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Posts posted by Hirokinae

  1. I have tested your spec, full assault spec and other hybrid specs in HM ops and none of them do nearly as much dmg as Tactics


    Also, when you say something like that, you're already putting yourself in a hole and a rather... common fallacy.


    Unless you're sitting there writing down each and every number as you do the rotation perfectly, we dont really have a way of saying "this spec definitely does more damage because i've tested and used them both."

    I have tested and used many many specs as well, but I can only still offer what i "feel" does more damage, before going through later on and trying to work a formula to try and compare them.


    I am definitely not 100% correct, I am only offering data, and solid calculations on speculations. When you start speaking in absolutes, "This definitely does more damage" based off... a whim, its a bit rough to take it as fact.

  2. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMsrrorfoksZb.1


    If your going for pve HM dps than imho Tactics is far superior, as im sure everyone is aware by now elemental dmg is the premium dmg type and tactics revolves almost 100% around this. By going tactics your using your High Energy Cells which inc Internal and Elemental dmg by 5% add by going up tactics line you get an extra 3% from Blaster Augs and if you spec this way you also get an extra 6% elemental dmg so just in passive dmg buffs all your elemental skills(highest most effective dmging skills) are increased by 14%. With this setup your ammo is constantly regening so ammo is almost never an issue, I will ussually start out with gut,fire pulse(makes stockstrike free) stockstrike, then ion pulse with hammer shot mixed in untill my pulse generator is maxed at 5 then pop Pulse Cannon which with the +50% dmg from pulse generator does a base of 5,362 dmg.


    So just to go over this a little bit:

    ammo regen is higher

    high dmg skills cost less ammo than assualt

    Ion pulse does 2k-3k dmg(depending on crits) and is spamable

    Fire Pulse does 1.5-3k + free stockstrike

    Pulse Cannon does 5k-10k dmg and has a reduced cd

    you have a 6s interupt(really only useful for FP HMs)

    and you still retain the same DoT as assault spec as Gut tics for just as much as incen round when fully specd


    I have tested your spec, full assault spec and other hybrid specs in HM ops and none of them do nearly as much dmg as Tactics


    You do have some valid points my friend, but one thing you have to note, is that much of assault's damage is ALSO unaffected by armor.

    high impact bolt is 90% armor piercing, and hits MUCH harder than in tactics and is refreshed more often.

    Incendiary round is pure elemental damage

    Plasma Cell does a SIGNIFICANT portion of our damage, which is also unaffected by armor



    The tactics vs assault debate is still ongoing, but from what i've read, most of it leans in favor of assault.


    The pro/cons are mostly as follows:

    Gut vs Incendiary Round. Incendiary is more expensive, but is definitely the superior ability as far as damage, especially considering gut's initial damage is kinetic


    HIB in tactics vs. assault. - High impact bolt is by far the vanguards hardest hitting ability. With tactics, the only advantage HIB gains is 25% chance to garuntee a crit. Whereas in Assault, HIB is used over 2-3 times more, does 9% more base damage, has 30% more armor-piercing value, crits 30% harder, and restores 1 energy instead of spending 2, making it 3 ammo cheaper.


    Fire pulse: Its a great ability, but the damage really isn't all that amazing. Usually in the 15 second window, you can use 1 fire pulse, and 1 HIB. In tactics, in the same 15 second window, you can usually get in at least 2 HIB's. With its armor piercing value, 2x HIB would definitely do more damage than a fire pulse and a HIB. Its a great ability, but not enough to warrent an advantage.


    High Energy Cell vs. Plasma Cell. High energy cell is definitely easier on the ammo than plasma cell, but there is no doubt that plasma cell equates to more damage. in my current level of gear, it does 1,200 damage over 6 seconds. With HIB refreshing it, ion pulse putting it on 100% of the time, and a 12% chance to proc off ANY damage, its pretty much got almost 100% uptime on most of my targets, and is a HUGE dps boost over high energy cell, at the cost of not being able to regenerate ammo.


    That leaves the advantages of tactics, which is that you use stockstrike more often, and ion pulse crits 30% harder. This is certainly good, but given that stockstrike and ion pulse do 9% more base damage in assault, the advantage is kind of further diminished.


