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Posts posted by Pinchy_

  1. Way too many titles in game, just way too many.


    Look at WoW titles:


    Most respected titles are Champion of Naaru and Hand of A'dal, nothing else.


    When I had these at 70 as an elemental shaman (alliance) pre raid it was good times, it actually meant something.

  2. You have to loot 3 pieces of the Wrath Box in the first chamber.


    I killed the first group and got 2 x the First piece, 1 Second piece from the second group and 1 Third piece from the 3rd group.


    When they were combined though, it used only the 2 x First pieces and Second piece, leaving the third still in my mission inventory, it should have used one of each First, Second and Third and left the duplicated First piece there or removed it.

  3. And if SWTOR or any other MMO that is released had a perfect "ENDGAME" (an ignorant term really), in 3 months these forums would be filled with people that are screaming and BAM'ing about there not being any more content or story. No matter what, there will always be people that can't see the whole forest and how awesome it is compared to other forests. Being a level 50 right now means that someone either has no job or they are power levelers that know how to get through the content. Great, nice job, thanks for telling us how awesome you are. Now go level the other 15 different types of toon to 50 and then come back to the forums.


    Just a question, how many MMO's really have been successful in the past ten years? WoW is the king ding-a-ling, I'll grant that, played it since BC came out and just two months ago quit cold turkey. But there really hasn't been a challenger in the ring until SWTOR. Star Trek Online SUCKED, DC Universe SUCKED, Rift got BORING. I mean, all you people are doing is comparing this to World of Warcrack and then trying to justify why you will probably go back to it. Like you need our stamp of approval to leave SWTOR. Honestly, we could care less if a thousand people like WoW better and leave. By all means, go!


    You were doing so well until "we could care less"


  4. *I haven't seen a big thread focused on this issue, so I'm making one. I'll edit in more problems/fixes as they are suggested to me via this thread.*


    The problem: The Galactic Trade Network is absolutely terrible. The UI sucks, the search features suck, posting an item sucks, searching for an item sucks. It basically sucks as an entire entity. I'm not bashing Bioware, Starwars, EA, or LucasArts. I'm simply being honest. Those of you familiar with WoW will remember that they had a very good auction house which was not only functional, but user friendly as well. No, I'm not sucking Blizzard's nuts. I'm being honest. No, I don't really want to go back to WoW, I'm not leaving Star Wars quite yet, and you can't have my stuff.


    *A note to the fanboys who will inevitably defend the current implemented Galactic Trade Network*: Please don't. I beg you. There isn't anything good about it to defend, you make yourself look like a blind fanboy, and you aren't doing the game any good. This game isn't flawless, and it needs suggestions so that things can be fixed and the game can be improved.


    With that disclaimer out of the way, let's get to what the problems are and how to fix them.


    The problems and how to fix:

    1. The drop down categories(armor type, rarity, level reqs, etc) should be for NARROWING DOWN EXISTING SEARCHES, not confining what you may search for. Which brings us to #2.


    2. We should be able to search by name FIRST. I should be able to type in exactly what I'm looking for, click buy, done. It's that easy.


    3. If I'm listing multiple same-item auctions, PLEASE have it memorize what my price was. If I'm leveling up my crafting skill and I made 20 Random-Blue-Chest-Piece-of-***-Kickery, please for the love of all that is Star Wars let me only name my price once rather than making me type the price in 20 times. That is way too many clicks and key presses.


    4. Include an armor SLOT drop down. Helm, gloves, chest, legs, etc. If I'm looking for a Purple Medium Armor level 47 BOOTS, I shouldn't have to search through pages and pages of chest pieces, leg pieces, and helmets to find it.


    5. This is going to be an extension of #1 and #2. Without being able to search for items by name, we can't truly have a free market. Part of being in an mmo is a player controlled market. Love it or hate it, there will always be those who find it truly fun and rewarding to make gold(or credits) through buying low, selling high. In short, playing the market. If you don't like the idea of players making money through the Trade Network, I suggest you get over it. Whether you like the idea of government-controlled prices, or you are just too lazy to practice and get good at it yourself, you can't stop it. Even if players have to sift through pages and pages and multiple tabs of items, they will still find ways to do it, even now. It's part of this genre. It's difficult, time-consuming, and high-risk, but can be rewarding. Sounds pretty balanced to me.




    7. Can't filter for Orange or "Custom" gear.


    8. Can't ctrl+click schematics to see what the finished item looks like in the dressing room.


    9. GTN should save your last search upon window close.


    10. Companions returning from missions auto-close your GTN, mail, and vendor windows, causing you to lose your work. Should automatically go to "Pending" when those windows are open.


    11. Some of the items are currently being listed under the wrong categories. For example, Underworld Trading Fabrics are being listed under Diplomacy.


    12. The current system inserts a "1" when the default price is deleted. This means we have to type the price we want and then delete a useless "1" that we didn't ask for.


    13. Implement a "Not already-known" checkbox. When searching crafting patterns, it lists all of them, even if known already. There should be an ability to filter the patterns so we DON'T see the ones we already know. It would also be nice if we could filter patterns for specific slots (if we are looking for only chestpiece patterns, we should be able to filter so we ONLY get chestpiece patterns).


    14. Someone mentioned there was a 50 item cap for listing auctions. Really? This definitely needs to be increased.


    15. Currently, we go AFK while using the GTN. This should not happen.


    That's everything off the top of my head, please feel free to comment and I will add your suggestions to the post. Let's give BioWare some good ideas on how to change the Trade Network and improve this game! If you want to be negative and troll, I don't have much to say to you. But thanks for the bump.


    Well done, that man!


    You saved me having to sit here and work these out then post them!

  5. Log in at 3pm, in by 5pm.


    Get booted due to router disconnect at 6pm.


    Back to a 1100+ queue that started at 6:01pm.


    1 minute disconnected and reset and i'm going out at 7:30. Might aswell set the game queueing since it takes 3 hours.


    I had no choice on a server due to guild being already established.


    The game cost way more than any other MMO to buy, and yet STILL getting this.


    Free transfer for 1000 players on each side simoultaneously so they land together for an even balance on a light population server.


    A nightmare for anyone that has to join friends at a given time and has to start the login at 5-7pm after work.

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