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Posts posted by Jamalzero

  1. I recently came back and within 5 mins of playing I don't like the new system... its basically a credit sink... I preferred it when the "armoring" has the set bonus and not the actual "shell" of gear. Does anyone else prefer this over having the Armoring???


    I mean before you put a MK-(whatever) into your shell and you upgrade your adaptive armor as you go and upgrade augments as you go and not have to replace the MK at all if you bought/crafted the highest one...


    Now I have to either not use augments or constantly craft MK slots and constantly replace my gear which is tedious and quite expensive to maintain my min/max damage/heals/damage absorption... Honestly I hate this new system for this reason alone...


    when i started collecting the new gear and noticed when i ripped the amorings out and put it in my adaptive gear and saw the set bonus was gone and instead on the shell i ripped it out of i was livid and asked chat does it ever just go to the armoring and found out it doesnt... why would you go from armoring based set bonuses to shell based??? I know back in the days of EV/KP/EC being the only operations that was the case but after it was changed i loved the fact i wasnt restricted to one armor and had to constantly upgrade MK slots when swapping gear. this is now annoying as wit was back then. please change it back...





    • The heal given to Ballistic Shield by Defensive Safeguards has been reduced from 3% to 1% of maximum health per second while under Ballistic Shield

    DevNotes: The Sniper’s defensive cooldowns were too strong, so we reduced the effectiveness of Defensive Safeguards.






    Can you stop nerfing classes to appease the PVP community??? Cant you just put a code in that (inside a war zone) damage, defense, health, healing, etc are decreased to a certain amount and leave PVE alone? PVP has literally dictates so many changes its ridiculous... anyone remember the sniper ability Eviscerate or Headshot??? No?.... anyone?..... Removed because you couldn't activate them in PVP...... Slice droid, not even sure why, that got removed... the 8 target flash bang on snipers... why just why... that nerf was extremely annoying PVP sure yea i can see how that can turn the tide of battle in TWO war zones (Voidstar and Novar Coast) but thats about it... that code could have been written, "upon entry of a war zone X ability only affects one target" this update with the ballistic shield my immediate thought was what, people in PVP complaining about the sniper heal that ticks for about 5k? In a HM operation thats pretty decent if the whole team dies and the sniper is the only one alive and the boss has 5% HP left (actual scenario I lived, boss died).


    So whats next in a later patch Powertech healing nerf? i mean they get 7 shoulder rockets that heal for 5% and kolto over drive that heals them up to 70% why not strip that from them and make it mercenary exclusive? they are not healers why do they have a heal ability? lol


    While were at it take away the enrage defense from juggernaughts they shouldn't have a heal that does more healing than incoming damage to pop them back up.


    oh we can also take away the overdrive saber heal and assassins shelter from assassins, they don't need that they have saber ward and force shroud.


    why not just remove all healing abilities from the game if they're not specced healer. that should make it easier for the PVP community to kill each other since that is your overall goal


    Oh, one more thing... Since PVP is dictating changes, can we get a resolve bar for PVE content at least on planets outside of phases? why is it that only in PvP with limited stuns do we get a resolve bar and not on planets doing regular questing where an NPC can just paddle off stuns like no tomorrow??? THAT should be changed to where a resolve bar is just active period and it fills up just like it does in PVP and once full has the same effect of being immune to stuns for 6 seconds and then resets preventing NPCs from doing exactly what happens in PVP... obviously in a phase for story or Operations remove the bar.

  3. All you PvPers whining about how one class kicked your butt in a match and therefore must be nerfed, is why the game is so far out of whack now.


    Will they eventually fix it? I'm not holding my breath....


    THIS!!!! THIS RIGHT HERE, THIS IS WHY CLASSES GET NERFED.... has nothing to do with PvE content... its ALWAYS PvP......... Anyone remember Saber Bash? Spin Kick? Headshot? Eviscerate? Four abilities with pretty cool animations removed from the game because they couldnt be activated in a warzone... the requirement to activate these was a weak or standard target had to be snared or stunned...


