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Posts posted by Ravenolf

  1. Here is one possible conspiracy theory to why there is no Mara/Sent nerf:


    BW bases their changes on the actual data from every single wz that they have access to and no one else does instead of basing decisions on the volume of QQ in the forums.


    Don't bring common since into this argument.

  2. except it is... all dps classes are boosted... if you say otherwise you are wrong. thats why there other classes of the trooper/bh persuasion are getting 7-8k crits.. but no people are complaining about the sents/marauders who have to stack adrenals, relics and have the suns align to even get past 5k on watchman spec. WE are the oped god mode class? :rolleyes:


    Witch Elves?


    Actually you have a point, they were/are broken.

  3. These are repeats but worth stressing.


    Queuing and instantly getting a pop (scary)

    1. Alderaan: 2 left, Rest Mid, and 2+ go right (Mid should never have less people then your opponent)
    2. Alderaan: 2-2-4 This archaic strategy still comes up by some clueless folks. I would correct them, but I would rather have the conversation in rated when I am across the field
    3. Voidstar: Draw them away from door strat called out. 1-49 maybe. Bad 50s possible. Any good team will stick to the door and will not pursue. They just hang back and heal.

  4. At the beginning, we really didn't see any Imps. So it was a nice sneak attack after we engaged. We then had a lot of sporadic pvp battles while working on the daily. The PVP servers must be having a lot of fun. I hope.
  5. This morning we (republic) heard the rakghoul announcements and headed to Tatooine to investigate. Once we arrived there, an ops had formed after discovering the infected Bantha in Outlaw's Den. Only a few Imperials were sighted. We engage the boss, and out rushes the Imperials Ops group. Several hours later the Bantha was dead, and so was most of our server's pvp population.


    Bioware, you get a cookie. More of this please.


    (Very short video with just a little of the initial action, before both sides population exploded)
  6. Certain classes are better at 1v1, that is what we are discussing here.


    Pyrotech is a great example of a class that puts out large warzone damage, but is not great (not bad), at 1v1.


    Assuming again, both players are good pvpers.

  7. Bull.


    DPS assassins are squishy, my friend.


    Sure, they can hit for massive ammounts of burst DPS, doesn't mean you need to nerf an already squishie class.



  8. Trying to deflect attention from maras/sents by pointing out another hilariously OP spec/class won't work, you know.


    Thanks for your post, and your help. :cool:

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