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Posts posted by Bamajawn

  1. I generally see at least one other merc on my team, and quite often there are two others. However, there are 3 distinct flavors of us-bodyguard, arsenal, and pyro (I'm a pyro). While we are all part of the merc subclass, we are very different in utility. The other classes are the same way, so it's not like we're all cookie cutters.


    More to the point... there is no matchmaking. :D

  2. There are too many scrubs in pvp to queue solo. It didnt used to be that way but on my server for example a lot of new people have hit 50 and think they want to pvp now. a week ago I went 3/28 in WZ's, the next 3 days I rolled premade only and won every game. You dont have to be in vent you just need to find 3 other people that are not scrubs and queue with them. I find 3 ppl in my guild/friends list now and only queue group, I really try not to queue solo anymore as I get put in groups with BM's that do <80k damage and chase a tank and healer across the WZ map, while the enemy team caps the objectives.


    This is good advice. I did the same, since my guild is very small and I can't depend on guild premades. I've made friends with some players that are on during the times that I play and I chose them for their skills and the fact that they were also queuing solo. Before this change, I'd often go through 1-15 matches to get my 3 wins.

  3. Mercenary Cure skill:


    Cure dispels negative tech abilities and also negative mental abilities if you spec into Cure Mind. It has a heat cost of 16, reduced to 8 with Cure Mind and a 6 second cooldown.

  4. It's not about skill vs gear, it never was. It's about how BW thought they could keep the greatest number of people playing for the longest amount of time.


    Exactly. We can argue about gear vs. non-gear till the cows come home, and it's still a business decision.

  5. This argument is often framed as a haves-vs-have-nots battle. The gear oriented players are the haves and the casuals are the have nots. This, it is seen as some time of class warfare with the casuals being the welfare recipients in this game.


    I don't think that the believing in the principle of "level" PvP is exclusive to casual players. Many casuals (if you classify them by time able to play) are just as competitive and passionate about PvP as those who have more time to play. Many more are ex-hardcore players with more life commitments than in the past. You do us a disservice when we are all grouped together and it's implied that we have gear envy.


    Personally, I'm closing in on Battlemaster and play more than the average player. I'm pretty geared, yet I still believe in a level playing field or having the ranked tiers be based on normalized stats rather than gear.

  6. Great points on how to use a merc in Huttball. I'm a Pyro, and I even score and pass for goals regularly in addition to performing the tasks described above. I'm particularly good at stirring up the opposition to draw attention away from the ball carrier. Mercs are a great distraction.


    However, that's not what you asked. Personally, I think a 20 second or so timeframe to opt out is perfectly reasonable.

  7. You are correct and this is how it should be. However I could argue that "Power" is more of a draw than "Looks", and thus again more of an incentive to play more.


    Additionally, if it was just cosmetics you wouldn't have the circular loop. The player who "played less" would still be on equal footing gear power wise as the one who played more, and would not feel the need to play more to become on equal footing again.


    The point was that the gear gap was purposeful to impose this circular need to play more to get equal powered gear as the people who play more than you.


    Your analysis is a good one. In the context of the business model, gear for play makes perfect sense. However, some of the hamsters see the wheel for what it is and will leave the game rather than invest time to obtain gear that they do not value just to play the game. Personally, I move on when the time sink involved doesn't pay off in terms of fun because I have little interest in gear or status. (I'm old and my co-workers, family, and friends fail to understand how cool I am online.) BW has to decide which group is the most desirable fit in their long-term strategy.


    My guess is that they will try to make everyone happy, and few will be happy. At least on the forums. :D

  8. The best thing you can do for your situation is to queue at a different time of day. It seems to me that many of the regular premades are on at the same times every day, and it can be tough to get wins if you are a solo player during those times.


    Truth in my experience. Weekday evenings, my win ratio goes down. I see more premades as well as ungeared players. Daytimes (weekends for me), and it's a whole different ball game and I'm done with the daily in an hour.

  9. I like the way you think, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


    I'll take the second subscription, that's a great idea. However, judging from a number of posts, the gear grinders want it the other way round.

  10. So basically what I'm getting out of this is that OP wants to have quality gear for both Pvp and pve, but only put in effort with one of these areas, so really its just laziness.


    To extend your thinking a bit, it seems to me that having distinct gear sets will put a lot of the PvEers who are currently in PvP back on the questing trail instead of in warzones. Depending on a person's viewpoint, that could be quite positive. Just something to consider.