    PT shoulder rocket, Sin teleport, Operative kolto injection, Mara 0 meter force jump and crit heals, sniper Roll bang, sniper flash bang, any of the stuns (remember when cryo grenade, electricute, electro dart, and the jedi stun could be used at 30 meters?) ALL nerfed because someone complained in PvP

  4. No, thanks.


    In PVE we can stun, push, knock back and interrupt our enemies, but they should not do that? Not fair. That is a part of the game, a little challenge in some places (really in all the planets? are you just kidding?), and can be played succesfully with any class. My sentinel is probably the worst class to play in most situations when survavility is needed, and i never thought about some kind of nerfing on enemies tactics, whatever they use to kill me. They are a test to adjust ourselves and learn new tactics. Resolve bar is not needed for PVE.


    Im not saying nerf the enemies, I'm saying add a resolve bar to be immune to controlling effects for 6 sec once full… JUST LIKE PVP


    If PvP can dictate how classes get affected(nerf/buff), why not PvE content as well???


    Say this to the one of sub-bosses of heroic on Oricon.

    Many people know who im talking about. Its a sniper or operative (i don't remember exactly).

    He will stun you. Then again. Again. Again. And so on.

    No AC in game have SO much stuns as this boss.

    Also there is some crazy version of jedi/sith. He will smash you, then push you, then stun you. And again smash your face to the ground.

    Challenge? Tactics? Definatly not.


    Again another good point i forgot about the Champs on Oricon. Yes, they get 5-6 stuns off every 10 sec when you or with another player can only use your 2 hard stuns every 45 sec… On my Operative in full 180, and my Treek in full 168 i can solo this and its not really an issue but thats on my melee toons… my range classes on the other hand… not so much I only have 1 stun breaker (2 if you're a sorc/sage) a minute… and only ENG snipers have the 40 sec immunity to stuns/knockbacks/roots but to do so they must stay in cover and get slapped in the face by a glowstick.

  5. Hey Jamal


    Hey hows it going? Did mom tell you I got advanced to the next pay grade off the last exam cycle? Im now an YN2/E-5. WOOT WOOT! :D


    The only MMO out there that I know and did it good...Lord of the Rings Online. After your character gets stunned or otherwise controled and after the effect expires you get a buff that lasts a minute or so (don't remember the exact amout of time, been a while) and during this time you cannot be stunned/dazed/blinded again.


    Works great in both pve and pvp.


    If only they incorporated that into this game… Blackhole would be soooooooo much better… Half the reason I don't do dailies now… Id rather speed run through Red Reaper (10min FP at lv 55 and a nice 65k Pay off… Much faster than dailies with a better income).

  6. You're still alive Jamal?


    Anywho the boss mobs for the Oricon heroic that do continuous stuns would be appreciated for this.


    Yeah I'm still alive lol


    After the 1st reply i thought the thread would die so i didn't revisit it until today to see the support it got lol

    Well... that would kind of help for the champion mobs on Oricon, but it does nothing for large mobs. Take Hammer Station HM, where every single npc of strong rating has a knockback. Or the black hole heroic... pull push pull push pull push... Doesn't matter how long the cooldown is, they use it as soon as they can, in turns.


    Black Hole is the biggest headache ever… doing that on a Sorc is so frustrating i have given up on Soloing the heroic. On my Merc/Jug/Op/Sniper/PT/Sin I can do it solo but its still annoying but on my sorc where i have to channel every thing and i get stunned/pushed/pulled every 2 sec its a bit much and even if I'm in a group BC my sorc is almost 180 geared i rip aggro quick and the same thing happens.


    while it can be annoying solo, I don't mind it too much. its when trying to tank in a group, that's where I get annoyed. becasue

    1 - you cannot interrupt instant cast abilities.

    2. not all of them stun you, some just throw you around, so stun breakers are worthless. and your gap closer still has cooldown and it just makes tanking more stressful. it can already be challenging when your group is spread out and you are tanking on a jug with no pull or ranged attacks to speak of :/


    not sure if resolve bar will solve it. I'd rather they lay off instant cast ragdolling abilities. keep the ones you can interrupt, becasue at least those you can do something about.