    The problem with tactics, is that ALOT of the points are wasted in utility. 8 points must be put into talents which are more utility, and really dont have anything to do with damage on a raid boss. This is great, but when you're talking about pure damage numbers, its sort of makes tactics less appealing for the numbers, where assault only spends 4 points in survival/utility.


    when you list only the advantages of tactics, and you dont compare them with something else, you risk creating the illusion that one has all of these bonuses, while the other has nothing.


    When comparing the pro/cons of both side by side, you can kind of get the idea that as far as pure damage, assault definitely wins out, although you could note that the ammo usage for tactics is much less restricting than assault. Another thing to consider, would be that for aoe, tactics would definitely win out, since pulse cannon in tactics is far superior than assault.


    In short, tactics is certainly much more ammo-friendly, but as far as pure damage output, it seems inferior to assault. Couple that with the fact that generally have to be in melee at all times, makes it much less appealing than assault, where you only have to be in melee every 9 seconds for stockstrike.


    Thank you for your input however, and as i've said, with bioware failing to provide us with combat logs, the most we can do is speculate and debate.

  3. Hey there. I've recently done some testing and caculations on a pure assault spec which has Assault plastique, vs an assault hybrid spec which focuses on refreshing and using high impact bolt. My findings are here:




    to sum it up, The final results of my little investigation show that the hybrid spec barely edges out the assault plastique spec when ammo is not taken into consideration, and assuming a perfect rotation. I believe this is due to the fact that assault plastique is so heavily affected by armor, that as sustained damage, it is simply not as effective as a rotation which allows you to use high impact bolt more. In addition, the greater damage output from all of your other abilities from being being able to pick up other talents makes the 4/6/31 build slightly inferior.

    Another very important fact to note, is that the assault plastique spec is much more ammo intensive then the hybrid, because the ammo saved from using more free high impact bolts, vs. spending 2 ammo on Assault plastique is tremendous, especially in the assault's ammo hungry build.


    The advantage that I would see with the AP build, is that the burst is of course higher than the hybrids, and the fact that it is slightly less RNG dependant.


    All in all, in terms of PURE DAMAGE, the two are pretty even, and one doesn't completely trump the other.

    I suppose it comes down to preference. The two main differences between the specs is that one has much more burst potential and less RNG, while the other is much less ammo intensive, which might lead to higher sustained damage because the ammo saved can go into using main abilities instead of hammershot.


    Like always, I am just trying to find out which spec is the best, and provide those all of you out there with something tangible to help guide you on your path. In the future, i plan to use a similar method in order to compare this hybrid to a mostly tactics one, and then a full tactics spec, although as you can imagine, that would be slightly more difficult.


    Please share your thoughts and concerns, and I hope you all find my work of help to you in your min-maxing endeavours. =)

  4. Alright, so after racking my brains, I came up with a method of ROUGHLY calculating the damage output of having assault plastique vs. a pure ion pulse/stockstrike/HIB rotation.


    I came up with what I thought to be the best method without the use of a combat log. I wanted to find the raw damage output of one spec versus another, so I basically decided to calculate results by ignoring ammo consumption. Essentially, I just wanted to find the raw damage output of abilities, if you were not forced to hammer shot to conserve ammo.



    With the two specs, I mapped out a timeline of 150 seconds, or 100 GCDS. Both specs essentially use the same rotation, so I obeyed the following rules for both specs.


    Priority list, in descending order:

    1) Incendiary Round is refreshed every 15 seconds

    2) HIB is used as a priority below only IR

    3) Assault Plastique is used every time its available

    4) Stockstrike is used if IR/AP is not availible

    5) Ion pulse is used if all others are on cooldown


    With high impact bolt, I assumed 1 would be used right off the start, and in order to calculate the refresh rate, I assumed that 45% of all stockstrikes would give a chance for 1 HIB, while 30% of ion pulse would give a chance for 1 HIB.


    For example: If i were to use up 13 GCDs and 9 of them were stockstrikes, then at a 45% refresh chance, on average 4 of those will be HIB's.


    So with this in mind, I set out to calculate a rough breakdown of how many times you would use each ability


    The results ---


    Incendiary Round --11

    Assault Plastique --13

    Stockstrike ---------11

    Ion Pulse -----------54

    High Impact Bolt --24



    Incendiary Round --11

    Assault Plastique --13

    Stockstrike ---------11

    Ion Pulse -----------46

    High Impact Bolt --19


    After this, I calculated rough damage values for each spec using my own character, who's in mostly rakata combat tech, and using the tooltips which are fairly accurate for gauging damage.


