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    Snow, Swamps, food of this kind.
  1. Awesome. Tysm! You guys just saved me a crap ton of cartel coins! At first I didn't realize that I had to equip the crystal and would've bought it for another toon without knowing. Thanks again!
  2. Ok, so how do you know if something is capable of being bought account wide or not then? Like I'm kinda interested in the advanced green core indestructible crystal. No clue if that's something I can get for all my alts or not though.
  3. I want to purchase some things account wide but I don't see the option anywhere. Am I missing it? Is there a box somewhere to click or something? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. I don't think that particular thing is a bug since they have it in the fine print. I think they want you to have bought CC off their website at least once with a credit card. The bugs I've been watching are things like when you go to buy ingame CC and they keep on asking you to buy from website instead even if you have. Or ppl claiming that they didn't get the discount.
  5. Sounds like a lot of bugs still to work out. I'm going to hold off on buying coins till they figure out what is going on.
  6. I feel that everyone is comparing apples to oranges here. LFG is a tool to allow you to get into flashpoints "Faster." Granted, if you follow WoW's system and queue for DPS it can still be a long wait, but I can do other stuff than stand in a city screaming in gen chat "LFG for such and such an instance." When I have to work to find ppl to play with but only have enough time to play as a casual gamer, then I miss out on the instances. If I can't experience the content, what is there to motivate me into playing this game? P.S. I'm not trying to be a troll here either. I so desperately want this game to become something epic.
  7. I think you make a valid point of why ppl don't want meters and addons. PPL don't want to deal with someone screaming that they suck bc they aren't topping the dps charts, regardless of whether or not they are capable of completing the game content. I might be mistaken but gear score was created bc sometimes at end game it was a bit tricky to tell which items were better than others. If you had no problems with telling which was better than others then...good for you. Want a cookie? Bottom drawer. But elitists started to take that to a whole new level giving other ppl crap about their gear. I remember a few times ppl lfg in Dalaran for others to do heroics and were only accepting ppl in raid level gear. You did not need raid gear to complete heroics, ppl were just getting crazy. I think Bioware is a bit hesitant to allow ppl to toss in mods just yet bc they really want to think over how it will affect game play and how they will regulate it. If that's true then I applaud them and hope that they think long and hard about this. Some of you are saying "I don't want addons but I do want them to implement my changes..." That's why we need mods. What you want might not be what I want or work for me. I'm sure they will come up with something and like those of you who want the mods I'm hoping that it's soon.
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