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Posts posted by Svelok

  1. For trash/week mobs I usually start sniping one, set an explosive probe on another and grenade the third which sets of the explosive probe. time it right and they all get hit with a short space of time.


    This is pretty much exactly what I do as well, and I believe it is probably the most efficient way of dealing with packs of weak mobs. For packs with a strong or higher I just have Kaliyo tank the tougher mob while I deal with the weaker mobs first. Hope this helps. Stick with it, snipers are awesome lol :).

  2. Look in the left hand corner of your screen, THAT is how many people on your server. The queues arent going anywhere for a few days until the new people get started on the new servers, THE END!


    I'm pretty sure that is the number of people currently in the zone you are in, not the whole server.


    EDIT: BlackRifle beat me to it :).

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