    For Example:

    spec 1 HIB damage = 1678.5

    spec 2 HIB damage = 1739


    On top of that I gave an armor value of 20%, in order to reflect the armor on an operation boss (currently unknown, this is only a hypothetical value)


    This means that Abilities such as IR and ion pulse which are not affected by armor do not change, while Assault plastique and stockstrike both have their damage reduced by 20% because they deal kinetic damage.

    High Impact Bolt only has its damage reduced by 2% since it is 90% armor piercing.


    My ultimate results were as follows:



    Incendiary Round --20,460

    Assault Plastique -- 0

    Stockstrike ---------14,749

    Ion Pulse -----------55,265

    High Impact Bolt --40,901


    131,375 damage


    Incendiary Round -- 19,431

    Assault Plastique -- 20,181

    Stockstrike --------- 14,264

    Ion Pulse ----------- 42,159

    High Impact Bolt -- 31,253


    127,288 damage


    The final results of my little investigation show that the hybrid spec barely edges out the assault plastique spec when ammo is not taken into consideration, and assuming a perfect rotation. I believe this is due to the fact that assault plastique is so heavily affected by armor, that as sustained damage, it is simply not as effective as a rotation which allows you to use high impact bolt more. In addition, the greater damage output from all of your other abilities from being being able to pick up other talents makes the 4/6/31 build slightly inferior.

    Another very important fact to note, is that the assault plastique spec is much more ammo intensive then the hybrid, because the ammo saved from using more free high impact bolts, vs. spending 2 ammo on Assault plastique is tremendous, especially in the assault's ammo hungry build.


    The advantage that I would see with the AP build, is that the burst is of course higher than the hybrids, and the fact that it is slightly less RNG dependant.


    All in all, in terms of PURE DAMAGE, the two are pretty even, and one doesn't completely trump the other.

    I suppose it comes down to preference. The two main differences between the specs is that one has much more burst potential and less RNG, while the other is much less ammo intensive, which might lead to higher sustained damage because the ammo saved can go into using main abilities instead of hammershot.


    Like always, I am just trying to find out which spec is the best, and provide those all of you out there with something tangible to help guide you on your path. In the future, i plan to use a similar method in order to compare this hybrid to a mostly tactics one, and then a full tactics spec, although as you can imagine, that would be slightly more difficult.


    Please share your thoughts and concerns, and I hope you all find my work of help to you in your min-maxing endeavours. =)

  5. Just a couple of updates with some AMAZING results after some testing, and number crunching.


    Ok, so essentially I set out to compare a 4/6/31 spec, like this one,



    vs an 8/8/25 like this



    The results i've found are very interesting indeed. First thing's first, I set out to find whether high impact bolt or Assault plastique hits harder. Testing on a player, I first had then strip down to 20% armor mitigation, then 30%.


    AT ALL THREE LEVELS, assault plastique did less than HIB, while at 30% armor mitgation, there was abo****ely no comparison. Here are the results


    30% armor mitigation


    HIB average damage: 1703

    HIB average crit dmg: 3604


    AP average damage: 1425

    AP average crit dmg: 3099


    20% armor mitigation


    HIB average damage: 1783

    HIB average crit dmg: 3714


    AP average damage: 1556

    AP average crit dmg: 3267


    10% armor mitigation


    HIB average damage: 1810

    HIB average crit dmg: 3801


    AP average damage: 1687

    AP average crit dmg: 3489


    High impact bolt is the obvious winner, and provided me with some insight as to whether or not assault plastique has value during an operation Boss encounter.


    With this knowledge in mind, I set out to try to map out whether or not assault plastique is truly worth it.

  6. I'm currently 5/5 nightmare EV and Karraga's and can tell you that vanguard is certainly viable in ops. I actually kill my add faster 100% of the time in the EV council fight, and the utility i provde as an emergency offtank is invaluable. I've tried most specs, including hybrids, pure assault, and tactics, and find that a hybrid assault is currently what works best for me, although other specs are certainly "viable". If you're an amazing player, generally you can make any class competitive.
  7. if your assault spec then crits lower your recharge cells, or what ever the free ability is. this helps out a LOT more then you think it does. crit surge imo, but dont sacrifice them to replace worse mods.