    Yeah this is my point and in Fps like say the Tactical ones and you're 4 DPSing it (i know you could queue group but not all of us do this all the time) the Jedi/Sith boss at the end of KDY my God what was Bioware thinking…. that Boss is by far the Nightmare of any Range DPS you can't sit still to do anything for more than 8 sec (half a rotation) i get that they might have thought lets get the newbies raid awareness up early so when they hit 55 they will move out of stupid… but 2 AOE stuns every 5 sec and a knock back every 15 sec is a bit much not to mention once you get the bastard down to 25% or so he jump to you (interrupting your current channel) and stunning you for 2 sec with project… and he does this to everyone randomly (possible to get hit 3 times in a row) I like the trooper guy and the droid more than the Jedi/sith… OH and don't let me move only to have been pushed INTO an AOE stun from someone that was behind me…. i hate flying through the air only to land and then CHOKE or LIFT then while I'm choked he places another one down b4 i can get out of the first one and then DOUBLE CHOKE…..

  7. Am I the only one thats tired of being pulled 6 times pushed 4 times and stunned 12 times from mobs on planets??? there needs to be a resolve bar for PvE content… just simply code the same thing thats in PvP to PvE you do this all the time when someone cries about a certain class let the change for this work the same please… I go to any planet on a range class or melee and i get pushed by every NPC that runs up to me and pulled by the ones that just pushed me back…


    I mean think about it since Bosses and some NPCs are immune to knock backs it would be fair if we had a resolve so that we could resist 6 sec of their crap as well…….



    to site a great example the Bonus boss on Hammer Station… that boss stuns everything in 30m for 3 sec every 20 sec… it would be nice to just be immune to it every once and a while if the fight lasts that long. and I'm not saying this makes the game impossible I'm saying its annoying and bullcrap that NPCs can stun lock / pull every 3-5 sec / push every 3-5 sec when in PvP you can't due to the resolve bar.

  8. Just did "Boarding Party" on my Operative Solo (Lv55 / Str-57, Pre-510, Aim-113, Cun-3503, End-3437, Wil-59, Exp-218) w/Treek (Lv55 / Str-57, Pre-0, Aim-2246, Cun-113, End-2301, Wil-57, Exp-0) Took me 13 mins to get to the final boss and Kill the 3 guys. Granted i had to use Unity (reduces all damage by 50% for 15 sec) but I soled it and just wanted to share. Now I'm off to try Ilum solo… can i have a cookie now?
  9. I'm not surprised you got that wrong. Your forum signature suggests you don't even know the difference between 'you're' and 'your.



    You may be correct about my signature which I changed before and forgot to save (believe it or not and troll on me if you like w/e); however, in regards to


    Twas not sarcasm' is an independent clause.


    " 'Twas not sarcasm " is not an independent clause... first off the word "'twas" is used incorrectly, second "twas not sarcasm" doesn't express a complete thought, so, there for it can't be an independent clause.


    Twas may be a conjuntion used to combine "it was" but gramatically incorrect using the word "not" immediately after.... he/you shouldve posted Twasn't (conjuntion for "it was not" from which Twas is derrived from).


    If he wanted it to be an independent clause 2-3 words does not suffice as a complete thought becuase anyone jumping into the conversation to see either of us troll eachother would have to first go back to where it started to get a clear understanding to what was accused of sarcasm...


    Your statement should've read, "My post was not sarcasm, in fact, you sir are <insert insult here>".

  10. Twas not sarcasm, in fact, I am dumb.


    And the video you posted, I watched until I saw the guy backpedal. Super pro.




    You dont put a semicolon before "you"... You do that to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.


    **In Yoda voice**

    Strong in this one, stupidity is... mmmm

  11. Spamming explosive round? You'd run out of ammo fast.


    That's what I thought was mean by the question of rather or not the poster even played the class.


    I normally dont start using it unless my target is near death, I have it bound to my R key. Once ive used my KB > Net > Tracer > HSM > Tracer > Rail shot > Unload...they're missing alot of HP at that point and have done nothing to you so normally you would hit your shield as they advance and you get ready to play keep away with HO and your stuns and spam your instant stuff... Trust me Jugs and Maras are childs play in this patch... 2.7 is the age of the ranged classes lol


    If youre a pyro merc/commando i have no advice i only know Arsenal/Gunnery. Refer yourself to the link I posted earlier for Pyro play style.

