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Posts posted by Digimanbyte_ID

  1. i would imagine that Twi'leks are not that popular as a race due to clipping issues and lack of headgear options due to the floppy head thingies (lekku?). It would be nice, but the list of things that would be nice if they happened is very very long. It's more likely the devs would focus their efforts on creating new races to sell through the cartel market or customizations that can be applied to several different races like hairstyles and eye colors. I'm sure more options for sith faces, tattoos for the green guys, etc. would make people happy, it's just that it doesn't translate into selling enough cartel coins to make the devs' bosses happy.


    One of the reasons why I didn't pick Twilek's was because of the clipping issue. But really it would be nice if Twileks could arrange their lekku in certain ways lik Bib Fortuna or Mission Vao. Instead they just leave them hanging there....like male appendages....


    I do disagree that Bioware wouldn't think it fruitful to add more options though. If they did add lekku styles this race I think many people would spend cartel coins to get them especially since it would open up more customizable options for companions.


    So a race design overhaul would be wonderous especially for the effort involved and the profit to be gained.

  2. I've unsubbed from the game due to various reasons, though I still have 20 or so days left. I got Marr on my Agent shortly before. :o


    Two Darth Marrs, lol :p: http://i.imgur.com/T5fIWX4.png


    Oh I get it, because you quit the mission and transported to the fleet.... Thanks for giving me that brief glimp of hope...


    Seriously why are there are spoiler warning for this? It was basically 30 minutes at the start of the expansion...

  3. I was really worried that this would happen and there would be bugs for my characters romance, played Jedi Knight for this expansion only, and by sheer luck none of my romantic partner Kira never appeared outside of the letter she gave me.


    Which sorta tipped me off that if I did meet her she wouldn't acknowledge the romance....


    Glad this is bug, but I thought it was meant to be cheap design choice because Bioware considered all the companion dialogues fire and forget and not have a record of them after completing them or the more logically cheap design choice because paying actors for more dialogue between choices would be expensive.

    1. Devs release an expansion barely a month ago
    2. Expansion includes an alliance system that has more replayable content than any of the other expansions
    3. Devs announce that within a few months, we will be getting content updates every single month...providing new storylines, gear, companions, crafting levels, and potentially more
    4. Devs announce a subscriber rewards program to give players who stay subscribed unique opportunities, as a "thank you" for supporting the game
    5. Devs make all of this available to subscribers for FREE, while other MMOs charge up to $60 for expansions with far less content, and far less content updates
    6. People on the forums still find a way to complain and show their overwhelming sense of self-entitlement


    I think he means because the way they release chapters and their requirements to continue to sub to get them plus the length each chapter takes to get through he is angry they are basically drip feeding us content to complete this story.


    Really the current story of this expansion is enticing and it's really infuriating to have to wait 3 months before each release.


    The good news, this actually gives me a reason to sub constantly, the bad news is I hate waiting too.

  4. I also prefer the option to disable it at the start of particular quests or instances.


    And no it doesn't add challenge to the heroics because my gear and abilities with my companion negate said challenge.


    Finally those against said idea should come up with a more legitimate reason then L2P and assume the ones against this can't.


    I don't mind losing gear, credits and experience in exchange for disabling this option, seems like a fair trade really.

  5. Hey everyone!


    As an update, it looks like one of our ISPs is having some trouble right now, which is likely causing the issue. We are working to get traffic switched onto a different ISP, which should resolve the issue.




    Why is it that I want to execute this ISP with a force choke?


    FWI I am playing sith warrior atm.

  6. The bonus mission for the The Trials on Voss is bugged


    The mobs in the mission in the trials instance can't be tagged as killed by my character. They are red, but after killing them they go grey and are locked. Because of this I am unable to start or even complete the bonus quest.


    I have tried resetting the local phases and resetting the mission countless times to no avail. I completed this quest before on my bounty hunter but my smuggler seems to have this problem. I assume a patch caused this recently.

  7. One day pubs were being a***s on Quesh, there was a patrol of several 55s running around to kill lowbies so I logged on my 55 op., went to the main pub base and proceeded in killing the people that were spawning at the shuttle.


    Granted that it is a little different from Yavin as in the medcenter is not right next to the place where you land so you can easily escape campers there is still a possibility to attack people when they land in some areas.


    I am not advocating this behaviour, I also wish that this area will be fixed and made a sanctuary. I am just pointing out the fact ganking a landing area is possible outside Yavin.


    Thats true but you also have to consider the traveling time the campers have to take when they revive and the space needed. With Yavin if you kill them they will comeback immediately. There is no traveling or coordination needed and there is no way to escape them as you need to be out of combat to use the travel point.


    You are effectively boxed in with no escape and the only way to overcome the camping is to have greater numbers.

  8. The GTN isn't that very well done and is a bother to put up for most people and its difficult trying to match prices of it to make a profit. Because of this most people will only care about the sale and may miss the actual going price. Plus you have to consider demand, especially with the recent leveling story plot boost many players may have been able level a considerable amount of alts to cover them for crafting goods and the new level cap, so most people won't be in demand for a few months at least.


