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Everything posted by Xbladez

  1. Exactly, the interface stupidly dumb. Those NPCs I like to keep are in my "follower" tab and they might be gone without notice if they are scripted to be a dead one in future updates, the original companions are all all gray out due to the story but it's fine to me since I don't like all original companions of Jedi Consular class (minus Nadia), I knew there is alert for Qyzen but I hate that lizzard species so he can rot to dead in that quest. The 2 NPCs that actually showing up in my companion tab are Elara Dorne and Ensign Temple and I DON'T EVEN WANT THEM in the first place. So far I'm only done 1 alert quest for Xalek just to kill him out of my way and the rest of the alert quest will not be touch, an option to abandon them forever would be nice too.
  2. I played this game since beta with a group of friends on a PvP server Jungma for few months until BW failed so bad on PvP aspect, we all quit at that point. Few years later, I stumbled into swtor again with SoR and bought 90 days sub and quit again after 90 days sub time up, I never play F2P option cause BW will try to get your money with unlocks thingies every corner of the game. Another few years passed and I'm recently stumbled into swtor again while browsing Amazon and saw a good deal package of KoFTE and KoET so I bought it to see how the new stories...Now, I have 1 year of game time on my account and enjoying the solo PvE aspect. I still hate that after 7 years some bugs and glitches since the game in BETA phase still exist in game nowadays!
  3. The only company that FIRED all Dev. Team and spend millions of dollars to revive a failed game is Square Enix. They did that to revive FF14 game, and they even called back the original lead game design, and the coding team from FF11 to redo the FF14. Square Enix regularly update/fixing old contents and release new contents every 3 months to please their players base and trust me with all that works on the dev team shoulder, they still not please everyone! There is NO HOPE for SWTOR period! I'm playing while this game still up but I don't hope for anything!
  4. I don't see the point for this option? Care to elaborate?
  5. It's not going to please the players base. I was playing on a PVP server before BW do all the server merge, and most of the time questing players DO NOT want to encounter red flagged name tag from other faction, There are some case that a large guild full all their members to a some spot/planet hub for some must do quest from other faction and gank everything down (you are red = you are dead meat). Also, there are few places that free PVP for anyone enter and those areas are DEAD EMPTY = wasting resources for NOTHING
  6. Nah, the leveling curve way to easy now if you have legacy exp buffs and exp boost throwing at you every few quests if you are a subber (I'm assume that you are subbed), with those listed buffs my toon was level 44 when I leave Nar Shada and almost level 60 after complete tat/alderran and level 70 once I hit Voss.
  7. I was same boat like you with my original sorc/sage characters, I remade a shadow tank with pure tank spec or tank mode with pure dps gears for soloing, I enjoy the contents much more than my sage/sorc if you consider gearing up alts then go with melee classes
  8. Another solo player here, I like to play the game in my own spaces, own time without rush cause normally everyone in the group demanded to space bar to skip everything. I made a new character and I didn't even touch Oricon/illum on the new toon cause I knew to finish that story I will need to run few OPS at the end of quests chain. I also hate that "Facture Alliance" story are bound to OPS (Umbra/Traitor among Chiss) but those OPS at least had the story mode to solo so you can see the result but I refer how they do with KoTFE and KoET because story concluded at the end. Note: I'm not even counting that people left in middle of the OPS run or folks ignored all the mechanic or just being dumb or trolling to make peoples mad and everyone left, and I'm only one stuck in a group OPS and try to solo them with my healer companion.....
  9. It's not grant the class buff or completion to legendary status BUT you can use the datacron to get 70 then only do the class story which only few quests per planet and taking less than 10 hours of your play time (I do not care about LS/DS choices or cutscene), I use this method because I hate none force user classes (trooper and smuggler class) and zip through everything, all that took me 3 nights (5 hours per night) to complete those 2 classes story, then I just use them as a crafting characters.
  10. Ah, I must be missed that option somehow hehehe I'll pay attention next time if I bored enough to run through the story again with other character. Thanks
  11. Also, is there a way to reject all the alert quests? (Shoulda give me an option to kill or kick that ugly looking Yuun out of my alliance...) I just did the "findsman" quest and I now have a bunch of alerts and I don't want any of them to be part of my companion. It's annoying to see that damn icon on top of my screen flashing nonstop and seem like nowhere to disable it.
  12. All I can say "RNG is RNG" I'm pretty much got full set 230 for my shadow with command level below 50, I'm at tier 2 command now and getting legendary (gold) modifications items quite often, I just swapping out the lower tier mods. I even got the offhand tier 2 (236) dropped right after I hit tier 2 (level 90).
  13. I used amazon bundle 2 times in less than 1 month and it's worked. The system will add up the game time and CC to your account but extra physical stuff are void since you already owned it.
  14. Companion should be class specific bound. I do not want other classes companion become my screw companion, if they were in the story then it's fine but not permanent companion. For example: I'm a Jedi with the last 2 expansionsI having ton of Sith Empire companions following me when all my light decisions are conflicted to them...same for Sith having Jedi faction companion minus some odd cases like Lord scourge who's love to kill dark choices. What's the point asking me to seek out a Dark Xalex then I just decided to kill him since I don't want him to be part of my screw and non kill able Kaliyo (I hate that liar ***** even I have Agent Class)...Why would I want Scorpio be part of my screw?...etc. It's just dumb to throw everything to me and they are not even my original companion. For a exception I do love Vette since she kinda neutral for both Jedi and Empire and her line very funny but it does take away the special leveling Sith Warrior to have Vette...Now everyone can have Vette if they decided to save her instead of Torian.
  15. It's not overpower if they revert all the companions back to vanilla stage where daily Heroics pretty much impossible to complete without a real party.
  16. Xbladez


    Treek was helpful to me before they generalize all companions. EX: Sith Inquisitor doesn't get healer companion (Talos) very late into the game around level 37~42 so having treek right at the stater zone is a big advantage for quest solo, same for HK-51. Nowadays, I used HK-51 and Treek as a screw skill companions and sending them for mission as soon as I get off the starter zone, with KoTFE and KoET HK-51 and Treek are soon forgotten in an ocean of companions that BW throw at me like candies.
  17. I did some research about DvL previous event and none of the rewards interest me enough to do all the stupid old grind all over again.
  18. They are not going to fix it, if the issue are not game mechanic breaking. Assassin and Shadow class having issue with weapon floating on the screen (its not become transparency like smuggler or Agent classes) while in stealth, it is left un-touch for over 7 years since the game in beta phase and still exist in game.
  19. I'm returned recently so I have no clue what going on with DvL event but reading from you guys replies and I'm curious why the even required to make 8 toons, it's just stupid ridiculous for someone don't like to make more than 1 character...
  20. I'm not sure this request/suggestion already asked before so I just want to make a suggest. I saw a weapon on market place selling single bladed "unstable lightsaber" weapon skin and there is no double blade lightsaber version of that unstable lightsaber. When you create a weapon skin you should consider do for both classes that using single and double blade lightsaber. Do you think I would quit my shadow and play sentinel/marauder/sage/sorc...etc classes just because I love the weapon skin?
  21. Thanks, I thought that only work for vanila original companions and I was paranoid about the pop up warning message lol
  22. I returned to the game and finished up all new story expansions and gained ton of companion under "main character". I DID NOT read any spoilers or story guides on any web site so I spend time and credits for companions gift to level them up. Here is the issue when I start the "Fracture World" story (flash point story), I lost Theron Shan companion. I don't want to spend all the time farming gifts then wasted/lost them in future release. So these companion under "Main Character" are not permanent?
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