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Posts posted by moneky

  1. This is a joke right? The interrupt (if you even have one) only locks out the skill for 4 seconds - O WOW!!!!! That also means you only bought yourself 2.5 seconds (You have a 1.5s cooldown for using the interrupt). Its practically worthless, because they can replace that lost time shooting off their instant cast that hit harder then the tracer missile you locked out. The only thing misleading is your attempt to keep your OP class you finally caved in to making by stopping BioWare from nerfing it.


    Dude stop, leave the troll be. You can tell by the way it's typing.

  2. Well the previous system had me taking forever to be fully geared in champion gear, now this new system seems interesting but maaan... really 123 commendations for my mainhand? Heres what, why don't you strip me of all my champion gear and give me commendations equivalent to all the bags I've opened before in the new update? Fair deal? K. Oh and refund the champion commendation equivalent for each duplicate I got.
  3. after testing out the mercinary missile spammer and trooper grav round spammer tree's i must say how wrong i was saying they are overpowerd.



    yes they may hit fairly hard but what you expect from a full dps class and the fact try getting them off in pvp when your bouncing around like a pinball or being interupted and stunned.



    i know clearly now that they are how they are now for a reason.



    i appologise and sympothise for those that do use the class.



    enjoy :/


    Told you all this guy was a massive troll. Enjoy spamming overpowered tracer missiles.

  4. Judging by the stats your team died quite a few times even with your 900k+ healing. Roughly adding up the enemies total damage and subtracting your "amazing" healing would equal out to some 200k+ damage that you didn't heal and from the look of it your team did some minor healing as well so why the 30+ deaths on your team? Sounds like someone just decided to heal themselves and use that health/force swap skill.
  5. Next on the nerf hammer is the assasin, and after that mercenaries, and after that snipers, and after that powertechs, and after that operatives, after that the entire sith warrior class and after that sorcers... cycle just keeps going and going. Neverending cycle of nerfs.
  6. Think the most whacked out boss is the new HM FP with the Rakghouls. The bonus boss there is insane, goes into statis, spawns 3 adds that have elite hp (39k) and does champion damage(boss damage). We're supposed to burst them down... wait 3 of them on top of that they're strongs but with elite hp? So we managed to burst down one before the boss came back (oh god he comes back so fast) now I have 2 elites I have to manage and a giga boss shooting at me. Yeah... bet half of you out there is going to say "CC DAT ADD" but unfortunately if we did he would spawn another 3 adds at 40%? Yeah have fun with 6 adds. Unless there is a mechanic we were unaware of this boss is truly unfair compared to any other HM FP's out there. Hell the other ones are easier compared to this bullnyerk.
  7. i totaly agree the whole commando and merc tree's need looking at special the grav round and tracer missile tree's becdause they are patheticly broken how they are now



    100% totaly agree with them getting nerfed

    This person has already started 3 threads complaining about tracer missiles while using tracer missiles in game.



    Protip for the rest of us non trolls: Any thread that have the words tracer missile ignore it.

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