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Everything posted by Dhurwin

  1. You two are both so right, it's not even funny, and I apologize. That said... Honestly all content should be fair and balanced. Regs especially if they're really meant to prepare you for ranked cause you play how you practice. Not that i think they do, ranked is a completely different beast following an entirely different set of rules and expectations. I was pointing out the issue of balancing the whole game on solely one type of content. Which is one thing I like about these small starter changes to hatred. Start small, see what happens, keep going until perfect. I'm not for relying on tanks, for same reason that no one should be able to 1v3. The thing is, healers can't win a 1v3, but they can survive it for a time, provided the 3 don't have stuns, and the 1 doesn't have breaker. It's impractical to rely on just one role, yet all three are necessary. Everyone needs eachother, like I said. Just cause a healer can survive under pressure doesn't mean a tank couldn't make things easier. And tanks can function to keep dps and heals alive. I've seen dps beat tanks in duels, and vice versa. Healers' main objective is to keep others, and themselves alive. Not to solo people. They need the "umph" to keep up with an entire team, and a natural consequence of this is that being attacked by just one person becomes more of an annoyance than anything. Multiple people, however, and now you've gotta start thinking about mitigating some of that incoming damage. You suddenly nerf em so bad that they have to worry about a single person, it's game over man. Doesn't matter what they do to change sins, or any class, cause they won't live long enough in neither PvP nor PvE to even experience the changes. Again, apologies for being off-topic.
  2. That's boring and easy. Making Reverberating Force affect Lightning Bolt, or buff it to 20% (or both ), and having Chaos Nexus affect Forked Darkness, now that's a little more interesting than "lul buff the damage duh lul". And removing the ability to cast Chain Lightning would also "fix" the bug currently associated with said ability... something I know others would be happy about. Adding a single target alternative to Chain Lightning would also be beneficial in PvP: not breaking CC, more on-demand single target burst.
  3. My post was primarily to point out that, yeah, there was a sorc in the raid group, and this person was a dumbdumb for trying to critique a good kill vid w/o watching it first. I just sorta went off on a tangent after... If both are in a Nim raid guild, it's safe to say both skill and gear are as close to even as they're going to get when comparing two people. The mara only finished a couple hundred more dps ahead. Yeah sorcs CAN be viable, but only a select few can bring out that viability, even then they are not the best by any means. So, could they use some loving? Sure why not. Would love them being opfotm, but then again I'm openly and admittedly biased. As for HOW they can buffed, I'm sure there's going to be all kinds of fun discussion once the devs release their ideas to the public. Before they released the game they made it clear that, yes, lightsabers are in the game, and no, they don't mean auto-win. Chain Lighting is an AoE, you can do upwards of 100k+ with ONE chain lightning when geared. It's just spread out on 8 targets. Sorcs will never hit the hardest cause it's the only class in the game with guarateed auto crit. And the only class capable of doing 200k+ damage with 3 abilities. It's hard to balance a spec that's reliant on an AoE as part of the main rotation. At least that's how I see it, but I'm no game dev. I could see them removing the ability to hard cast chain lightning, and only be able to use it when you have the lightning storm proc. And then give us a choice to use the proc on chain lightning, or lightning bolt, increasing the damage by 100%? This would increse single target DPS, increase single target burst, allow them to let chain lightning hit a little harder, and maybe force storm to hit a little harder, all without changing the rotation/priority system all too much.
