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Posts posted by PurveyorOfTruth

  1. I've noticed quite a few people mentioning having a problem with framerates and ability activation delay within Warzone and I share this experience. My computer surpasses the system requirements for this game and runs it with all settings maxed without a hitch outside of warzones. However, in Warzones, I cannot maintain an acceptable framerate with all video settings at minumum. Changing the video settings appears to have no noticeable effect on this problem.


    In the present state, the game is essentially promising to be incapable of actually functioning as an MMO, with multiplayer situations being incapable of properly running on any setting level on a machine that meets the system requirement criteria.


    Has BioWare acknowledged this problem at all?


    Don't blame BW, blame EA. They are the publishers, so it is their servers. If you are experiencing lag it is because of the servers trying to handle all that data from 16 different computers, it is probably cuasing the MoBo to bottleneck.


    Sigh...this is probably why BW hasn't acknowledged most of these complaints. People who QQ about this have no idea how IT or networks function.


    EA will never acknowledge any wrongdoing either, they are the devil.

  2. Everyones health stays at 100 percent and doesn't show the damage they are taking. If they get that fixed i'll probably try again. Right now I can't tell who needs heals unless I manually target their toon.


    Ok this is absolute BS. Raid frames show when players take damage, please post a video of a FP or a WZ where there is absolutely no change happening to the raid frames, then I will believe you.


    It may be slow to respond, but it is not broken.

  3. None of this happens in World of Warcraft, the end.


    Umm lol yes it does! It just doesn't happen at the speed that it does with TOR. It might happen at 1/10 of a second, at which point it is almost indiscernible to the naked eye. This is most likely a server issue that is dependent on BUS speeds. If you learned to comprehend what you read, you would've noticed that I mentioned that point.


    Thank you for failing.


    Also you never countered my point that if it is happening to everyone, how is it not balanced?

  4. Are you stupid? Raid frames are the most important thing for a healers. Being able to triage correctly and know where to focus is our number one priority. With ****** targeting (which fails a lot) and raid frames that don't update (or don't even display all of the players - my favorite), how are you supposed to do your job properly?


    No, but you look like you are a few IQ points short of double digits. Raid frames display all the players, I've never had an instance otherwise. Your focus should be on the tank and doing OH on DPS when needed. The raid frames do update, albeit a little slow, but not slow enough where all the players are dead before you realize; ZOMG who were Iz healingz?!1


    Also as far as targeting goes, you have a tab button, its on the left hand side of your keyboard, use it. You may actually find it easier than having to use your brain, since that is really what you are complaining about.

  5. My favorite.


    Slow to respond and unresponsive are two separate things. I still don't understand why people get so butt hurt over a quarter second of a delay... that's 1/4 of one second. Is ADHD really starting to become that prevalent that most people can't wait a quarter second to see an animation occur?


    And if the delay is happening for everybody then it IS balanced. *sigh*


    Also for those who don't know how coding or IT integration work, there will always be a delay that has nothing to do w/ FPS or latency. Mostly because of the time it takes for a signal to travel from your hardrive to one of EA's servers. This usually independent from latency and has more to do with bus speed. Maybe EA bought some crappy servers? It wouldn't surprise me.


    Anyway sorry for the thread Hijack :D

  6. Honestly, it's not even fun.


    I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


    It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


    It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


    Wait so if I'm getting this right, you are saying healing sucks in TOR because it is not like WoWs healing?


    What unresponsive targeting system? yeah no wonder you won't get into that, because you pulled that statement out of your schving schving.


    Raid frames aren't perfect and the UI could use some restructuring as a whole, but it doesn't break the game for healers.


    You are QQing that your healer can not take damage like a tank can. Sit down think about that, and let it sink in. Next time you PvP stay like 10-20 meters away from all the main action.



  7. Awesome post OP.


    I still do not get the QQ about having all level ranges together.


    I was PvPing like crazy from 15-20 and really did not have any issues with 50s. Sure I get beat by some, but I also beat others. It definitely was not make and break for my game play. I had a blast and did very well statistically getting 5+ medals and being in the top 5 consistently for damage.


    I think a lot of the QQ about 50s against lower levels is more like they were getting destroyed and losing and this is the any easy thing to bring up and QQ about.


    The reason people are QQing is because of the stat/power bonuses and such that you get from traits after you level and because of the extra powers you get when you're L50 compared to lower levels.


    Still not a game breaker IMO, but tiers would help.

  8. You forgot one;




    All people do is QQ about everything but I'm the only smart person on the forums and everything is fine and perfect, they're just bad




    I didn't say everything was perfect, now did I?


    There are obvious flaws, if you would've read my second post, you would've seen that the tier problem is one of them. Another is losing your group after a warzone.


    But none of these flaws are as game breaking or as one sided as most QQers make it out to be.


    If you do not understand how to use tactics in a warzone w/ teammates, then yes you are bad. Learn to improve your RL skills, instead of QQing about something that isn't going your way.

  9. Oh damnit, if I noticed this thread, I wouldn't have made one of my own.


    But yeah most QQ about PvP is because of players that don't now how to play objective based PvP. Or they are mad that their current build isn't steamrolling everyone.


    If you have someone complaining about an OP class that is because they have no idea how to work as a team, and instead expect all warzones to play out as deathmatch.

  10. I forgot to add the QQing about tiers. Mostly because I do agree that Lvl 50s need their own tier.


    Someone said it best when they said; one tier for 10-29, one tier for 30 to 49, and one tier for 50.


    Hopefully this will be implemented a month or so after launch, once there are enough L50s to fill up warzone ques.


    However in the meantime it is not destroying the game to the point where I'm going to QQ about it.


