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Posts posted by Bazzoong

  1. Certain AC combinations will become next to immortal, healer and tank stacking will be the way to go again, 99% of VS matches will be decided by a random roll after a 30 min draw at the first door (well with good teams that happens 90% of the time even now), whoever caps 2 nodes first in ACW and NC will win 95% of the time.


    The game will become more like wow against every decent team you will get a 10 sec kill window approx. every 4min, in that window you you will have to have the gods of RNG with you and coordinate your moves perfectly or wait another 4min and reset.


    BTW, companions can no longer be used in outlaws den, "FREE FOR ALL" hahaha.


    Oh, and since everyone will go cyber tech now prepare yourself for some sick grenade usage.

  2. Adrenals and relics are nerfed. Huge burst drop for Concealment


    Nothing have changed in both dps trees, but 6% healing recived nerf in Concealment.


    I saw a straight massage to leave and never come back.


    Message received, the intentions for the future of this game have been made absolutely clear by the devs with 1.3 patch notes.

  3. What you all do not get is that this nerf removes the defensive consumables as well as the offensive ones, all this will bring about is LESS OPTIONS and less available cds, the "OP_classes" will profit from this, all others get screwed.


    Timing and preparation get dumped and spamming gets rewarded, have fun.

  4. Of course it was nerfed! It was a crafting skill that made items that if used properly and timed correctly was actually useful.


    Can't have that! Requires skill and timing, things that take the fun out of facerolling the keyboard and is unfair to those that didn't prepare beforehand! Have to cater to those that don't prepare and make the gaming experience better for them, not those with a little bit of gray matter in their noggins!


    I second this post. All in all I am under the impression that SWTOR is going the way WoW has gone removing useful crafting and professions from PvP is the first step (cyber tech grenades will be removed in 1.4 I bet on it), the next step will be that they will force us to spend 31 point in one skill tree. the game gets dumped down instead of adding useful stuff for all professions they remove stuff, instead of tuning for balance they remove stuff.

  5. It won't impact dps Ops. The boost to the Stim Boost heal was negligable and any healing that you did in combat was small. I don't know why they didn't hit Medicine instead, named the tier 2 talent that boosts overall healing and when you've got a TA available. But hey, it won't affect us stabbing folk.


    Sorry but you, Sir, have no idea.

  6. What the biochem and relic changes mean is removing cd management and resources and introducing random on hit damage, biochem will be useless and everyone will go cyber tech for the grenades, which will lead to a cyber tech nerf in 1.4.


    This game is going the same way WoW has gone, crafting will give some minor static stat bonus and will be more or less meaningless.

  7. If concealment had a gap closer (even on a 3min cd) the whole non-operative population would instantly auto-unsub and disappear into a black hole. It`s even worse with armor penetration if concealment could get half the arp of a carnage marauder (even on a 2min cd) the whole world would auto-unsub.
  8. An Operative's primary role is DPS. We may have decent ability in the control department, but it is highly situational, and doesn't apply in most situations. If you're constantly running around looking for those situations, you are actually HURTING your team, when you could be fighting with them and doing your main job - DPS. I personally would rather have you killing the enemy healer at mid turret on Alderaan, for example, then running off like a moron trying to stealth cap and/or harass the right turret.


    Sure, the occasional sleep dart, flash bang, and stealth cap is helpful to your team, but do you seriously think that makes up the bulk of our existence in a WZ?


    If you are an operative, and not doing DPS, you are not doing your job, period (Except if you are Medicine spec, of course.).


    The main "control" that you should be exerting, is simply controlling who you decide to DPS, and not waste too much time in stealth trying to do so.


    Garbage like that makes me mad. Scrubs are defined by those "imaginary roles and rules". What you call moronic is where the "skill" is in this game, but you zerglings never understand the concept of going for more then one simple tactic at the same time.

    This is like chess you create opportunities on multiple fronts and win because you are better at handling more than 1 basic plan than your opponent is.


    But for the sake of "constructive advice" I`ll give one of those simple, easy to understand statements: An operatives role is not dps it is to find the weak spot in the other teams plan and then exploit it, that is why we got stealth to have the ability to look and wait for that weakness.


    Oh, and finally: dps means damage per second and is a concept that gives a measure of sustained damage over longer periods of time it is next to useless to apply it in pvp. Pvp is about coordinated spike damage and burst damage.


    I suggest you change it to this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McfMdhRozZMIMMdd.1


    Tox Screen is a must removing mental effects like "taunt" is core to all "deep healing specs". Pin down is awesome to "stop **** before it happens". Stealth detection is awesome especially with the debuff from the medicine tree on sleep dart, getting that dart of on shadows wins games...

  10. For pvp gearing check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=414429, it is for rather advanced stuff but the basic principles apply with weaker gear as well.


    For PvE just take what ever you get and follow these priorities: Cunning>Power>Surge>Crit>Rest


    If you start PvP you should REALLY buy the recruit gear (or farm it from the chests on tatooine) expertise is the "king stat" for pvp especially for healers.