    Eitherway GTN dictates what the market wants. If you the market wants cheap prices, then suck it up and find a more demanding products to sell. If not then buy them out and sell it on you own price.

  9. And we are in October now and yet the game population is almost the same as it was in summer. The people who left never came back.


    The problem was the slew of unfixed bugs in this game. The problem is a content schedule release every few months is that its basically a sprint, even if you didn't get all of it done it will still get pushed out the door.


    This causes a slew of bugs to occur as the lack of communication between departments in this company seems ridiculous I first thought it was the game engine, but really its the communication of the designers to the engineers, you mess around with the database and add a group of files accidentally and bam you get a cascade of bugs in other areas.


    Even so this game became very lacking in its end game PvP, and methods for arranging groups for end game, the communication is a joke as if you were doing dailies you would miss a recruitment going out to form a group for an OP's run. No one like sitting at their fleets space dock waiting for people to reply to LFG messages.


    A channel dedicated for looking for group would be ideal to this game, along with an advancement in cross server technology to increase the efficiency in finding group roles.


    I look at other MMO's with better communication WoW being number one with their method of gathering groups for group content and laugh at Bioware's philosophy of "server friendship land politeness" as they seem to flatly ignore the flaw that the community isn't a community when its flat out empty with no communication.


    One of my grips is the LFG and its effort to grey out OP/FP's you out level. Yeah I get that completing at higher levels makes the rewards look cheap, so why not just blank out the rewards instead. Even rewarding higher level players with helping those trying to form a group could help out a lot in this game aswell.

  10. I mean, you wake up, hit your work desk on a monday morning, which hits like a truck for everyone, and first thing you got to do is go through the piles of whining, entitlment, swearing, and all sorts of messages, polite or not, which all bring down to the same message " your game sucks , blah blah blah "


    Give'em a break. :(




    You think that isn't different for any other game? Hell even different Genres like FPS get worse. The good thing about SWTOR is the fact thats its pretty lacking in gaining attention. Even their add campaigns are weak. Hell I have seen people laugh at me when I mention the F2P content of this game as they don't believe a game could do that without some risk to the customers.

  11. @DimmuJanKaarl


    Are you using the WSAD movement keys to help your move around and dodge laser blasts? They don't move your target reticule so you can pound ships while dodging their incoming fire.


    Anyway those missions are for dailies and are for skilled rail shooting space mission players, if you want to improve you should check out playthroughs on youtube so you get the run down on what to do to pass them. It make only take an hour or so to get the run down and what to do.


    As for me, I really hope they break off with my ship with these rail guns. It would be nice to go through some missions trying to take capital ships like a PvE run Daily.

  12. Because SWTOR is STAR WARS. The STAR WARS fan-base is fanatically loyal, to STAR WARS. The test of the viability of SWTOR is not, is it a viable MMO, but does it accurately represent the STAR WARS IP and canon. The answer is yes, SWTOR is close enough to the STAR WARS canon and IP to satisfy STAR WARS fans that are looking for an MMO to play that is based on STAR WARS.


    Judged strictly as an MMO, SWTOR is pretty good, not perfect, no MMO is. But SWTOR is not just an MMO, it is STAR WARS. SWTOR has a familiar, and easy to use interface, predictable game mechanics in pve and solidly fun PvE. The best thing about SWTOR is its compelling implementation of the STAR WARS IP and canon.


    Let's look at SWTOR subscription numbers:




    Over 1 million subs. Could be better, could be much worse. No, SWTOR is not dying or dead. As long as it is a good representation of STAR WARS in an MMO, it will be a viable game.


    Actually you are pretty wrong. SWTOR no longer depends on subscriptions to survive, infact its entire payment methods were changed to reflect it. Subbing just give you full access to the game much quicker and faster, basically benefits. The money the game gets is from the cartel market.


    Infact as I look around I have found that customers no longer feel interested in a subscription barrier to play an MMO.

  13. Hi there,


    i wonder if SWTOR is successfull these days. The game itself evolved to something good, so i wont wonder if it actually adresses more players than it did in its initial phase, when the game wasnt really ready to be shipped.


    Has anyone got any informations about the current state / number of subscribers?


    Is the game finally successfull enough to let EA/Bioware keep running it?


    Thanks for reading (and answering, if ;))


    Considering other MMO's that require subs have taken a nose dive and the fact this game is still pumping our content even on free basis I have to say things are pretty good. I first thought the hero engine was the problem in this game, but have to recognize thats its the communication between departments that's the main issue, updating even minor files can cause a cascade of bugs in the database system of MMO. And MMO's are freaking huge and complicated.


    Anyway for a game that gives out weeks of content for free has to be doing some success if they keep releasing new content.

  14. Am I the only one who has a bad taste in their mouth reading every month that we get our "free" cartel coins?

    Could you please stop calling them free? They are not free! They are part of my sub and I pay money for them...


    Actually they are free, considering you actually have to pay real money to get Cartel coins off the site. Its nice to get something free because they appreciate my loyal service to the game. Very different to my old MMO game "**** and give more money for this NOW! Don't if you have been loyal subscribed for 6 years!"

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