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Everything posted by Givemedanger

  1. All this hell broke loose after 14 april and your new expansion. Reduce the number of players playing on the server.
  2. Expertise is great. So if i don't pve and don't do operations i have to suck in pvp? You must be joking.
  3. "Wearing a full set of any of the new PvP sets, War Hero, or Elite War Hero gear will put players at that 2018 expertise cap" Last time i checked it on PTS my Elite War Hero relics didn't have 109 expertise. Everything else got upgraded (expertise was increased on armorings/mods/enhancements/implants/ear). BUT not my relics. BTW you forgot to nerf smash and remove autocrit (power/surge stacking). You could AT LEAST make it a single target attack. No?
  4. A SWTOR sorc is a WoW warlock. Consumption should NOT lower your force regen at all. Just like warlocks in WoW.
  5. A SWTOR sorc is a WoW warlock. Consumption should NOT lower your force regen at all. Just like warlocks in WoW. End of story.
  6. My warzone stats: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3856/screenshot2013032219472.jpg Red Eclipse Sorc DPS
  7. No arenas. Never. They already balance classes around pvp. What if they had to do this around arenas? We all know what classes would take spots in arenas: Smash, Pyro, Tankasin, OP healer (MAYBE sorc healer). As for the rest - REROLL or quit.
  8. Lol @ those noobs crying for cover (i bet all lightning spec). Lightning is for PVE not for PVP. Know this - not only other classes will try to kill you but my sorc also. Free kill.
  9. @OP That is just wrong. We all know that.
  10. F**K that. Just remove premades from queue's! If there is something that kills the pvp experience it's the PREMADES!
  11. BS. Watch some top end ranked games. Expertise is fine. End of story.
  12. Remove that god d*a*m*n thing. I'm a sorc and i hate that BS.
  13. Remove the premades!!! We will still play Your game. No fun to be in a pemade and stomp others and vice versa. Solo Queue NOW! 5 stars from me.
  14. I agree. It sucks. I'd like to see some changes done.
  15. I agree with u 100%. The OP says some bs. NO. There will be no arenas. Luckily SWTOR is NOT WoW.
  16. This BS again? I cancelled twice but always came back after a few days. As for bubble stun i play only my sorc and i'm glad it gets removed. Smash + bubble stun = BS (BOTH shoud be REMOVED from the game).
  17. I quit when i cannot kill anything. I am against any penalties with the current system (premades allowed in solo queue, poor class balance, no matchmaking system).
  18. Where is our solo queue? Why you let those premades roam around? You like being pushed around by a group of "friends"? I don't. Do something about it. SWTOR gets boring. We need some fresh air (2.0). I can't wait tbh.
  19. Just remove it from the pvp enviroment.
  20. Nah just remove autocrit from the game. Give those classes recklessness and there will be balance. PVE? I don't give a crap about PVE.
  21. I agree. No respec inside a warzone. It's just wrong! Remove it ASAP.
  22. It's gamebreaking guys. Remove that autocrit and give them the thing sorc has or the thing pt has. Balance restored.
  23. We should be like warlocks in WoW. We drain our HP to regain force but why diminish our force regen rate? WoW showed you the way. Fix it!
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