2's guild system. Thanks for all your efforts to date on such a great game!!
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