  4. The fact that there could possibly be 3-4, maybe 5 healers on a team isn't the fault of said healers and they should not be punished for it. Also at that point with that many healers on the other team, your team would also be nigh immortal simply from the lack of damage your team would be taking. It would then be up to the players to decide if they want to win the match, or number farm. Just because you can't kill something doesn't mean you can't beat it. If there are 2-3 healers on the other team and they do keep everyone alive, and they have superior DPS and some semblance of strategy in a regs match (meaning everyone on that team is doing their job) again why should they be punished? For playing the game the way it was meant to be played? They had the better team. They won. What's wrong with losing? Learn from it. I know I've had more than my fair share off losses, and yea it's frustrating. It sucks. But more often than not, even blinded by that frustration, I can say it was the fault of my team for losing. Not simply "oh they had 3 healers so of course they won". It's never just one thing that causes a win or a loss. It's a culmination of events that begins the moment those two teams step into the warzone. There are plenty of "bad" healers out there who cannot keep up with 3-4 people, and find just 1 to be a struggle, but that does not mean healers should be buffed for the exact same reason that having people who can do their job properly, and heal themselves and aid in a successful victory, doesn't mean they should be nerfed. Find new, exciting ways to beat good teams. Work the puzzles, figure out the problem. Be a gamer. You can do it. Just use the brain inside that thick skull and think. Don't just take the easy path and call for a nerf or a buff. That's lazy and boring, and makes the game not a game anymore. In the end, you win some, you lose some. You could do everything right and still lose. You could do everything wrong and still win. That's literally life. This particular mmorpg might have some content balanced around 1t 1h 2d but certainly not ALL mmorpgs are balanced in such a way. (WoW for example, rift, most other mmos out there today...) and even in this game, that exact arguement falls through when looking at 16man content. Even regs could be said to be balanced around RNG and not any kind of trinity structure. Ask any group ranked or solo ranked player, when it's two tank/heal/2 DPS teams fighting one another, all things being equal, it's rarely ever PURELY the dps that wins the match. There are strats and coordination and CC and all the components of this game that make it FUN. Everything comes together and results in a win or a loss. "Lol we have more DPS we win" is a terrible way to judge how effective a team actually is. If you had healers who could only function under pressure of just 2 people without a tank, you would have far worse balancing issues than exist today. You would be decimated without proper support. Yes the other team would lack the support as well, but now you've taken power away from a role that is vital to have in almost every situation. Suddenly healing doesn't matter, because really how many tanks are you gonna find in queue -it 's the least populated role - and of the ones you do find, how many will be good enough to be trusted with a healer's survival? What happens when there's 6 DPS at a node (assuming the other two are guarding) you would need 3 tanks and healers, just to survive. Killing them would take forever, and there's no guarantee one of those 6 couldn't be a healer, meaning your team kills nothing either, cause all you have are 3 tanks. And skanks wouldn't work either, cause they need all the mitigation they can get because 1-2 DPS is all it takes to make one of your healers buckle, and the enemy has 5-6. The tank would have to be as beefy as possible to keep that one healer alive as long as possible so they can keep themselves up, and maybe the tank too if they have the spare time. How would you like it if every time 1-2 people walked up to you, you just auto-lose cause you didn't have a tank. Wouldn't you want a fighting chance? Or at least the possibility of escape? To get to someplace and recover, or find a HEALER to save you. Healers don't have that luxery, that privilege, of running away from a fight, unlike DPS. Because, unlike DPS, healers have a responsibility to keep their team going, to push themselves and others forward and to accomplish what no one else can. Sustaining life. If a healer just ran away from fights, it wouldn't be a very good healer, now would it? Tanks and dps are incredibly powerful, but no matter their cooldowns they still have health bars. They NEED that healer, just as the healer needs them, to be there for them, for YOU, to keep them going when everything's going to heck. Everything's falling apart, you're being torn to shreds and who keeps you going? A healer. One who may or not be dealing with several combatants of his or her own. A healer who may not receive peels, or guard, or recognition. A healer who's doing all that it can and taking the majority of the flak just so you can run around and kill people and enjoy your gaming experience. So you can complain about that healer. So you can try to remove that healer's power. You do that, and all you'll see in matches are DPS and skanks, and there won't be anymore healers. Because while they were always there for you, regardless of their skill, there's certainly as many bad healers as there are bad dps or tanks (relatively speaking), you were not there for them. And now they can't be there for you. All because you wanted to 1v1 a healer.
  5. This mentality has essentially ruined PvP in this game. Healers are responsible for the ENTIRE team. Healers need to be able to handle anyone hitting them and still be able to heal their TEAM. You can't have a successful healer if it can't stand up to even one person. Healers have won, and should ALWAYS win 1v1's through, you said it yourself, attrition. It's disgusting that people like you get so butthurt over the fact that in order to take down one person, again the same type of person RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE ALIVE, you need to work. as. a. team. But time and time again people complain about healers being "too op" "too strong" "too [insert excuse here for me losing a 1v1 to healer here]" and time and time again the dev's think this is an actual issue, so they buff the hell outta the classes who are complaining. Well now healers get destroyed cause they can't even keep themselves up against one person, so now the healers need buffing. But, oh no, DPS have to work as a team to kill healers again, can't have that, BUFF THE DPS. And the vicious cycle continues. Be GLAD that healers exist who can hold their own and tank 1-2 people with minimal kiting. Enjoy it. REVEL in it. Cause those are the people you want on your team, those are the people who you can rely on to keep your bunk behind alive just long enough for you to HOPEFULLY do some good in this game. But do not complain about it. It's frankly insulting to think that we're busting our asses keeping you alive, just so you can spit in our face and crap down our neck.