    I believe you're thinking of "RESERVE powercells" which is much less amazing than recharge. Reserve powercells only saves you a max of 3 ammo every 2 minutes which is nice if you can line it up with IR, but otherwise not so much unforunately.


    Theres a spreadsheet out there, though the accuracy is not that amazing, but essentially the stat order is currently speculated as AIM > Accuracy to 100% > POWER > CRIT > SURGE, with surge being the worst by a large margin, and power/crit being fairly close. Surge has a hard cap of 99%, meaning you cannot go above that.

  8. You have a very interesting point. The way I see it however, is that the classes MAYBE could use one which favored ranged more, but I dont see vanguards as a PURE melee dps either, in that we dont get completely dicked over like a sentinel or a guardian/shadow when forced out of melee. In addition, even scoundrels have a psuedo-ranged tree they can utilize which makes their damage mostly based on dots.



    The way I see it, Bioware has tried to balance out the classes accordingly:

















    When you look at it that way, it seems fairly balanced. Even the Scoundrel when speced into dirty fighting leans more towards ranged, while the vanguard when specced into tactics leans more towards melee.


    Of course, both the vanguard and scoundrel should be in melee to maximize damage, but at the same time, think about the fact that gunslinger/commando/sage all need to be completely stationary and hardcasting everything at range to maximize dps. They aren't as mobile as a vanguard or scoundrel when at ranged because ALL of our attacks are instant, while commandos/sages get messed up when they're forced to move during a cast, and gunslingers can't even use half their abilities when not behind cover.


    I think a fairy good example is the last boss in karraga's palace. As a vanguard, I find i do m ore damage than any of the other classes because of my mobility. Our sentinel is constantly messed up because if he's not in melee, he's simply just not doing damage and generating force, and its very difficult to stay in melee because of all of the fire in the ground you must avoid, on top of the chance that the gravity well can sometimes suck you in and trap you there staring at the boss herpderping twidling your thumbs.


    On the other hand, Our commandos get annoyed because the gravity well constantly sucks them in mid-gravround cast. If you get interrupted mid-cast, you've essentially just wasted an entire GCD and more because of the cast time. On top of that, when trying to run and dps, they either have to pray that their HIB is up, or hammershot to victory while moving because its really the only thing they can do on the move while trying to get away from gravity wells =P


    So i dont have the weakness of the sentinel, because i can still run around with my dots up, HIBing/ionpulsing/hammershotting while gettin in and out of the fire while I only have to be in melee every 9 seconds for stockstrike, and can still usually be in range to ion pulse at least when i get yanked out by the gravity.


    I also dont have the weakness of the commando because all of my abilities are instant, I can do more than just hammershot while moving out of the gravity well, and never have to stand still for a second. Even if i get yanked, all of my abilities were instant anyways so I never lose a GCD.



    I think its a fairly balanced tradeoff, and vanguards/scoundrels are great "inbetweens" You dont get dicked over when you're out of melee like a sentinel/guardian/shadow, and you never have to stand completely still in order to absolutely maximize your dps like a gunslinger/sage/commando does.


    I'm glad the OP posted the thread with his valid concerns, and those are my thoughts, what do you guys think? =)

  9. Its not a bad spec, and the one that I run. Although theres no hard evidence, the problem with assault plastique is that Its damage is good, but not great because its mitigated by armor. After a little testing, I found that my HIB base damage AND crit damage was higher than assault plastiques because of the armor factor. This was on a person with 10% armor reduction, 20%, and 30% and the differences scaled more as the armor values got higher.


    Sooo, its a tossup atm.

  10. Like Genesier pointed out, there's 7 other classes that have interrupt (my bad).

    So my question now is, why are you doing a HM FP with only Commando's?

    If not, then there should be at least one with an interrupt and Pow, your ok.





    Once again, unless it's some bizarre leader that's trying to run it with four Commando's then there will be at least ONE player that can interrupt him.


    If your refused to join a group because of it then either educate them or start your own.

    Don't try and make this game any easier than it already is just because you can't grasp the super easy solution to a none issue.


    I kind of agree with him. Seeing as how all 3 tanks classes have an interrupt, unless he's too busy herp derping, it shouldn't be a problem.


    Unless you're tanking with a commando, or with a companion. In a hardmode. Without lube.

