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Everything posted by FleshKiller

  1. It should be done no question. Remember, you're talking about taking time and effort to something that should already be addressed. Until we actually see time & effort by the DEVs to do anything fix related before cashing their checks, it may not get fixed.
  2. Why should the player be in charge of Server management? Plus how does that inconvenience others?
  3. Based on the effort required is by Players VS Programmers. Bar horrible programming, scripted data extraction & insertion to a new Server can be done. I do know this is possible to one degree as I used to run & program a game with an old roommate of mine & we did many said fixes. Much like all issues with this game, from said issue to time of fixing, if ever, is a matter of effort & time by the DEVs. Which unfortunately to our pocketbooks, is not high priority, unlike their paychecks.
  4. I have found one in Rishi in the main NON-PvP area, but was also Republic so that didn't matter. It is doing what looks like teleporting. I do not see it moving up or down. But from all the bots I used to kill in WoW, I can guarantee it is a bot. It always faces the same direction on the same nods. As far as I've seen, it's only slicing credit boxes, nothing else.
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