  6. Hooo boy... don't usually post on the forums but even I've got to comment on this. If you watched the video, even just a few mins, maybe not even, you'd find there's a lightning sorc in the raid by the name of Talen Jor. He's in 3rd most of the fight, only besting the AP PT Casaf, but he's neck and neck with the Virulence Sniper Arbitron (and actually surpasses him) for a big chunk of the fight - right up to the end when they downed Nim Brontes with *gasp* a ligntning sorc in the group (which is the point of the link, not to have downed it from a lightning PoV, but that there was a sorc present for a Nim kill....). Amazing what you can learn by watching videos. Yes lightning is in a bad spot, sure it could do with a few passive lil buffs make things a titch easier, but the only thing keeping it from being "viable" is the lack of a player's skill. Talen, obviously, he's got what it takes to make lightning work. Not everyone does, not everyone can do what he does, but that doesn't mean that everyone is 100% crap at the class. I don't blame people for not wanting to take a sorc DPS along for raids (not when the typical graph for DPS values looks like https://gyazo.com/d2998588f33023326392d9034a354295 that in the vast majority of fights according to starparse) and I would love some lil goodies (the class is my baby, so duh, plz bring me all the buffs) to make people not auto-decline sorcs, or at the first hint of troubles in a pug to automatically assume it's the sorc doing not enough DPS (instead of people not paying attention to mechanics...) but the video shows that we can do some pretty amazing things even in "our current state".
  7. I don't presume to know absolutely anything about the other roles, but for Sorc healing, you want a couple power augments. My playstyle min/max's at 6 power augs, 3 crit augs, and 4 alacrity augs for PvE, and 5 power, 4 crit, 5 alacrity, for PvP. At the bare minimum a Sorc healer would want is 4 power augs. Power crystals are also still superior to crit for Sorc healers as well. If you want to see the math, I can PM you with a link.
  8. There is so much wrong with that misguide it's laughable.
  9. Relics: Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution. Gear: No crit what so ever. 2/3 Surge enhancements, your choice. Rest alacrity. Make sure you have the Force Mystic's 6 piece before you start min/maxing
  10. Not "nerfed". As others have said before, just changed/buffed depending on your view point. This current style of healing is, IMO, the way sorcs were MEANT to be played. The only reason I liked consumption off the GCD was cause it was convenient as hell. Then they said they'd have to nerf all our heals and I said "nope, nevermind". Now here we are a year later and they did what they should have done back then, buff consumption slightly, and leave the rest of our heals ALONE. "Ohhh I actually have to use a GCD for Consumption, oh noooooo!" Tough ****. You don't like it? Leave my class alone. There's 2 other healers for you to go play and complain about and get renerffed. I thoroughly enjoy seeing my Innervate ticks crit for 5k, and Roaming Mend crit for 10k. "OMG BUT CONSUMPTION IS ON THE GCD, WHAT DO I DO?!" You sit your bunk-behind down. Accept the fact that, yes, stronger heals have a bigger cost. AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR DOWNTIME PEOPLE. Probably my favorite part about this play style is that it separates the wheat from the chaff. Some people can handle it, some can't. Those that can't either need to learn to handle it, or G T F O. Cause lemme assure you, it's not a class issue, it's a player issue.
  11. In my full DR full augmented (outside of a warzone), I'm sitting at: Bonus Healing: 1208.4 Critical Chance: 21.28% Critical Multiplier: 61.71% Alacrity: 8.02% And yes you want the Focused Retribution and the Serendipitous Assault relics. I have 2 surge enhancements, no particular reason.