  12. [sarcasm] You are dumb and you should feel dumb. lol [/sarcasm]


    Lol dat s-keying doe



    hows that now? you're the one that fell into my mind trap lol


    on a side note dont get all pissy because I'm messing around, its called word play and being evasive lol

  13. No he is not, it hits for 5k..

    in T1 lowbies


    bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing


    YOU SIR ARE CORRECT! its always nice to see when some people can catch on to word play and being evasive lol


    I never said 55 PvP i said on an equally geared toon lol so in that scenario YES missile blast / explosive round does hit for 5k


    But in all seriousness before people get to pissy about me messing with them on the forums Click this link to watch how a Commando is supposed to be played. IMO he's pretty good.

  14. Do you even play this class? :rolleyes:


    Yeah i do and on an equally geared character you hit missile blast/explosion round and you do about 2.5k PER hit but wait theres more... since you get 2 shots out of it which ive seen the 2.5k shows up twice and well we all learned in grade school how to add simple numbers right??? 2.5k + 2.5k = 5k right or am i crazy....

  15. Electro net prevents: Foce jump, Force camo, Force Barrier, Cloak screen, Force Cloak, Exfiltrate. Learn how to net and whatever youre killing CAN and WILL be dead within that 6 sec period. or however long Electro net is. But isnt the normal rotation for a merc/commando: Grav/Tracerx2 > Railshot > heatseaker (the target normally is missing about 20k HP at this point if not healed) then you could hit HTL/HO and kite missle blast/explosion round til dead bc thats a 5k spamming ability thats instant lol
  16. Still better than sorcerers, they (still) drop like flies. Seen a few comments here about how they are suppose to wreck melees. I'm not seeing it on TRE.


    Net > push > FULL ROTATION > target dead.... im sorry what were you trying to do mr melee??? :cool:

  17. I cant think of anyone that does well in Ranked and sucks in Regs..........


    I actually disagree with this, if you do well in SOLO regs then 3/10 you will do well in SOLO ranked but if youve done well in GROUPED regs then you will 100% do well in GROUPED ranked.


    See the thing you're missing and didnt add into factor is Ranked PvP is who can focus target the best... I play a Concealment Operative and I can kill my target (DPS-3sec, Tank- 20sec, Healer-20sec) by myself 9/10... however those stats are applied to reg matches where im not in a confined space with 3 other enemies that will defend their ally. Now even with this "ranked" scenario in a regular match 9/10 your tank/healer buddy to your right may not always heal you bc he doesnt need you per say to win.


    In a ranked match if i unstealth and burst everything i have on the healer the other 3 people on my team may not think like I do and kill the highest threat 1st... This is where the difference in play styles come in to factor. In a reg match my operative is on the hunt for solo capping opportunities and solo kills when feasible. In a ranked match I am soley trying to kill the highest threat 1st and then move to the next highest... however if i have no support in killing the healer in 3 sec (with help from the mara and merc on my team) then the healer will stun, root, knockback, roll, w/e he has to do to survive and this could ultimately result in our highest DPS (not necessarily me) being killed and its now a 3 v 4. THis has happened countless times...



    Concealment Op, Arsenal Merc, Carnage marauder, Deception Assassin VERSUS Deception assasin, Veng Jug, Healer Sorc, and Arsenal Merc.


    Before the match started I said put a net on that healer and burn that sorc... the sin and i placed ourselves behind the sorc ready to go and we opened up, No net was popped which resulted in sorc doing GOD BUBBLE, I got netted, stunned and killed then the assassin was choked then lowslashed, then electricuted and killed, and they took their time killing the other two tards bc they were hardly a threat.


    IN a reg match if any one of them were sitting alone i could take them out before they were even able to pop 1 defensive CD but in a confined space im relying on my TEAM to be smart and think how can i kill quick and win... which in most ranked matches if queing solo this doesnt happen...



    I actually solo kill alot in huttball (Nar Shadaa) its too easy to camp the respawn and kill the people that just died lol when they have no D'CDs its too easy and very quick lol

  18. you claimed every IA should follow a sith's orders to the letter due to a physical threat. i explained they don't have to.


    why dont they have to? because the IA/bh can kill sith/jedi.


    the beauty of the OR universe is that jedi/sith aren't gods. sith are a social hierarchy, but again, IA/BHs are perfectly capable of dispatching sith/jedi.


    Agreed the only GOD mode Jedi/Sith were long since forgotten… not since SWG in the old days but even then Jedi/Sith were rare and IF you died as a Jedi/Sith you lost it forever… pretty much once you became force sensitive you put yourself in exile or a BH team would be trying to kill you every waking moment.

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