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Posts posted by Soazak

  1. There is very little difference between PvP and PvE servers, and tbh people are free to play either playstyle on either ruleset.


    Sounds like you should take your own signature into consideration...


    Star Wars: Tears of the Old Republic. The next gen of Issues that req. Tissues.

  2. There are good and bad players on both sides. Personally, I play both sides on the same server, and as a premade we generally do better as Republic.


    Please don't assume it's a factionwide problem if you're not winning.


    The match making is random, so the only consistent factor is you. :D

  3. Seen the same with Bounty Hunters/Troopers, and also run a 4man Scoundrel team occasionally with my guild on Republic, so often see 6+ scondrels.


    So it tells us that there are only 4 base classes, and people often mistake 6 Inquisitors for 6 Sorcerers. And seem to forget that this base class in particular covers all 4 archtypes (Healing, Tanking, Melee DPS and ranged DPS).

  4. My only gripe with EA is that the games they do release seem to be rather short for the price you pay.


    They're usually quite well made, but some of the single players are finished in a matter of hours. They feel a lot shorter than equivelant titles (such as MOH Tier 1 Vs the COD series). They seem rushed, and Starwars is no exception.


    Truth be told, when they take over a game they actually start pumping resource into it. People say DAoC went downhill after EA took over, but the game had already started going down the New Frontiers and TOA route by that time. Mythic did nothing for their customer base prior to EA.

  5. Not sure why you're telling us this in a public post, I don't think people on the forum would have been looking for you in game and wondering why you hadn't logged in.


    I'm sure BW have a contact email if you really feel the need to inform them you're quitting. :rolleyes:


    Regardless, sorry this game isn't for you, and I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next :)

  6. Camping is pretty much fail anyway.


    When my guild is running a premade, a win against a poor pug can be as quick as 3-5 minutes. There is no sense in dragging this out to 15 minutes for an extra 5-15 commendations.


    We find it much more productive to win as fast as possible then get into the next match, at primetime our queues are pretty much instant so we can play 2-3 matches in the time it takes to camp one.


    But if the extra medals are important to people...it's not just the winning team that can farm them :p

  7. Too all those who say get a premade and the quoted person, have fun while many more afkers and leaver go away, you deserve it


    Is that what you are suggesting though?



    In an online game, people should not be able to play with their friends if they wish to PvP?




    I think the guy above was right, OP be trollin'

  8. I support this post.


    BW kinda missed the ball with the open pvp thing. Not just end game but levelling as well, I was hoping that while I was questing I would get ganked by the other side but this didn't happen. I selected a PvP server expecting danger.


    Tbh to do this they would need to remake a lot of the quest zones, everything is just so disjointed and far apart right now.



    I now simply afk OR leave against premades because it s HORRIBLE WASTE OF TIME because bioware have no brains else they would remember what happened to other mmos with premades...




    I'm not sure if this is serious, but are you actually suggesting I shouldn't be able to play with my friends in an online game?



  10. For me the answer is no.


    In terms of the look, it's fine, but I think it really misses the mark on the intergalactic war. It's all a little too peaceful in terms of player interaction. PvE is fine, the quests are generally focused on attacking the other faction, but PvP seems very detached, there is no reason to attack the other faction other than to improve my own gear.


    Imperial and Republic should be at war, currently they're not.

  11. People that are blindly following GW2 are probably going to be in for a dissapointment. Guild Wars is an amazing game (imo) but it's definately not for everyone. It focuses on skill based PvP, so people that simply enjoy raiding and casual play probably wont enjoy the sequel..


    And the PvE quest system, while they make out like it's something new, it's basically the Public Quest/Rift system from WAR/Rift rehashed.


    I personally, will enjoy the game a lot if it's anything like GW1, but if you think it's going to be a WoW/SW killer, or even a WoW/SW competitor you'll probably be dissapointed. It's a different beast all together.

  12. Not all interupts are on a 12s cd.


    Annihilation Marauder is 6s talented. This means if you interupt certain heals, the only heal they are able to use isn't strong enough to keep them alive.


    Thankfully, DPS in this game is about more than just yelling "LOL SMASH" and spamming attack buttons. You actually have to think about your class, or you wont do very well.

  13. I play two healers @ 50. Sorc and Scoundrel and I think Trauma is fine. It's actually a good way of being able to balance PvE and PvP without gutting classes due to different damage mechanics from bosses and players.


    If you're being stun locked/interupted constantly your positioning is likely to be poor. I see so many healers run into the enemies then try to heal...


    Healing actually becomes quite OP when expertise is high, especially if the person you're healing has high expertise too. Pocket healing for a Juggernaught usually means neither of us will die in the whole WZ if the team is strong enough to win overall ;)

  14. You see that bounty hunter spamming stealth scan back by his own goal line? Yeah that's me, and that's where I get most of my kills. You stealthers ignore the OP, I'm happy to pull you out of stealth, DoT you, and unload blaster bolts into your face.


    And, OP, I doubt you complain about this when you're on the winning side of it. Easy way to stop this, make sure you don't allow the enemy to loiter on your side of the field. No, not on the ramps, and definately not on the goal line. It's your house, kick their arses out.



    Don't bring sensible posts into this!


    OP must be trolling, I don't think anyone really believes that using an ability is exploiting.

  15. Wow, I just cannot believe what people complain about on these forums, this is pretty insane.


    Using the basic abilities of a class cannot possibly be an exploit. Do you expect the game to just be 8 people stood together hitting each other until one dies?


    If this is serious, work as a team and beat them. BH can see stealthers easier, they're squishy so drop fast, knock/pull them back down into the pit - if they're stealthed they'll have no resolve.



    In other news, Healers stop your health going down. :rolleyes:

  16. I mean they are the squishiest class ingame, they might do some damage but unless you are lucky yo find 1v1 you will die before managing to kill anyone even if you use the immunity cooldowns.... You die in like 2 seconds and even if you might do good damage you are still dead


    and picking your fights doesnt help in warzones i am sorry, well unless noneone looks behind and are total noobs


    Wow, you clearly don't play an assassin.


    They are the class that consistently rips my Sorc. Marauders/Operatives/Snipers can be hard, but only if they're skilled/geared. Assassins/Shadows seem to rip regardless.


    You seem to be assuming the class is broken because you cannot do well on it. If you're struggling, I can assure you it's not down to problems with the class. I would recommend making sure you gear is up to scratch and getting some practice in, perhaps dueling with a friend to understand how your abilities work.

  17. I would like them to fix the 31 point healing talent for Sorcs. It heals around 1k less than the Sage version. This is an actual bug rather than an oversight due to animations, only the second part of the spell (the AE hot) works for Sorcs, while the Sage gets a big upfront heal then the hot.


    But I'm sure the people whining about differences would ever acknowledge this bug. Empire is overpowered. :rolleyes:

  18. I find all the Warzones awful if you're playing with a terrible team, but that's not something that can really be helped. Pugs will always struggle Vs organised teams.


    But in a good team, when I'm playing with guild mates, I love Huttball, more so on my Marauder than my Sorc but it's good fun either way.


    I'm actually starting to like it more than the other two, which have been frustrating me a lot lately.

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