  12. no crit on your gear what so ever, power augs, 2-3 surge enhancements your preference, rest alacrity
  13. Since surge is a lower priority for our class, I'd like to see a change to the 2-set. Make that the Reduce CD on Innervate/Healing Trance by 1.5 (it was the old 2-set dunno why it isn't now). Remove the current 2-set and make the new 6-set a little more beneficial for our class in particular. You could potentially give all three healing classes something that's more specific and vital to their role as a healer rather than just a general "lol here's an auto crit". For sorcs/sages, the 6-set could be something like a 15% increase to Static Barrier/Force Armor. Another idea for a new 6-Piece could be "Increases the crit chance of Innervate/Healing Trance by 10%. Or "Casting Innervate/Healing Trance has a 25% chance to make your next Revivification/Salvation activate instantly without consuming charges of Force Surge/Resplendence once every 24 seconds". Perhaps instead of the autocrit on Dark Infusion/Deliverance it could be "Causes your next Resurgence/Rejuvenate to grant two charges of Force Bending/Conveyance", or "Causes your next Force Bending/Conveyance to be twice as effective". Also you could tack onto the 2-Piece "Reduces the cooldown of Resurgence/Rejuvenate by 1 second". Not exactly sure if this would be viable to be worked in as a set bonus, but it would be nice if Revivification/Salvation could consume a charge of Recklessness/Force Potency. Obviously the numbers are completely arbitrary, and you're just looking for ideas for set bonuses anyway. So to reiterate: 2-Piece: Reduces cooldown of Innervate or Healing Trance by 1.5 seconds and Resurgence or Rejuvenate by 1 second. 4-Piece: Consuming Darkness or Vindicate restore an additional 10 Force. 6-Piece: Increases the amount absorbed by your Static Barrier or Force Armor by X% (Where X would be a number of your choosing). OR: Increases the critical chance of Innervate or Healing Trance by X%. OR: Innervate or Healing Trance now has a X% chance to make your next Revivification or Salvation activate instance and without consuming charges of Force Surge or Resplendence once every X seconds. OR: Activating a healing ability has a X% chance to grant Force-Mystic's Critical Bonus which causes your next Resurgence or Rejuvenate to grant two charges of Force Bending or Conveyance. This effect can only occur once every X seconds. (For S's and G's) 7-Piece: Your Static Barrier or Force Armor now state its exact amount on its tooltip. Also, your cleanse now prioritizes CC and stun effects. But seriously, c'mon now guys. "A high amount" was cute at first, but now it's time to let us in on your definition of the word "high" because "high" is an incredibly subjective word. And I think we healers have gone long enough in PvP without a useful cleanse. Outside of the very rare occurrences when someone is CC'd/stunned and they miraculously don't have 3 rows of debuffs that usually take 1 gcd to reapply and are apart of the applier's rotation anyway, there's just no reason to even have the cleanse on the bar. You gave us the ability to cleanse hard stuns and then said "lol it's ok they won't be able to cleanse through the 8 new debuffs we're putting in the game anyway". Again, c'mon guys.
  15. You seem to think we're on opposite sides of this discussion when, in reality, we are in agreement. If someone just gives up on trying to improve and excuses it by saying "I'm bad" then he or she does not deserve to raid, and no group will want him or her. But regardless of one's skill, if he or she is willing to at least learn and attempt to get better then groups would be more willing to try him or her out for a while and see how it goes.
  16. http://gyazo.com/561725ce23700363cd1e298b693a21f6 Is going to be one of the best options for PvP based on description. One could argue that either Shapeless Spirit or Corrupted Barrier might be better than Force Haste. Corrupted Flesh would have been nice, but it looks like our main concern is going to be trying to avoid being bursted down rather than burned down with dots. Suppression would have also been nice, but the knockback root is on a much shorter CD and has the potential of negating almost all damage against you rather than just 25%. Dark Resilience is another that would have been nice but I would say that an increase to kiteability far outweighs the slight increase to the health Consumption uses and the rather large decrease in our self-heal. Backlash is alright against melee, but breaks on damage and has no effect on fully resolved targets, unlike the root which still works on fully resolved targets, doesn't break for at least 2 sec and helps when trying to LoS. Lightning barrier, which will be phenomenal for PvE, just doesn't have enough umph for PvP. http://gyazo.com/47fb02d09991c48afe6e794ffbde35f1 Would be one of the best options for PvE based on description. Bosses can't be stunned, thus the shift from Sap Strength to Sith Defiance. Can't kite boss mobs either, so out goes Electric Bindings. Lightning Barrier will be a nice HPS increase, and Dark Resilience will allow the healer to focus more on the group, while Suppression is a nice Def CD.
