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Everything posted by JHoltJHolt

  1. +1 ! Thank You sir!! Today's generations, and even some In the generation just under me are bunch of spoilt little brats. If they're not crying and waving signs on forums, they're crying and waving signs in front of wall street. Be thankful for this game, play and enjoy it. Our culture has accomplished more than any other society in human history. **** and play or go do something worth while you snot nosed little *****.
  2. UO and Warhammer Online. SWTOR is very promising, and with all of the changes coming to pvp it will ramp up and get in line. I'm looking forward to it.
  3. How do you acquire a bag in pvp warzone? And when y'all say "token" do you mean "commendations"?
  4. Thank You Sir!! I miss the old days back in '97 getting murdered in the mines just trying to make a living as a smithy! So I picked up a sword, crafted some plate and swore and oath to fight those PKs and protect other miners and woodcutters. Good times! If only they made MMOs like that again. But then the griefers arrived... Just wanting to grow flowers and **** without fear of pvp... Trammel and Falucia was the beginning of the end. I still played until 2001, the guild wars kept pvp fresh for awhile. I wish Richard Gariot would get off his *** and make a UO2. Bring back the PKs and the mines!
  5. What crafting skill are the Crystal Gemstones used for? I've got Power Crystals and Color Crystal for Artifice, but my treasure hunting is yielding all these "Gemstones". What do they craft?
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