  11. You have a very interesting point. The way I see it however, is that the classes MAYBE could use one which favored ranged more, but I dont see vanguards as a PURE melee dps either, in that we dont get completely dicked over like a sentinel or a guardian/shadow when forced out of melee. In addition, even scoundrels have a psuedo-ranged tree they can utilize which makes their damage mostly based on dots.



    The way I see it, Bioware has tried to balance out the classes accordingly:

















    When you look at it that way, it seems fairly balanced. Even the Scoundrel when speced into dirty fighting leans more towards ranged, while the vanguard when specced into tactics leans more towards melee.


    Of course, both the vanguard and scoundrel should be in melee to maximize damage, but at the same time, think about the fact that gunslinger/commando/sage all need to be completely stationary and hardcasting everything at range to maximize dps. They aren't as mobile as a vanguard or scoundrel when at ranged because ALL of our attacks are instant, while commandos/sages get messed up when they're forced to move during a cast, and gunslingers can't even use half their abilities when not behind cover.


    I think a fairy good example is the last boss in karraga's palace. As a vanguard, I find i do m ore damage than any of the other classes because of my mobility. Our sentinel is constantly messed up because if he's not in melee, he's simply just not doing damage and generating force, and its very difficult to stay in melee because of all of the fire in the ground you must avoid, on top of the chance that the gravity well can sometimes suck you in and trap you there staring at the boss herpderping twidling your thumbs.


    On the other hand, Our commandos get annoyed because the gravity well constantly sucks them in mid-gravround cast. If you get interrupted mid-cast, you've essentially just wasted an entire GCD and more because of the cast time. On top of that, when trying to run and dps, they either have to pray that their HIB is up, or hammershot to victory while moving because its really the only thing they can do on the move while trying to get away from gravity wells =P


    So i dont have the weakness of the sentinel, because i can still run around with my dots up, HIBing/ionpulsing/hammershotting while gettin in and out of the fire while I only have to be in melee every 9 seconds for stockstrike, and can still usually be in range to ion pulse at least when i get yanked out by the gravity.


    I also dont have the weakness of the commando because all of my abilities are instant, I can do more than just hammershot while moving out of the gravity well, and never have to stand still for a second. Even if i get yanked, all of my abilities were instant anyways so I never lose a GCD.



    I think its a fairly balanced tradeoff, and vanguards/scoundrels are great "inbetweens" You dont get dicked over when you're out of melee like a sentinel/guardian/shadow, and you never have to stand completely still in order to absolutely maximize your dps like a gunslinger/sage/commando does.


    I'm glad the OP posted the thread with his valid concerns, and those are my thoughts, what do you guys think? =)

  12. The OP doesn't really seem to understand the intricacies of dealing damage. Incendiery round isn't designed to be a powerful 1 shot attack that lol kills everyone.


    You're forgetting the main assets of IR. First that it is an ability you only use once every 18 seconds, so its like a fire and forget missile. You shoot it off once, then dont worry about it for 18 seconds while it deals added damage on top of your rotation.


    Secondly you probably dont understand the difference of damage types, but you forget that IR is "elemental" damage. It completely ignores armor, unlike most of your other attacks. Which is why ion pulse deals less damage as well. It ignores armor. When you look at the long run, the full duration of IR's dot + initial damage over 18 is higher than assault plastique, especially since AP is fully mitigated by armor, so its just damage on TOP of your current damage


    Third, you dont seem to understand much outside of "argh i dont see big numberz". Take into consideration that IR boosts the damage of MOST of your main abilities by 9%. So that means just having IR on a target is boosting the damage of almost every single ability by a straight 9% damage through the "rain of fire" talent.


    Assault is a much more mobile spec than gunnery, which requires you to stack 5 grav round shots and then follow with another hardcast in order to maximize damage. Very rarely are you gonna get the oppourtunity to do that in a hectic pvp enviornment. I see a commando grav round/tracer missile go off, and its my first instinct to interrupt it and mess up pretty much their entire rotation.


    The potential for burst in assault is much greater for vanguards than tactics or shield. incendiary round tick + AP delay + plasma round tick + a HIB round equates for some serious burst, and even more so with commandos due to the higher base damage they deal, in addition to the addition of charged bolts which hits harder per shot than ion pulse/stockstrike and the armor piercing nature of their cell.


