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Posts posted by PurveyorOfTruth

  1. With 'Defensive Measures' It provides that the target is immobilized upon being drawn to you, it does not offer a stun, I have had no issues using this PvE/PvP. If it's not immobilizing for you that may be a different issue.


    I see what you are saying. Ahh Ok, well then damn it time to respec :'(.

  2. I am so sick of all the OP threads about every single class. It is ridiculous. The majority aren't even 50 yet. You can't possibly know what is balanced or imbalanced until at least 3-6 months in.


    Shhh! common sense on these forums will get you flamed so hard, satan will feel pity.

  3. Hi


    I don't know whether this is a bug or me just being dum. But on the Warzone where you have to detonate doorways to win the game. It's happened four times now where I detonate 3 out of the 4 doors, yet when it comes to the end of the game I hve 0 Objective points. I don't know whether this is just stat whoring or do those objective points mean experience?


    Thanks a lot


    Yeah objective points seem to not be working properly, or there is little sense in their mechanic at this time. I have no idea which it is, but if you are in WZs for medals, the current system is making objective based play worthless.

  4. Ok I'm going to go a little OT here...


    But these forums remind me of that South Park episode, "Human Cent-Ipad", where basically Steve Jobs' new innovation is a human tablet that will read EULAs for you. Even after showing off his new toy, the human cent-Ipad was still unable to read the contract that came with the human cent-Ipad itself.


    I'm just saying after a bueatifully thought out (and written) post like this, people are still creating the same QQ threads, somehow thinking theirs is more substanial.




    It must be true, people just don't read anymore.



  5. Just because the people you play PUGs with (and possibly yourself) have no idea how to play a coordinated game, does not mean the state of PvP is disgusting. If anything your lack of skill and tact is disgusting.


    Sorry but this thread is another fail QQ thread.

  6. Well this is an obvious exploit and should be remedied. I guess BioWare forgot to take the "human nature" factor in account when designing Illum.


    The majority of people move towards tangible reward, while a select few are in it for the self satisfaction.


    Here is a quick and easy solution that can be implemented rather quickly(minor code changes), until more viable options are thought of:


    1) Change dailies and weeklies from objective based to Kill/Damage/Heal/Protection based. This would probably also help people work as a team if the rewards are balanced properly.


    2) Allow so that control of certain areas give server-wide faction bonuses. This will stop other sides from exploiting the daily/weekly issue and also make it worth wile for factions to cap and HOLD objectives.


    *NOTE: I haven't played Illum yet, once I get there hopefully I can come up with some better ideas.

  7. Servers can't handle packets properly if the code was not written sufficiently - and that blame does go to BioWare.


    Any lag problems go to BioWare. This is just an occasion where they will have to learn that an MMO and especially PvP in MMO's can't be handled the same way that single player games are handled.


    I have had the problem several times where I go to use a short range special (4m) and it just won't land even though it shows me right on top of the person. In actuality I am about 10m behind them. When I move up and use the same skill it updates the location of the person. So yes there is a desync between what the server is actually calculating and what it is sending back as an update to the client.


    Then there is the unverified issued of long animations effecting GCDs. I for one would be very happy if they just redid combat and got rid of GCDs and put everything on its own cool down.


    It can be code OR server issues. The fact that it is happening mostly in WZ where a lot of people are exchanging information rapidly, makes me think its on EA's server's end.


    Where is your rational that this is BW's fault? All you are saying is, "I know the game wasn't coded properly causing the packets to bottleneck! because I just know!" You're example just points to a desync, not that it is originating from code.


    as far as GCD goes,I haven't noticed that yet. But I didn't pay much attention.

  8. South Koreans. That's it. Nothing else to do there. They also watch paint dry and grass grow as competitive sports in Seoul. They have a stadium where people simply watch grass grow.


    Doesn't mean it is a good idea for this game.


    Wow this has to be the most prejudiced and self serving comment on these forums. Unless you have been to S. Korea , you have no idea what goes on there. Also I could say the same things for half of America (I'm an American). Lol just because you're opinion is one thing, doesn't nullify the opinion of an entire nation.


    And yes it is a good idea for a game, e-sports is what kept Starcraft 1 alive and well for over 12 years! Nothing else gave Starcraft that longevity other than a bunch of people COMPETING against each other for titles and recognition, not to mention money.


    Hmmm that sounds a lot like sports to me.


    You need to get out of your ignorant little bubble of all sports needing physical contact. Not to mention that chess is considered a sport in Russia.

  9. From what I can gather, this boils down either to code or EA's POS servers. For those of you who know nill about computers and networking, BUS speeds are extremely crucial. This is the speed at which the Motherboard is able to move data around to computer to different parts (i.e from hardrive to memory). Cheap servers w/ cheap mobos can get severely bottle-necked if trying to handle massive amounts of data from a lot of people. In extreme cases they crash.


    I'm sure EA was aware of this when buying their POS servers, that's why they had low-ish pop caps on them, with so many filling up so fast, and with ques being ridiculously long for servers. Even now I see about 70-80% of all servers operating at very heavy and full levels. with only 50 players on average being on any instanced planet at a time.


    What did EA and BW do? blame the consumer for not choosing the right server. Oh and that whole guild placement issue didn't help either. That was one of the reasons this whole que thing became viral.


    Anyway enough rant from me. But I doubt EA or BW will address this problem soon(referring to Reid's comments), it may be too costly, but if they lose enough subs due to it, they'll likely change their tune. We can just wait and see.

  10. First I was a very big supporter of this game since 2009. I was active on these forums up to launch daily. I really wanted this game to be amazing. I pre-ordered CE and DE's on day 1 of pre orders in july. So while you may not agree with my opinion it should concern you that a hard core fanboy has this opinion of the game. Here we go.


    Since Launch I have already canceled my account. I played to 25


    I stopped reading there.

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