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Everything posted by sankalp

  1. As a tank I stand on the left lower platform (11). we make sure that everyone is on a different platform as TFB will never hit the same person twice in a row(unless taunted) and cycles through everyone in the raid. you can survive 1 hit from tfb and the heals have time to heal you back up. After getting more geared etc, I sit at 11 and taunt TFB throughout tatrum. Single target/Aoe/Single target. This gives me 18 secs where tfb will not attack anyone and the heals only need to conc on me and the DPS can do their **** without worrying about anything.
  2. 280 people on QA and we got a half arse tested product at launch. /me wishes BW would hire me to do ****all and still pay me
  3. I want maintenances not to be in my Primetime. Ohh well, looks like thats too much to ask.
  4. ohh look, another *********** prime time maintenance. FFS!
  5. even 8m NiM EC is cleared by 15 guilds worldwide(that we know of) I am happy with the tuning of content and cant wait for NiM TFB
  6. I usually run with WH def+ wh shield relic. I think shield makes better use of your absorb and hence makes more sense to me. I have 28% def and 49% shield as an assassin tank.
  7. For DPS its something called epeen. Each new tier of gear adds X to their highest DPS. Throwing out big numbers is all the motication a DPS needs for endgame. I think its similar for heals For tanks, its the challenge of going toe to toe with another hunkering monster and getting beaten to pulp and then stomping all over the boss and teabagging him while he lies comatose on the ground.
  8. that only happens in dreamland mate. I got 4 toons that have cleared TFB but non that has run the Ilum story arc. I hit 50 at corellia mostly and have no reason to run ilum. Have killed malgus like a million times but still dont know why. if all the new missions are only going to give me daily comms and credits. then pfft, i dont see the need to run them. The only content you dont need levels for is endgame, which is not makeb
  9. No you cant. Visist Master Dar Nala and you will see the fleet max out at 60ish at peak times. and BW have dont **** all about it as yet, 3 months after the issue arose.
  10. DG/warstalker relics BIS for DPS healing and tanking relics are still being debated. Maybe it should be made clear just to make people who dont know not waste 300 comms.
  11. to be fair, a healer has not got enough healing abilities to heal at hammer station so he/she might have though they can just DPS. although going before the tank is really not something that should be done.
  12. Just thought I would point some things out. healing aggro is 50% and is divided equally amongst all enemies in a fight,. tanking threat is 150%, and then some abilities increase it. For example, my shock generates 2.15 times the damage in threat, discharge and wither generate around 3 times as much. all other abilities generate 1.5 times the damage. Taunting puts you over the current threat by 110% when taunted in melee range and 130% when taunted from more than melee range. Also, My rotation is nowhere near 1000 dps. I might get lucky to get a 2-3k shock, 1-1.5k wither and minimal damage on discharge. My FL ticks for 1k. assassinate can go to 3-3.5 k if crit 2-2.5 k normal. There is no way I will get close to 1000 dps and I got PTs and assassins that can gnerate bursts for 2400 dps. I have never seen a tank lose aggro while kiting, what can happen is if you have a sin/jugg or PT dps, they might taunt inside the shield so that the adds inside the shield dont hit the healers, and if they are not done properly, they might get storm aggroing on them.
  13. This post comes up when clicking on first staff post from BW. Did you make a booboo?? forgot which account you were on? is that why you are trying to justify how code works, without mentioning that there is an equally important part of release called testing?
  14. I will buy the megenta +41 end x2 for 20k ea.
  15. Not in NiM. I have to ask my dps to wait a few seconds before engaging. 2 withers and 1 discharge is enough most of the time, but as it only hits 5 ppl, there is a chance it does not hit a particular trenchcutter at all and he will run to dps on aoe, and in NiM that means dps is as good as dead unless he can be taunted off, which is hard as tab target feks it up all the time
  16. he is talking abt the 3 cores that you need to burn before 2nd and 3rd boss specially the one that is in the open, 2nd core i think, has a button behinf the datacore but I have never been able to use it, tried it midcombat, tried going to it in stealth, tried everything, does not work, might be a NiM mechanic thing,.
  17. from exp on my server, I think pops have increased. the sub numbers are up slightly, the ex subs who are now f2p is up moderately and new f2p players are there is a moderate amount as well. The decline from sub to f2p looks to be minimal as someone who paid for this for 11 months is prolly gonna continue playing, but people with multiple accounts have prolly converted the extra account to f2p
  18. Nah thats my raid time. I will be raiding with BW maintenance BOSS and hope it drops a rare maintenance not in prime time pet.
  19. where is the link you promised? *** troll. reported.
  20. Roll on APAC PVP server. loads of room there
  21. you are trivializing the problem and looking at it how someone who has cleared NiM would look at HM or someone who has cleared HM would look at SM. The solution of a mara leaping to the warrior and killing it will work wonders, but does not get them thinking about NiM and does not take into account a group without a mara.
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