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    United Kingdom
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    Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, Paganism, Occultism, Theology
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  1. Riley, Good Sir... That was priceless! I'm not sure EA would approve but the humour was wicked!
  2. There is a prize.. It's called having your screenie recognised. That is a reward in its self. Plus it hardly takes skill or time to press a screen capture button.
  3. Posted three, so far this is the one I like best of my main. Intrepid exploration of the Dark Temple... Tal'modrin In the Dark Temple!
  4. Recount is not the industry standard. Statistics pages at the end of PvE content is widely used but even these are not a standard. I've seen many an mmo without. I've been in the game a few months and would keep this community any day over the likes of World of Warcraft for example. Although you'll get bad apples no matter what in what ever mmo. For the sake of a larger community though we have to invite the likes of elitist jerks in by using Recount etc? No thanks!
  5. Simply put if damage meters and addons are allowed in the game. The Elitist Jerks will ruin the game. I've spent 8 Years on Wow, 3 on DCUO and many others on other mmos out there. I've seen it time and time again Meters like Recount ruin the community. If you can't play without a meter then you shouldn't be playing at all. It show far more skill to play without then what it does. You'll start getting people in chat shouting for "must have 50000 dps score" or, "must have 1000 HPS" Straight away this put unnecessary expectations into the game, which causes tension.
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