    Also when y ou take into consideration that IR ticks are still damaging even when you're out of line of sight or unable to get to your target, the fact that IR's dot will pull people who have re-stealthed back out, and the ability to prevent a cap for a full 18 seconds makes IR's utility invaluable.


    I'm sorry you aren't able to utilize or grasp the more advanced concepts of your class, and hope you are able put some thought into it in the future.

  13. What is up with your abysmal customer service? For a triple A mmo that has spent more money than any previous MMO game, your service is absolutely horrible. I've never once gotten a real representative for my dozens of tickets. All of your responses are automated, and the VERY FEW TIMES i've ever seen actual human responses were from other people who had reported talking to a GM who barely spoke decent english. World of warcraft's ticket system gets responses FROM REAL english speaking GMs who know what they're doing within hours and sometimes even minutes. The longest i've ever had to wait for them was a day or two.


    So my main question is. Why is your customer service with your ticket system so horrible, and what do you plan to do about it?

  14. Where have they acknowledged this problem exactly? i've been combing the forums trying to find any sort of response but without luck so far, source would be helpful ty :)


    Ah, I found it in the dev tracker a little while back. I tried going back to find it but its been pushed off. It has to do with "character" responsiveness. They actually acknowledged mortar volley was "not working as intended". Im very sorry i couldn't find the actual posting for you.

  15. Well, assault plastique certainly is a powerful burst tool, the the main problem with it is that when you factor in the armor piercing aspect of high impact bolt, high impact bolt does more damage. I've tested this on mobs and players. My high impact bolt does more damage than assault plastique because AP is fully affected by armor. When you say AP is a straight 30 dps increase too, thats not true. You have to factor in the fact that ion pulse ignores armor completely, although you're right in saying AP still does more damage than ion pulse. Adreneline fueled is a very poor talent, but for pvp its ok. With the talent, you can usually reduce the cooldown of reserve powercell to about a minute, but the max ammo you can save is 3 per minute which is rather lackluster. Plus reserve powercell and recharge powercell are very buggy atm. Try doing an attack, then activating both abilities one right after the other, then try to attack again and you'll see. Sometimes they'll even trigger your GCD when they're not supposed to.


    Being able to heal an extra minute is pretty nice too, but if we're talking maximizing pve dps here, its decent but not worth the talent points.


    So the question is, if HIB does more damage than assault plastique, is it worth trading the chance to refresh HIB, rather than using AP? In addition, a ionic pulse HIB refresh means that HIB GAINS you 1 ammo, while using AP loses 2, so only using HIB and ion pulse would be easier on your ammo than AP.


    In ADDITION, currently our pve gear set bonuses provide a striaght 8% increase in HIB damage. What this means, is that HIB is currently and undisputedly the best and hardest hitting ability we have. It does more damage than AP, while costing 1/3 ammo less.


    I have a thread thats been gettin alot of attention lately on the issue, and would like to say that currently, everyone had very valid points. Its hard without solid evidence, and most of what we're saying is "heresay" but i plan to try my best to try to work out the math and provide some solid evidence.




    Ive found a way to kind of calculate the values for HIB hybrids vs Assault plastique. I'll keep you updated.

  16. the fights in hardmode seem to start hard, then pan out. Esseles is by far one of the easiest hardmodes, and with skilled players its a cakewalk.


    The main problem with the fight, is that the adds hit HARD. The boss isn't so bad, he just does an aoe frontal cone attack so needs to be tanked facing away. The only bug known, is that while the adds are INSIDE THE ROOM, they do not suffer from aoe damage. They can still be single targeted. AKA, dont aoe till they're out of the little room.


    The adds fall like paper though, and die easily. If you can't do the fight, having great dps is the best way to counter-act the damage going out. 1 mortar volley kills all the adds for me, and i can solo them now. In fact, our guild runs esseles just for the daily, and we've 3manned it with ease.


    Sticky grenade on the first add, aoe stun, then 1 pulse cannon usually kills them. If the dps is good, then the fight is easy. If the tank/healer are good, they'll have a harder time making up for ****** dps if they can't kill the adds in a timely manner.

  17. Without reading through any threads, I made a very similar build while brainstorming around similar aims in mind.


    I eventually decided on another version with a more guarding aspect in mind.




    What do you think?


