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Everything posted by wrmrstacrdwower

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by wrmrstacrdwower Welcome to the SWTOR MMO standard. No new class/race at the start of an expac. You get it from poorly design systems that weren't in the launch and in random patch's. Innovation brought to you by Bioware and EA. It's in the game. --------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by RazielHex Death Knights. Your argument is invalid. --------------------------------- That was his response from page 2 of this thread. I agreed with what he was saying and yet my argument was wrong. Explain that to me. I agree with him. And because DK's were brought in for WoW's third expansion it's the same thing as the Legacy System releasing new races ?????????
  2. I'm really having trouble understanding the comparison of a Class released with a specific expansion has anything to do with releasing new races through the Legacy System. It's a new race, not a new class, not a new story element, not anything higher above grade 3 reading comprehension. It's a new race that may or may not be made available through a system that was designed but not finished for release. And a system that requires playing on a main character for in order to unlock or be made available. In order to use and proceed through the leveling process again. That's called filler content from everywhere and every MMO.
  3. You really missed what I was saying. DK's were released within their own story line that pertained to the WotlK Story Arch for WoW. Adding in Chiss Warriors is important to the story arch of SWTOR in which way? The reality of the situation for all of the class's in SWTOR is that race choice for the player isn't important in any way. It's just bland simplicity that separates each class and race combination.
  4. Welcome to the SWTOR MMO standard. No new class/race at the start of an expac. You get it from poorly design systems that weren't in the launch and in random patch's. Innovation brought to you by Bioware and EA. It's in the game.
  5. reading comprehension doesn't work the way you just used it for that post. They aren't saying they are going to quit. But that they already have quit and are reaffirmed or repetitively shown that it was the correct decision. It's called filler content. It's primarily used to get players to re-roll during large content gaps to keep a player base interested and invested in a game. Kinda like how WoW had the recruit a friend program and now the LFR.
  6. Why not? SWTOR asks us to accept a lot of subpar systems and designs.
  7. The servers still require the individual client to tell them where they are on the map. Which is why when speed hacks are used the player and those that see the player see a stuttering effects.
  8. Serious. Two weeks ago during prime time there were 3 heavy servers a large section of standard and the rest light. In that two week period SWTOR one of the MMOs that has more issues with actual game play that people are complaining about on other sites including twitch and live streaming sites is going to grow into 31 heavy populated servers? If that's the case I'll be right back I need to go find a goose to lay me some golden *** eggs. And for clarification it was 1 full server, 31 heavy servers, a slew of standard servers and maybe at most 15-18 light servers NA side. No game, not even WoW has ever grown that much in two weeks before the end of a billing cycle.
  9. I am so disappointed in Bioware right now. Lowering the caps on servers. Absolutely pathetic.
  10. That will include ME and DA as well and a slew of other games. All that shows is Bioware/EA have strong performance with other products and makes it entirely irrelevant to SWTOR.
  11. I didn't understand the question. Is my name randomly generated? no. no it is not. I didn't know they did. Even more so that they were raising the caps. Guess it really does show just how shoddy SWTOR was if a server cap increase from last year has minimal effect towards the trend of players starting the great migrations. Shame, SWTOR could have been a great game.
  12. Link please. Also did they say if the raised or lowered the server caps? Wut??
  13. The population trending from http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends captures up to the Feb 18 and shows that the servers are leveling out towards a standard population on most servers. It is interesting to see the recent decline in population numbers for standard and light servers slight increase in population between the 14th-18th. I wonder how much of that is the end of the second billing cycle. Should be really interesting to see what it look like next week on the 24th.
  14. For people interested in every aspect of the AC story archs there is tons. But for those who aren't interested in the story or as entertained and prioritize it highly the game probably doesn't have as much replay value as they would like. Add issues with PvE bugs and PvP issues, it would depend on the person. I say it has very little replay value.
  15. No. Deep down I want to love this game like I did when I bought it the first time. But unfortunately with the way it was designed and a lot of the game engine issues in the game I actually hate it to the point of not playing it anymore. Even logging in and trying to play I have to force myself into and I don't enjoy the experience. After Tera CBT1 I am thoroughly disappointing in this game. I think about a week ago if they would have implemented Togruta as a race I would have re subbed and probably been able to get into the game again but now and moving into the time that they do it won't matter. At this point it would take a miracle or a hell of a lot of redesign, possibly even a re-release of the game under a new engine, to get me into this game again. SWTOR is dead to me and not worth my money.
  16. You mean an MMO with a horrid game engine. ........... I would have to say that if it wasn't Star Wars no one would play the game. The fact that it's Star Wars is probably what keeps 90% of the people that are playing it around.
  17. Because addons, macros, combat logs, and many more need to be supoorted by the game engine. The GAME ENGINE. And in case you haven't noticed it's already having a hard time doing what is already asked of it.
  18. Don't worry once the Chinese get the game in Hong Kong you might be able to hide behind the LOL SWTOR HAS 3 Million accounts hype for two weeks. Before 98% of the Chinese market has already fully uninstalled SWTOR.
  19. I can't say I relate. I tried the CBT looking for a new MMO to play that I would enjoy knowing if I didn't I could cancel my pre-order. I have never been drawn to an MMO based on what I see. I bought SWTOR because it was Star Wars and an MMO and now I'm disappointed at 7 year old design mentality and a mediocre game. Either way though all i know is I can't seem to enjoy SWTOR and wonder if I ever did. Maybe it's the issues with the game and lack of design or maybe it's because NA MMO design is just plain bad. But personally I blame the Hero Engine. I was watching the Ruin Gaming Stream and the broadcaster at the time actually made a comment on how better SWTOR would have been if Bioware didn't cheap out and use the Hero Engine. Which just makes me sad that a game that could be so much better then what it is ails from so many engine based issues. SWTOR just doesn't have enough content that is strong enough to keep the fun factor going. Maybe you need to ask yourself the question of am I having fun?
  20. Lolis, Furries and Lizardmen. And shiny breasts. Big shiny breasts. But to be serious for a second, Tera probably won't make it past the time Aion did because of impressions like yours. But the gameplay behind it is actually better then what WoW or SWTOR have to offer so, meh your loss.
  21. I was the same way with Tera on the CBT this weekend. I played so much that I got to the point that I was disinterested in the game. Took a brief gander through all the class's and kinda didn't want to play. Then today I logged into WoW and played for 45 minutes. I did the LFR for the goo add boss then logged because I was disinterested in the game. Then I logged into SWTOR. Looked at my toon and said well lets do some PvP. Did 2 WZ's and logged because it just wasn't fun. Tera ruined my experience of WoW and SWTOR. Not because it's that much better a game but because the combat was exceedingly fun. And that's what SWTOR is missing. SWTOR is missing fun. Fun gameplay, fun mechanics, fun anything. When you play a game that is recent and has different elements then what the standard NA MMO has playing NA MMOs is hard. Did you play Tera?
  22. Roll Alts to enjoy an MMO. Am I really reading that argument? That's the answer to the games issues? Roll Alts?
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