  17. Thanks! Always nice to be appreciated. The best part was fixing most of your grammar errors... srsly bro my recruitment may be for DP, but at least it'll be taken more seriously because it's coherently put together. Type that up in word doc or something at least m8
  18. PostMortem Imperial guild on The Ebon Hawk About Us PostMortem is a hardcore DP guild which recently transferred over from Jedi Covenant to Ebon Hawk. If you too enjoy DP, then we are the guild for you. We strive to improve our performance every day, and with this mentality we push each other to be the best and work toward excellence because we are only as straight as our limpest member. About You With a competitive edge to all of us, we expect you to be the same. You should be skilled, dedicated, and willing to challenge and better yourself under any circumstances. We're looking for someone who is going to be in it for the long haul, vocal, and someone who doesn't have a problem bending over for an Operation. We are particularly interested in people who are highly Motivated and do not need to be told to do something before playing with themselves. We expect you to act accordingly within each guild member. The majority of us are young men with good taste who are looking for a good time. Expectations (Pveness) If you are interested in applying to the guild for a pveness position, you can expect at least 3 nights a week of DP. Tues/wed/Sun at 8:00pm est -11:30pm est will be pushing our PvEnesses at a fast rate within the first couple weeks of new content. Once our subject no longer puts up a fight, we will be pulling it back to 1-2 nights a week. Our goal is to have two elite and successful DP groups going 16/8-man, due to this goal were looking for people who can be Available at these times and can put in the effort to be the best on each DP encounter we have together. Emergencies require a safeword. Family members will be invited to join as well. (Pvpness) If you are interested in applying to the guild for pvpness content, you can expect 2-3 nights of DP arenas, and anytime during the day for surprise DP group sessions. Our goal for our pvpnesses is to be the best and create two competitive DP teams to be active every Mon/Thur/Fri, at 9pm est - 11:30pm est. Being available frequently is a bonus, as other teams/players may be DPing at different times/days. Achievements (Pveness) -DP for 2 weeks straight -Backdoorcrasher (Pvpness) -Two groups doing 4v4 DP during majority of mating season -Team 1 had an average of 1650-1700 hours of DP logged a week -Team 2 had an average of 1550-1650 hours of DP logged a week Requirements (General Standards) -Stable hip bones -The ability to work well/communicate with others -Moderately thick and well-developed "member" (Pveness Requirements) -Must be able to make our DP times/days(with expectations of DPing all three nights for fun). -Must have DP experience in the latest postions ("At least" hardcore DP positions #1-10). -Must prepare yourself before the DP so first penetration can begin on time. (first penetration is at 8:20-8:30pm Est) Any further questions regarding pveness can be directed towards Vps, via whispering in his ear, or here on the forums. (Pvpness Requirements) -Must be able to work well with others and pursue a goal of competitive DP arenas. -Must be top tier Dper and able to hold your own within a DP match. -Must be able to communicate under pressure and play with a group mentality as well as physically. Any further questions regarding pvpness can be directed towards Vps or Gringö(alt0246), by whispering in their ears or here on the forums. (Process) Hit up Vps or Gringö(alt0246) and we can set up a interview/trial for you, during that process we will get to know you as a player/person an ask questions base on what aspect of the DP you are applying for. Pveness, you will have to support your interview with a five minute video of your skill with different positions. For your pvp trial, you will have to run a handful of DP sessions (top or bottom) with us to see how you communicate and play with a team Thanks for showing interest in our guild PostMortem we hope to hear from you soon!.