  11. I'm used to not being recognized for scoring, passing, etc. as most players can't see the goal. Yes, it's true that people will vote for friends or people they know, but I've noticed that my frequency of MVP votes have gone up with the number of matches played as my character's name becomes familiar to the other players. Personally, I'd be fine with getting rid of it altogether or having the results analyzed to determine the top 3 players on each team and giving them MVP rewards based on their score. However, I don't trust BW to come up with an intelligent scoring system. :D
  12. I hope that you get an answer on this. I've also researched information on the zone and there is very little data out there. I've never seen another player in the zone when I visit and have never found one of the chests that are supposed to spawn there. The entire place is an enigma.
  13. I saw this happen twice yesterday when the same player announced he was going to stop playing after he reached his 4 medals and 3 kills. I haven't noticed any difference in the number of quitters after the patch, at least in the evenings. After reading a few threads on this topic, it looks to me as if the players who haven't reached Battlemaster yet are the ones who aren't going for wins, while it's the Battlemasters who quit matches because they are only interested in winning. That's a general statement, of course there are lots of people in both groups who play to win.


    It would seem that there's not enough reward in winning the match with the new medal system and kill counting for the Ilum daily for people to go for the win. Which leaves me wondering why folks PvP if they don't like Pvp.

  14. I played 12 matches this morning with 8 wins. Very few quitters, although a ton of people were quitting last evening. One guy did announce to the group that he was stopping play after getting his medals. I had him in 2 groups, and he stopped after reaching 4 medals both times.


    All in all, I think this is an improvement. I'm up there in valor, so the "easy" part is behind me and I won't benefit much from the changes to valor. However, I see no reason to stand in the way of the rapid progress of others because I'm ahead of them. I don't see much point in gear progression anyway.

  15. How are the solo ranked people ever going to win and get gear if they there are no 4 man premade to carry them?


    First, all solo players aren't bad. But, you have a point. I think that the effect will be to push the PvPers who want to play in ranked warzones into larger guilds so that they can join an 8 man team. As an example, most of the time, there aren't 8 people from my guild on at one time. However, I've made friends with other PvPers and we are growing the guild, so I can use my network to get a group. From what I've seen in game and heard here, a lot of players don't make friends and are in very small guilds. Without a larger guild and friends, these players won't get into the ranked WZs.


    +1 to 8 man teams if players can get 8 people together. If not, let soloers join.

  16. I don't get it. What's the point of farming commendations and valor to get PVP gear if you don't actually want to PVP?


    THIS is the question that BW needs to be asking. I think it's because, other than PvP, there's really no end game other than crafting and a few repeatable quests. Plus, there is the attraction of "elite" gear that's been generated from other games. The evenings on my server are terrible, while the weekends are great. Most weeknights, I'm not able to finish my daily. On weekends, I'm done in an hour.


    Last night, we played more Republic teams than I've ever seen before. And our Republic teams are generally much better than our Imperial teams. It's a slaughter, as most of the folks playing Imperial PvP simply have no clue.


    I'm eager to see more PvE content in the game so that these folk have something to do besides PvP. They obviously aren't in it for the fun, they just want their medals. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why they don't want to win badly enough to communicate and improve their game.

  17. I was valor rank 34 today when I opened the 5 bags that I earned today. I had 2 pieces of champ gear. Now I have 6. Also got a duplicate champ leggings token and got the lightsaber token. Ergo, you are the one that is bugged. But champ commendation from the vendor, yes. I can't use it cause of the valor restriction. But the comms from the champ bags are useable by people like me who are less than 50 valor.


    Sounds like you had a very good day, congrats! This is great info, as I was planning to get my last bag for my Champ mainhand tonight. I need that gun... :D

  18. They stated that there will be 'something' for you to use unused Commendations on, but you won't be able to up trade them.


    My take on the Summit remarks was that the extra Cent comms could be used for social items as well as for gear.


    If you want a firefly to follow you around... that kind of stuff. :rolleyes:

  19. That's pretty blatant abuse and the word will spread quickly. I've not seen it personally, but since I am not at the end zone for an entire match, I can't expect to know what goes on down there. Nor have I seen it brought up in Ops. It's hard to imagine that a guild would care so little for being known as cheaters, especially when they are cheating their own faction.
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