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Posts posted by Natharon

  1. For weeks now I have been solo queing and destroying premades. I have gotten such a great reputation as a top tier player that any warzone I would join, I immediately get tunneled by the entirety of the other team (Healers even dpsing me down). Even with all this rage target (usually about 7-900k dmg taken a warzone), I am beating these guild premade groups.





    That is when it all changed. Now, any time I enter a warzone... my latency goes to crap, and about half way through.... yup you guessed it red X. "You have lost connection to the server." I understand that I am really good at this game, better than the 3 other people you qued with put together, and the easiest way to beat me is for me to not be there, but THIS DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DDOS ME!


    So I ask, EAware, what are you going to do about these children ruining my gaming experience?!?!

    First part sounds like crap, so makes sense to question the validity of your second statement.

  2. Guard does not belong in Arena. Tanks don't belong in Arena. Said this from day one, the entire concept of tanks and guard in Arena destroyed it before it even had a chance.


    So you want to exclude a certain role because you can't deal with it? Typical.

  3. Some WZs one gets the feeling that everybody is a tank. Whoever is being focussed - WOOOSH! Guard! Now he's a tank. Then you switch and focus someone else - BANG! Guard! Now it's this one who's the tank. And so on.

    This retarded mechanics should put some sort of longer debuff on the guarded player to avoid ping-pong guarding fests.


    You would be an expert on ******* going by your thread title.

  4. Or you could be smart and run full AP or Pyro.




    Its like those smugglers who leveled as dirty fighting and only spammed shrape grenade and vital shot, topped their dps charts all the time and figured they were doing it right, instead of in fact doing it very wrong.


    We will call this the Stay Puft Marshmallow build.

  5. With a number of ranked solo's now complete... the trend is clearly forming to exploit the system and spec a hybrid under the flag of dps.. but in fact heals.


    Glory - dps sorc doing 300k heals

    STyles - dps sorc doing 250k heals

    Bodyguard - dps merc actually doing 300K heals


    this exploit is ruining solo ranked.. as dps groups are facing groups with actual healers... exploiting the class mechanic. It is worse than a guarded dps ion cell PT...(not by much.. but worse for sure).

    How is it exploiting? They are more healer than dps, so you are really just ************ about hybrids, so you are basically just a *****.

  6. There are certain guilds which focus their fire on certain people in premades, this had got to STOP, sure focus fire is a valid tactic, but when you melt a guarded player in under 10 seconds whos also a healer, thats too much. Healers should be able to do lots of things, surviving being one of them. I, for one, am sick of getting melted in 5 seconds against guilds who do premades.


    You call it a valid tactic and then say it should get removed because it was used on you. Bet you cried about assist in swg as well. LOL@your starsider pvp videos, those losers could only manage to rp.

  7. then again you probably would get even better numbers.... so smashers might be in for that, their team members possibly not :p


    Or like on a hardcore server with friendly fire on in an fps game, the culprit would merely get vote kicked for being a *******.

  8. Change the Round Two proc chance on a bleeding target to 6 or 8 seconds from 10, and either make backblast not backblast and usable from any direction or add a box to that effect up one of the dps trees. Makes sense for dirty fighting to be fair, scrappers can't get it all, dirty fighting is a pve spec and mobs auto face.
  9. Before you go all "WHY U NO HELP OBJECTIVE" let me tell you that i dont give a damn about that because it isnt fun for me.

    Killing players is very enjoyable though and thus why i ll keep doing what im doing and enjoy the game even if the objective is lost.


    So my question is, what class OTHER than the stealthers is good for keep killing someone specifically over and over??

    For example there was a sniper that killed me, and i dislike die since i prefer to be a survivor always. As an assassin i then put a target on his head so he can be visible so i can know where he is and kill him continuously for killing me once

    That is easy to do as an assassin since it has stealth and huge damage and lets you kill him before the team that he is hiding behind realizes you are behind them. But other classes without stealth have the issue of having to deal with his allies in the front etc


    What other class do you think would be best for that purpose?


    Are you on POT5? Cause I had a ****** assassin rage target me in a huttball because I harpooned and murdered his *** to keep him off my gunslinger buddy. Like just as you described, out of the cloner straight to me, super bad. Are you that super bad?


    what should be half of the damage given. Heals are quite overpowered in pvp. i've played 2 healers and atm the heals combined with 3+ people are impossible to kill. Swtor you nerf most dps other than sniper yet heals still do double the damage output.


    Sounds like the dps on your back water server are awful.

  10. A sniper or marauder can theoretically stack enough cooldowns and burst abilities to take one down, but that's a completely inane way to justify healing as "balanced".

    This is a simple observerable mathematical fact.


    So if 1 player could in theory kill a healer who is doing everything he can to stay alive with everything he can to kill that healer, that isn't balanced?


    You are right the post was inane.

  11. How the hell would you know? I've never seen you in a warzone queue ever. Although I guess Ilum's heroic area could be considered a warzone :rolleyes:


    He would have to actually pvp if he went into a warzone.

  12. This is the most un-balanced game since WOW came out. I really enjoy being stunned to death and destroyed by hackers, cheaters and players who only join WZ as teams/groups. I haven't won a PUG WZ in forever. I get killed in litterally 5 seconds. Honestly, I see no fun in this game when it's so un-balanced in PVP its completely pointless to even log in.


    This patch completely destroyed whatever fun I was having playing it where at least I could last in a match long enough to do SOME damage. Not anymore.


    Since WOW just lost 1.3 million users in the past 4 months, I suspect SWTOR will also go the way of the Do-Do bird and die right along with it.


    Games that are completely unfair and not fun to play always die out. And so will SWTOR. Unless there's some magical patch coming out to stop cheaters and hackers and balance the game, it's going to die, mark my words.


    You come off as someone from a pve or rp server that has no fundamental knowledge of pvp. Your attention post also begs that assumption as well.

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