  19. This is false. Correctly played, the sorc will out-preform the other two healing classes in most 8v8 fights, and in most 8v8 PvP situations. the issue is the people who play sorc healers are garbage, plain and simple. every class has its bads but I'd be willing to bet that the sorc has a greater majority of them. hence, this thread. Static Barrier is probably the best instant heal in game. Not to mention its low cost. 6500-7000 a bubble in BiS PvE (depending on your power to crit ratio) for 35 force and it's spammable. The only sorc heal that equals it in terms of heal/force is Revivification on 3+ targets. The buff we got was actually pretty nice. It makes a button you should have been using in "oh-****" situations now instant and therefore non-interruptable healing and useable on the move! With Consumption not triggering the GCD if one hits that and then Dark Heal then over the past GCD one would have generated 52 force (PvE Consumption) or 48 force (PvP Consumption) plus and additional 12-13 force from your base force regen (depending on your alacrity) for a grand total of about 64-65 in PvE or 60-61 in PvP. Meanwhile you'd have spent 60 for Dark Heal meaning a gain of 4-5 force or 0-1 force. In essence, Dark Heal combined with Consumption is a free heal. So they've not only given us an instant, but it's also free. And technically, Dark Heal has higher HPS than Dark Infusion. I agree the puddle is situational, but not too situational. All you really need is to get 33+ ticks per cast for it to be force effective. If looking at the flow of the fight and making a judgement call on where that revivification is going to get the most ticks off is too tough for you, then yes I can see your complaint as being valid. But it also begs the question, what are you doing playing a healer in the first place? If your raid group is spreading out too much, it's ok to pipe up and say "hey, you shouldn't stand in stupid but you also don't need to run that far away." It's just not that difficult to place it down. Yeah, Dark Infusion's slow, but unless you start the cast when your target is at 10% health, it's going to get off before he/she dies, and it's relatively easy on the force. It's also one of the few casted heals capable of critting for 12-14k. One should definitely pair it with Static Barrier, however, because of it longerish cast. The only thing resurgence is reliable for is force bending. Innervate is indeed a very nice heal. They have relatively short CDs, and Sorcs have so many other tools to do in between that it's a non-issue. One of said tools being your Static Barrier (seeing a pattern here?) Your example of Grob'thok is a poor one because you can see his animation before his knock-up and it calls your name if you get the fire under your feet. If you start a cast anyway thinking you're gonna get away with it, that's on you, not the class. In moments of movement we have enough instants to see us through until we're able to sit and cast. You could use the time to set up a Force Bent Innervate, or Barrier a few people, or use your free AoE heal. The fact you think this is how Force Bending works makes me sad. I was on par with or out parsing our Operative Healer on all fights. We were successfully healing NM DP pre-nerf progression, so it wasn't a fact that he's a bad player, he's probably one of the best I've had the pleasure of working with. With this attitude it's no wonder no one wants you. Math doesn't lie, but if you start with the wrong integers and plug them into the wrong formula you will get a wrong solution. Good healer + Good healer = successful raid night. Can't wait to hear about your complaints about w/e other class you pick next. People always are more willing to blame the class than themselves for their failures.
  20. I have no clue what the sages/sorcs on your servers have been doing but obviously they're doing it wrong. I will admit there are a LOT of bads who play my class but that does change the fact that if it's in the right hands they will do better than the other healers in 8v8s.
  21. Make all dots cleanseable again. The reason there are TWO different types of dots (force/tech) is that they are cleanseable. You put tech dots on force healer (sage/sorc) you put force dots on tech healer (merc/comm op/scound). A lot of you seem to think that every PvP situation is a 1v1 situation and should be reacted to and balanced as such. You're not SUPPOSED to be able to 1v1 a healer, get him with his CDs down and **** him in 4-10 sec. The truth is, most PvP content is 8v8 or 4v4, and in such content there are a lot more than just 2 dots going out every 4.5 sec. So even if you are a force dot user attacking a sage/sorc, if there are 2+ of you he's still going to be eating a lot of dots, through a little thing called teamwork you can effectively attack a healer regardless of his cleansing abilities. Oh boohoo 2 of your dots got cleansed, well that's what the other guy is for. If a dot class can't figure out to not try and 1v1 a healer then they don't deserve uncleansable dots, they deserve to be shut down. More often than not the cleanse would end up being used after the healer had LoS'd and excess damage was mitigated anyway because yea a cleanse is awesome but it IS a GCD and choosing where to spend that GCD is important. This all being said, DPS with the option to heal IE sorc/merc/op and their respective mirrors, should not have in any way, shape, or form, any kind of heal or cleanse. If you choose to spec into DPS you choose to put your toon's life into the hands of another and hope to w/e deity it is you worship that he/she knows *** he/she is doing when it comes to healing. The rest of the DPS classes w/o the option to heal do just fine w/o all the extra BS. Yes this means some tweaking to the DPS classes who will be losing cleanses and heals but it's certainly not impossible. Catering to the undeserving by giving them uncleanseable dots was, in all honesty, just lame.
  22. yes my love, we can watch the notebook
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