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Everything posted by crqp

  1. Maybe SWTOR could let u make your own starship for your legacy. So say you make a starship on your trooper. All of your legacy characters on the republic side gets that ship.
  2. I think Once you get to lvl 30 or maybe 55 you could unlock a special class for your specific species. so maybe Chiss species get some chiss ascendancy job or something. Maybe Mirialin gets Jedi Archive Master. or Human gets Mandalorian Warrior
  3. This happened to me a couple times on the journey to lvl 55 as a merc and my way is: -Kill lots of ppl and pick up all goods and sell or use them -Do lots and lots of missions - third and most important DO NOT WASTE THE MONEY hoped i helped:rak_03:
  4. Wait a second, do you have to be on the public test server or on any server?
  5. OH MY GODD!! coolness i think this will be awesome, but me I haven't been on the fleet much so i might not go to the cartel bazaar. Anyways it wil be cool:rak_03:
  6. Yes well in 2.2.1 PvP became more intense, so sniper marauder are quite good with merc moving up the charts in PvE and PvP because I have seen it and they snowballed so hard almost killing me in 5 hits! PvE though have to say goes to maybe Vanguard, it has gotten much better:rak_03:
  7. If they add new weapons from BIO-Ware and put them in a flashpoint. I hope we would be able to use them outside of the flash point. I hope
  8. Well now in the new patch (2.2.1) It might be marauder Sniper or assassin perhaps because they are dominant in PvP, so just thought. Although I do agree with Skodan. It really does matter how you play your class and what gear you get.
  9. Well I have always like Czerka so it seems like it's going to be cool.
  10. Hmmm.... True but if you had trandoshan on Jedi Consular as a female, would that mean you and Qyzen fess could have romance, right?
  11. Well next i am so voting Bowdaar or Torian cause they have a really cool story behind them. Also favorite companion is Torian.
  12. Yes all of those people and then Torian Cadera and Bowdaar too.
  13. Cannot say I liked Corso so much either, but probably Gault is the worst companion not Corso. Corso probably 3rd worst.
  14. Already have quit my smuggler and now i am definitely NOT going back to her:(
  15. Yeah the but you shouldn't buy them then if you think you are gonna lose cartel coins should you? And it teaches you what the star wars universe was like.
  16. I think the next species comin up should be Houk or Trandoshan because they look and have so much interesting facts. So if it isn't then it might be..... Wookie! Cause that is just an epic species!
  17. Me, I have played Sniper and merc for me merc was much much better:wea_02: So i think you should just play merc not sniper. Reasons: 1.) Sniper very hard to lvl in 25 to 30 2.) Merc super good dps
  18. Well miraluka i don't like no offense;) but i like chiss:D so i named mine Blue death
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