    One final very important note: ignore what "set" you are supposed to wear, just get the gear with the most desirable stats and then start customizing.


    (edit) 12k hp seems very low indeed, you are probably using a lot of "green and blue" gear, get modifiable orange gear (preferably in all slots check GTN regularily buy augmentet orange gear if you can get some) and buy armoring for it with daily comms.

  11. @OP Neither the specs nor the advice on ability use are worth even a grain of salt, your concealment opener is REALLY bad, you maintain TA as much as you can for the damage boost, you NEVER lac before you have 2x TA, the specs suggested are beyond dismal, sorry if this sounds rude but it is the truth.

    The only use of overload shot is on sins when they shroud, else it is bad for your energy management. And I could continue here but why bother.


    Basically all you say is keybind and use your abilities (really nice advice nobody does that).

  12. Buy the sniper rifle, rip out everything and put it into an augmented version of "custom made blaster rifle" and use a cunning augment on that one as well. And use the medic knife, no alternative.
  13. The basic idea is kind of interesting, I see it as giving up damage completely and going for the "pure annoyance" with dots slows stuns while maxing survivability and off healing, to do that more efficaciously I`d suggest the following changes: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McrMzZMIr0dboZhrMk.1. This however will confine you to a strict support role, I can imagine this working really good in a premade with a pyro a marauder and a sorc(healing hybrid), your job basically would be to control the enemy players with slows stuns and debuffs while keeping KP on everything and dispelling tech effects to support the 2 damage dealers focusing down the targets.


    If you give this a try please post how it worked out. The idea is kind of interesting and unique.

  14. I have a full tank set for my Powertech, and i've tanked... everything he says is true... you're slightly harder to kill, But that's it...


    I'll use an example.


    Take a DPS/Healer, and take a Tank/healer.. and have them fight.. I bet you 100% of the time the DPS/Healer win.


    In this scenario taunt is meaningless because the healers will just dispel it every time if they are worth anything.

  15. If you are really into optimizing you can hit lvl 50 with 2000 wz comms 3500 ranked wz comms and a full set of recruit gear.


    Ranked comms can be acquired when you get to valor rank 40. Below that buy wz med packs and adrenals, stack those up you will need them at lvl 50.

  16. So im playing huttball last night. I have 2 guys healing me as i grab the ball from the middle and make my way towards there goal line. I got my iphone stopwatch going.


    I make it probably 10 feet in the span of 50 seconds holding the ball. Between stuns, roots, mezz, snares etc etc.




    Why arent roots and snares affected by resolve? And why cant a grapple someone with full resolve? If they can root me, why cant i pull them? What is the logic behind this ?


    Wouldnt it make more sense to be immune to all CC whilst your resolve bar is full?

    Wouldnt it make sense to get some sort of immunity to all cc after you use yer stun breaker? even 5 seconds?


    Games are meant to be fun. Being cc'd for 50 second continously is not entertaining at all.


    Anyone else think the whole system is ridiculous?


    edit: Oh and why does my huttball pass target disapper when i get cced? Why do i have to keep spamming my hotkey so hopefully i can get a target so i can pass the ball in the split second before im cc'ed again. Why cant the target just stay open the whole time. Just seems ridiculous....


    I will explain it to you, SOOOOWWWLY:


    Roots and snares are not affected by resolve because they can be "dispelled". Basically the 2 guys healing you are MEANT TO REMOVE THE SLOWS AND ROOTS, failing to do this makes them bad healers.


    So just another case of players with no idea what to do, nothing to see here move along.


    Oh and just as a general pointer, it is way more clever to ask for advice than just complaining about resolve.

  17. Nice to watch, "nuclear strike detected" on orbital strike made laugh. The "duel" vs the assassin was really nice.


    Overall some use of your heals on your team mates would have made it next to flawless, e.g. the nc fight instead of searching for the sin you should have thrown the guy who was capping some heals he was at 50% and you never know if enemy reinforcements are on the way, or the guy who tried to help you during huttball surely a heal or 2 would have made a huge difference (but you won the 2v1 so nvm, but I would have made it a 2v2 just because...). Anyway all in all really nice to watch.

  18. /facepalm

    By Mitigation?............... What? Expertise SUCKS for healing whether you talk input(HP loss) or output(Crit rating/Healing increase). Follow the link to knowledge...






    If you need advice on how to start a nerf thread there is an excellent guide, somewhere on the pvp forum.

  19. Hi,


    modifications and enhancements can be moved into all gear no matter where you take them from, the armoring however can only be moved to another item of the same kind. So you can not take a heavy armor armoring and put it into medium armor nor can you put the armoring from say boot slot equipment into chest slot equipment.

    You can however get modifications and enhancements form heavy armor boot slot equipment and put them into chest slot equipment.


    The best way of optimizing your gear is to find the cheapest item with the enhancements and modifications you want and then buy that multiple times to remove those and put them into all your other gear. You are not limited to your class gear for this, you can use enhancements and modifications from other classes equipment as well.

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