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Posts posted by ChaeTakbae

  1. People need to realize that they are diminishing returns. What that means is that the more of one stat you have the less you get from it. The more Crit Rate you have the less crit % you get per crit rate. This applies to everything.
  2. 1-50 Annihilation is extremely strong in the level process due to the high survivability.


    But at level 50 its anybody's game. Annihilation does strong single target DPS however people forget that Carnage's damage scales better than Annihilation. So once your at level 50 with your fancy armor maybe Carnage does more damage maybe not? Who knows, I don't have a damage chart to show you.

  3. I've seen your videos Kiba, and while I respect your opinion, I have not seen any videos where you didn't have a pocket healer or were not in a premade.


    How do you do with you aren't rolling with a coordinated Pre-made. Do you have any videos of your skills, sans pocket healers and premades?


    Seriously? Skills with this engine? hahahaha your funny. Besides if you want to take Warzone seriously do it in a Premade otherwise your just trolling in Warzone.

  4. If we have enough Fury for Predation. Or if Frenzy is up. Or both. Our out-of-Charge mobility is based around that one skill which requires a secondary resource to use.


    Juggernauts also have Intercede as well as a removed Charge cooldown after using Push.


    Once our Charge is spent if we're rooted or slowed we're rooted or slowed. By that time, if we have more than one person beating on us, chances are - depending on what cooldowns you have available - you're going to die.


    Kiba don't dignify this post by replying. Seriously you can tell the OP has never played in a Premade.

  5. A very, very small portion of this forum is crying for heavy armor. We have quite a nice list of changes we'd like to tweak us a bit.


    We're a DPS based class. We have a threat reduction cooldown (Camo) and a DPS increase (Bloodthirst) that just so happens to buff our entire group.


    You have access to Force Push in PvP to get people off of you. We have Camo.



    Please, cry more.





  6. Well I was reading on the forums and I read somewhere about a suggestion of a new Fury skill where it is pretty much like a Unleash but it requires 30 Fury with no cool down.


    IMO resolve system is broken. Melee classes need to have a stronger resolve system than ranged.

  7. My impressions


    *first two seconds of the video*

    No wonder they haven't got anything done, they were busy making flashy introductions. Glad to see they have their priorities right.-- Wait what? Did you say "See how you rank against other players"? Are you seriously trying to make SWTOR a competitive game with the hero engine? Well you must not know what competitive gaming is and how the minds of competitive gamers work. If we cannot shave off 0.2 seconds off every skill and animation then it isn't considered a competitive environment.

  8. Hey there,


    If I'm going annihilation build. Should i be looking at critical first, or should I be going with the standard power, accuracy, surge, crit, alacrity?


    At level 50 you want 110% accuracy, 30% crit, 90% surge, rest in power. I do not know if this is the meta gaming formula but it gives you a guideline of how much to get of each.


    This is the Cookie Cutter PvE Annihilation Marauder build



    This is what I use for my PvP Annihilation Marauder.



    I noticed another build did not have the Quick Recovery talent. Personally I think it is a very important talent both of PvP and PvE. PvE it allows you to do my rotation which I will post and in PvP it allows you to spam Sweeping Slash for great cost effective fury management outside combat.


    This is my rotation. My rotations assume you have Sweeping Slash and Quick Recovery.

    - On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

    Force Charge -> Smash -> Pommel Strike(First Grey dies) -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Savage Kick(Second grey dies) -> Ravage(Third Grey dies) -> Annihilate(If needed).


    - On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

    Force Charge -> Deadly Saber midair -> Battering Assault -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Ravage -> Savage Kick(If its a strong/silver, if not skip) -> Annihilate -> Force Choke -> Repeat combo from Deadly Saber.


    Most Strongs die once you get to Savage Kick, and for Elites you will want to add defensive cooldowns in between skills.


    2) Saber ward does not reduce damage by 50%. It gives us a 50% chance to dodge, deflect, etc. In the long run, yes, this may equate to a 50% damage reduction, but in the 12 seconds time it is up, it doesn't mean we are going to deflect half of all attacks directed at us.


    Also Saber Ward does not reduce damage from Force and Tech attacks.


    What I wrote is a lie ignore it.

  10. I'm not sure what Spec you are so I will just post what I do.




    - On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

    Force Charge -> Smash -> Pommel Strike(First Grey dies) -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Savage Kick(Second grey dies) -> Ravage(Third Grey dies) -> Annihilate(If needed).


    - On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

    Force Charge -> Deadly Saber midair -> Battering Assault -> Rupture(With Seeping Wound) -> Ravage -> Savage Kick(If its a strong/silver, if not skip) -> Annihilate -> Force Choke -> Repeat combo from Deadly Saber.


    Most Strongs die once you get to Savage Kick, and for Elites you will want to add defensive cooldowns in between skills.



    - On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

    Force Charge -> Smash -> Pommel Strike(First Grey dies) -> Massacre -> Force Scream(Second Grey dies) -> Ravage (Third Grey dies) -> Finish last off with personal method of choice.


    - On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

    Force Charge -> Battering Assault -> Massacre -> Force Scream -> Ravage -> Force Choke -> Massacre spam -> Force Scream.


    If your not level 40 yet you'll have a harder time with Carnage since you don't have the reliability to get Blood Frenzy from Massacre. Also defensive cooldowns in between skills for elites.



    - On normal 3-4 grey mobs I do:

    Force Charge -> Smash(crit'd) -> Pommel Strike(First die) -> Force Scream(Second dies) -> Ravage(Third dies) -> Autoattack for last.


    - On Strongs/Elites (Silver/Gold) I do:

    Force Charge -> Force Crush -> Battering Assault -> Smash -> Force Choke -> Force Scream -> Obliterate -> Smash -> Force Crush -> Battering Assault -> Smash.


    Defensive cooldowns for elites. Most Strongs die by the time you Force Scream.



    All my rotations assume you have the Quick Recovery Talent.

  11. Problem 2: Carnage is bursty, and that's about it. If you can't kill the healer in your initial rotations, then you're in trouble. Considering they can bubble most of the damage on your initial burst and probably get in a heal on themselves at some point, it can be very hard for carnage specs to burst down high expertise healing classes.


    This, Carnage will always have hard time bursting down healers. When I carnage I prefer to jump on low targets and finish off the job. Your Rotation is fine, it's just the nature of bursting and a healer sustaining himself overtime. Force Choke is another interrupt you can use in between your rotations to reduce the downtime between cooldowns.

  12. I don't mean to troll or be pessimistic but honestly


    IMO: The blog is a bunch of ******** and finger pointing. They try to look good by saying "Yeah we are top of the topic" but they aren't showing any results instead of giving results they give us this ******** "The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness." Seriously? I ran WoW on a single core PC and it's responsiveness will be on a whole another level that SWTOR cannot achieve. Now I have a i7 8G Ram GTX580 and your telling me my computer is the problem?


    The way I see it is that they are just trying to keep people from unsubbing saying that they are constantly near a solution. EA Games might not know but in life half right, does not make you right. I want results not a bunch of ******** blog saying "We got this"

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