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Everything posted by rowenarrow

  1. So it seems to be a bit of a chore to join in on a guild farming EC and TFB (hm) and I would like to run them on both the REP and IMP side. I wanted to put a post out there to see if any others who know the run are interested. If so speak now and lets discuss the possibilities.
  2. Not trying to put a spin on this, but there have been a lot of IT based layoffs in this quarter. Letting go of "second in commands" is really no stranger in these times, so not entirely a bad sign. I am not aware of bioware's current status with this game, but they aren't the only ones feeling the squeeze. I hope this game can make it though, I really do.
  3. What is the staff's outlook on the first world event and when can we expect to see more? I personally think that the first was a lot of fun and in times like these I think a world event or mini event would help create more intrest.
  4. I would like to start with a basic clone of what Wow has for the Armory app...I think this would be a good place to begin with talks about developing an app.
  5. I would like to see an app as well. I have a few ideas and I would like to try to push these guys to have a team make an app for us.
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