    Anyway the main point of my thread is that the people who QQ about PvP either QQ because they suck or QQ because they aren't currently steamrolling everyone with their current build.

  11. QQ


    I suck so much, that I never win. It must be that OP Sorc/BH/Troop/Marauder/Shadow/IA. BW needs to nerf that class ASAP or I'm canceling my sub and telling all my friends to cancel. BW will fail unless they nerf all classes besides mine, because I have no skill or sense of tactics.




    I have too much free time on my hand and have reached L50 one day after launch (thank you EGA). PvP sucks and End-game content suck. There are no Lvl 50s besides me, I'm canceling my sub unless BW adds more PvP endgame content (<---- logic fail).




    PvP warzones suck. ZOMG! BW, why couldn't you add 6000 warzones at launch? I know you spent nearly 3 years working on 8 separate story lines and making sure almost everything is voice acted, but come on, three warzones? And they all suck!! Hutball sucks because I play w/ PUGs and play it like it was deathmatch. Voidstar sucks because it sucks and Alderaan sucks because it has been done before.




    I want Arenas! BW sucks for not adding Arenas! I'm canceling my sub!







    Please BW don't listen to all the QQ threads. Most of these people whining about PvP, are horrible @ PvP in the first place unless they are all decked out in superior gear which allows them to steamroll their opponents, letting them feel uber leet. Without this feeling of uber leetness, PvP is unfullfilling for the QQ crowd.


    However for those of use who know how to work as a TEAM in an OBJECTIVE based PvP map, PvP is working out fine for us. I don't notice anything uber OP to the point where its game breaking. Almost everything has a counter (even tho your specific class may not have that counter).


    And as far as the endgame content is, I wouldn't know. But there is this place called Illum, for all you QQers whining about no world PvP. :rolleyes:


    But yes please do add Arenas. So that all the idiots that play warzones like it was deathmatch can have a place to go and play deathmatch and not screw up objective based warzones.


    Thank you very much and let the flames begin!

  12. Basically what I would like to see done in order of importance:


    1) Server wide LFG channel: *PLEASE NO CROSS SERVER* stuff. I agree with a lot of the people here that it ruins a lot of the fun and you also run into problems w/ not being able to trade items w/ eachother. A server wide LFG channel however would be perfect and easily implementable. People who don't want to get spammed LFG requests can just turn off the channel.


    2) World PvP on PvP Servers: I'm mostly a PvE person myself, but it is a little absurd that you don't have full world PvP on PvP servers @ the lower levels. Now I understand Illum (or whatever) is a lvl 50 world PvP, but most people join PvP servers with the intent to world PvP from day one.


    3) Movable UI: I'm not in a rush to have it customizable, but at least let us move the UI as we see fit. Yeesh sometimes my mission screen will block my item screen or something similar to that effect and it is frustrating to not be able to move the UI.


    4) Quest reward information: Self-explanatory. Let us know what we get before deciding whether or not a quest is worth it. Story be damned sometimes, I need loot! (Although very good story so far BW, well done.)


    5) Fix memory leaks: This really should be #1, but it hasn't been game breaking for many people as of late, so really I don't see the need to rush it. However it still is pretty high up on the list of important updates.


    6) Free server transfers: At least for those of us that had EGA. Some of us chose servers that were Light or Medium at the time, but due to the large influx of people since EGA started, those servers have become full and now require some of us to wait long que times. Also this should alleviate some of the congestion on servers currently available since I tend to see a sporadic # of light servers available.


    I guess that its for now. Somehow I feel like I'm forgetting something though.

  13. Im proud to say that I enjoy Armormech. I have managed to keep my armor and the armor of my companions up to date. The flaw in your reasoning is that once you get orange pieces then you'll be set for the entire game. The problem is getting said orange pieces to drop and then being able to actually customize said orange pieces. I have a couple of oranges that are unable to be modded.


    But thanks to armormech, I can keep my armor up to date and use the commendation to buy mods for the few oranges that I do have.


    The flaw(s) in your reasoning is that you can get orange loot in many more ways than just drops. All My orange loot I've either gotten from a quest or a vendor. Also how were you unable to mod your orange pieces? I call BS on that, unless its a bug. All orange pieces are modifiable.


    I can keep my armor up to date just fine w/o armormech by acquiring mods armor mods for my orange armor. I can see your reasoning in using it for your companion, but that alone doesn't make it more useful than the other crafting skills, now does it?

  14. Why pick cybertech when you can just buy the mods for marks ... I have full orange set and I don't have cybertech. Finish planet -> buy mods with commendations ... no point wasting time on cybertech. Armortech would actually be more useful because I could at least craft gear for my companion ...



    Ok so basically you're saying the only reason Armormech is useful is for your companion...This doesn't make it useful overall and, in my opinion, is mechanically flawed.


    My point still stands. Once you have an Orange piece of armor you no longer need to switch it out, as long as you keep the mods updated. This even applies to pieces you acquire @ lvl 10. Theoretically they can be useful until lvl 50. If that's the case then the only reason to even seek other armor is for aesthetic purposes, which makes it a 'flawed' game play mechanic because other armors no longer effect game stats.


    Also I think w/ cybertech you can craft better mods than the ones you can get from merchants.

  15. If I can just mod orange items, why would I need to craft my own? Wouldn't cybertech be a better choice? Would I be able to craft a better unit of armor than something an orange unit would provide me? I really don't see the benefit in Armormech if there are modifiable orange armors.


    Maybe Armormech is just good for looks? because as far as I know, you can only reverse engineer to purple (and its a pain to get there). Is purple somehow better than orange...?


    Right now I don't see any benefit in having Armormech at all and regret taking it as a crew skill. I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong, and shed some light on it's benefits.

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