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  1. why, because there are so many imperials compared to republics? thats the problem on Illum, and bioware cannot force people to switch factions, and thus the roadblock. the PVP system is fine.
  2. why is this in the pvp section of the forums, i want discussions on pvp, not conspiracy BS
  3. alphalegend

    PVP idea

    classes are balanced enough....this will fix the whole issue with the premade-geared 50s farming non-geared new 50s. They will participate in the highest tier tournament against other highly geared 50s
  4. alphalegend

    PVP idea

    so...I was just thinking about a new solution to this imbalance issue with the levels/gear in pvp, why not just have tournaments? have the normal brackets for pre-50 lvls (as engame pvp is more of the focus, and the pvp purps don't come untill 50 anyways), and have Tier lvl tournament WZs for different player gear lvls. so, the new 50s with no pvp gear will be placed into their own tier 1 tournament bracket and fight to get the usual gear upgrades, and once they get a high enough item level, put them in tier 2 tournaments where they face similarly geared players for the race to get geared to enter the smaller tier 3 tournaments...you get the idea, so the goal is to get geared up to progress through the tiered tournaments to finnaly aquire a full set of epic pvp equipment and participate in the low-pop elite highest tier tournament and compete for some sort of massive reward. this way, there is ABSOLUTELY no imbalance issues with pvp gear, everyone is facing the same geared players and the goal is to progress in the tournaments rather than getting the gear so you can survive/farm noobies. what do you gents think?
  5. its much like occupy wallstreet, people complaining because they didnt put in the time to get rich so now they wish to bring the rich guys down to their level to feel better.
  6. I'm a marauder, a widely known underpowered class. if I can kill geared players with a little more effort than new 50s, whats the problem? whats the point of gaining gear if not to be more competative and powerfull?
  7. I can kill pvp geared lvl 50s no problem.
  8. well if ya wanna be a lame sorcorer like this guy and bunny hop all around screaming "UNLIMMITED POOWAHHH" everytime you spam force lightning go ahead, but force leap is probably what it was.
  9. lol that was probably me most likely force leap from a sith warrior/jedi knight, I do it all the time, there just needs to be an enemy on top
  10. rage spec is an odd creature, caught in limbo between a tank and a DPS machine, much like a self-healing DK in WOW. not what i would reccomend for PVP or group DPS work, but the best for leveling.
  11. this is an already known aspect of pvp that people already do not like. this thread has no point to it. Bioware knows many people dont like the system, they will or will not change it, thats that.
  12. Bioware already stated that they do not want a "dungeon finder" as it discourages social interation between players, and i totaly agree. with WOW and the dungeon finder it just completely felt like a lame faceroll group, felt like I was going to work a shift or something
  13. as long as the modern MMO generation care more about gear than fun open world PVP, there is nothing that pvp design or mechanics can do. illum is a great battlefield if people just decide to fight each other, who cares if you dont get super epix for a kill? it is the battle that makes it fun.
  14. for me its: strength strength strength strength strength strength
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