    (I have only read the OP at this stage)


    This spec is a little awkward. The main problem with this spec, is that it requires you to kinda be in both ion pulse and plasma to have full effect, otherwise you're sacrificing too much in the way of actual dps talents to pick up 30% increased stockstrike crit. plus you lose out on the nicest part of the talent, refreshing your stockstrike. Since you will most definitely only be in plasma for pve bosses, it kind of puts some of the points you put into shield a waste. =/


    PLEASE keep in mind that I am designing a spec purely with PVE RAIDING in mind. I have no intentions on pvp since this spec is balls vs an AP burst spec for pvp. Although to be honest with skill, anyone can make most specs work. (currently highest valor ranked vanguard on the server that i know of using this spec which is at best, mediocre in pvp.) ^_-.



    On a side note. I'd like to thank everyone for their constructive critiques. I am by no means absolutely right, and everyone has valid points when it comes to assault plastique. I am still in the process of finding a method, and time to test the actual values for spamming ion pulse + HIB vs having AP, and will try to get it up as soon as i have time.

  18. The spec has been great so far but I'm starting to feel like I'm in a valley right now. I'm 35 and maybe it's a gear issue but my kill speed has gone down. Should I look at something else while I level or should I keep at this spec? Have you found any other spec's that rival yours in terms of top dps?


    I'd like to point out that this spec works mostly for level 50's, and below that theres not much difference between this and the pure assault spec because you simply do not have the points to make the difference.


    For leveling, I would recommend a shield spec. The nice thing about vanguards, is that our tank spec still deals very respectable damage, but also makes you twice as tough as a dps. For quick killing, this spec is not recommended, because a lot of its damage relies on procs, and dots which take time to get rolling.


    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMGrdorogzZMsMZb.1 Something like this should be nice for leveling. Lots of upfront instant damage, decent survivability.

  19. guys what stats you max? i am trying now pure crit + surge imho with 56mods is possible to get about 92-94% from surge and around 39% +- crit with raidbuff

    anyone tried it yet?


    I'm currently running for max AIM, and trying to get my crit to around 35% unbuffed and going straight power afterwards. My surge lies around 94%, and i dont plan to go any higher than that. There is a surge hard cap at 99%. I think crit is better up until aroun 40%, and then power takes precedence. At the very least, the power relic is much better than the crit/surge one. I've done some testing, and you crit harder with the power relic than the crit/surge, and even though you lose some crit, the power relic makes your base attacks stronger anyways to make up for it.




    Did some testing on the


    Dark Energy Surge relic which i have recently aquired, and i must say it is AMAZING.


    For those who dont know, there is a relic which drops off karraga's palace, which has the following Attributes


    +Endurance (65-77)

    Equip: Damaging attacks have a 30% chance to deal *168 additional internal damage to the target. This effect can only occur once every 4.5 seconds.


    After some testing, i've found that this trinket is SIMPLY AMAZING. it is 168 internal damage, which is not affected by armor, and has a chance to CRIT based off your crit chance. It is ALSO affected by your surge when it crits.


    It does NOT scale with your AIM/Power


    It procs off EVERYTHING. Dots, ticks, tech, wepaon damage, anything that does damage WILL proc it, and even more notable, EACH SHOT FROM HAMMER SHOT, has a chance to proc it, meaning that every single hammer shot will almost garuntee a proc.


    AKA, the affect WILL happen every 4.5 seconds, meaning it is a straight, hard, dps increase. There are teir 1, 2, and 3 versions, with my Dark Energy Surge being the highest teir. If you come accross it, dont pass it up.

  20. Thanks to the OP I was very upset with myself for choosing to go Vanguard DPS. I still don't think we do the "hard numbers" of a Gunnery Trooper. With this spec I have been able to stay even with the other DPS classes so far in our Ops. We've cleared both instances on Normal and start HM this week.




    I still think Vanguard DPS needs a buff to be "on par" with the Gunnery Tree but we won't be able know for sure until we get combat logs/dps meters.


    I think our raw numbers when comparing tactics to gunnery are a little skewed in the favor of gunnery. Although its hard to tell for sure, there is a lot of consensus saying that tactics, which i believe should be comparable to gunnery as a PVE spec, feels rather weak. This is why people have been coming up with random hybrid specs to try to combat this, and I am glad to be of help! Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. My next project, is to take a record of my numbers on an actual mob. (yes, sit there n try to record values by hand) while i compare a HIB and ion pulse rotation in my spec, vs a pure assault with assault plastique.

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