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Everything posted by justandulas

  1. You have no idea what you are talking about twickers. the 5% of playerbase that does the activity is more representative of the nightmare content. Hardly anyone does nightmare content, it is definitely the minority compared to the PVP crowd. Secondly, I didn't make up a single statistic. I said "PVP kept this game alive last summer" and if you doubt that, then you are either in self denial, oblivious to the truth, or a new player since f2p. After the big server exodus, most servers didn't even have enough people to do any sort of PVE with. The only people logging in day in, and day out for MONTHS were the PVP crowd, and those who love alts. PVP kept this game from going belly under before their server merges and f2p migration. I've never asked that dev time be cut from the PVE crowd, but the neglect they have given the PVP crowd since f2p is almost criminal. We paid for an expansion too, and didn't even get new valor ranks for gods sake. Do you know how long it takes to put new valor ranks in? Less than a lunch break. The PVP crowd is much bigger than "5% of the playerbase" like you speculated, and they don't deserve to be ignored to death by BW. PVP was a big feature of this game pre, during, and post launch... so whats changed since f2p?
  2. How so? As someone who doesn't do ops since the server migrations and primarily only PVP's and does world events, what other content besides gree will my sub have got me this year? ROTHC was something I paid for, and not only that but it was all PVE content (not a single crumb of PVP development) and it was practically over as soon as it started, leaving subs like me to the same wz's/dailies/weeklies. I'm supposed to keep a sub all year for gree event and new pvp coming in 2.4? With ESO, EQN, GTA5 and new consoles coming out, there is far too much good competition this fall for Bioware to be dragging their knuckles on PVP
  3. Move along troll this has nothing to do at all with the gree event. This is about PVP subs not being treated properly.
  4. I don't understand really. ESO, EQN, GTA5, and new consoles are all releasing this fall now is not the time to drag their knuckles about pvp content . 2.4 will be too late for PVP reform in SWTOR. They have to work double/triple hours at BW to get it into 2.3, because right now it is horrible how little attention pvp gets in SWTOR despite how popular it is and later this fall is jam packed with heavy hitters that will lure people away from SWTOR, and they likely will never return.
  5. I just don't understand. As a pure PVP sub, I came into todays 'big news' with new hope and anticipation of the future of pvp in SWTOR and left feeling almost certain my love affair with SWTOR is over. To say this 'news' was disappointing would be a monumental understatement. Do they not understand PVP kept this game afloat last year? Why have we been neglected to death since f2p? By the time 2.4 comes, it will be too late. You released a freakin expansion with NOTHING for pvp players (NOT EVEN NEW VALOR RANKS, that takes like 30 minutes to program in) and then tell us to wait almost a year after it releases for content we should have had to launch the expansion.
  6. I just don't understand. If I had access to a game engine generator, I could create 20 new warzones every year. How on earth is BW unable to deliver more than one new small WZ a year? I really love the PVP in this game and thought I'd be here for years, but it's clear to me that BW doesn't want my sub. What kind of expansion releases, doesn't have any content for half the community (pvp crowd) and then tells us to wait until sept/october for some kind of PVP content? it just isn't right. PVP kept this game afloat last summer, and now it has been basically neglected to death by BW since f2p.
  7. This is a very bittersweet moment, but I just cancelled my sub. I have been a loyal customer since the website arrived, been here since day 1. I brought my entire wow guild over, spent hundreds on the CM, bought the razer keyboard/mouse but it's clear Bioware doesn't value my sub. I am primarily a PVP sub, the only reason I have stuck around despite the server merges, the exodus of last spring, losing all my names, and losing all my friends is because I truly love the PVP. PVP hasnt seen a single bit of attention since before f2p, even with an expansion (we didn't even get new valor ranks lol, 30 minutes of work), and now we are told to wait until basically october for what will likely be just one new warzone and some new copy/pasted pvp gear. How hard can it be to create afew new warzone maps? Once every 18 months for one small map doesn't cut it. Why release an expansion and totally neglect half your playerbase? We've been in pre-season since last June with no end in sight. No new valor ranks. No real world pvp on makeb despite the promises. I feel very neglected, and really don't want to leave SWTOR but I've felt my pvp sub is second class basically since before f2p, and seeing that nothing was coming until 2.4 was beyond disappointing. Bioware needs to remember that ESO, EQN, GTA5, and new consoles are right around the corner so if they don't appreciate their customers, we will just find somewhere else to be. I never thought I'd ever leave swtor, but they obviously don't care about my PVP sub. Please BW, show me a reason to resub before my time runs out in August, I really love the game and the PVP, this isn't a hate post. This is a loving PVP customer begging for more content, sooner than 2.4.
  8. This is a very bittersweet moment, but I just cancelled my sub. I have been a loyal customer since the website arrived, been here since day 1, brought my entire wow guild over, spent hundreds on the CM, but it's clear Bioware doesn't value my sub. I am primarily a PVP sub, the only reason I have stuck around despite the server merges, the exodus of last spring, losing all my names, and losing all my friends is because I truly love the PVP. PVP hasnt seen a single bit of attention since before f2p, even with an expansion (we didn't even get new valor ranks lol, 30 minutes of work), and now we are told to wait until basically october for what will likely be just one new warzone and some new copy/pasted pvp gear. Bioware needs to remember that ESO, EQN, GTA5, and new consoles are right around the corner so if they don't appreciate their customers, we will just find somewhere else to be. I never thought I'd ever leave swtor, but they obviously don't care about my PVP sub.
  9. You aren't alone. Today's news was incredibly deflating for the pvp sub. We haven't seen a single crumb of content since before f2p, and even with a new expansion we got nothing. Not a single new wz, not even new valor ranks. Is s1 ever going to start? ESO, EQN, GTA5, and new consoles all come out this year, why should PVP subs remain until August and beyond if the PVP team isn't going to deliver content to us?. I love SWTOR, but their PVP team needs to know one new wz every 18 months isn't enough.
  10. I mean, i really want to love SWTOR. I have subbed since day 1, but hearing no new pvp content until August is very deflating. the pvp sub has remained bioware's most neglected sub, and today I feel even smaller than ever in terms of importance to BW. Should PVP subs just throw in the towel now since your team has obviously thrown in the towel on us? We have been in pre-season for over a year, we haven't seen but one small wz in over a year and we didn't even get the lunch break of coding in new valor ranks for an expansion. Since f2p launched, the pvp crowd has gotten absolutely zilch for content. my sub runs out in August, unless the pvp patch is amazing such as new valor ranks, new rewards (for ranked, and for warlord/elite warlord and beyond if we ever ge tnew ranks), and multiple new wz's I doubt I will return. GTA5, elder scrolls online, eqn, and new consoles are all coming out this year. BW's pvp team needs to quit dragging their feet and work as many hours as it takes to release a ton of new content before those other games release.
  11. Who is running your PVP team Bioware? We haven't seen any love at all in a year, and now we won't see any attention until August. Why should a strictly PVP sub continue to sub with ESO, GTA5, EQN, and new consoles all coming this year? Your pvp team needs to work double and triple hours at the office and release stuff in a hurry. We didn't get the courtesy of new valor ranks for an expansion, which takes all of a lunchbreak to code in. I'm SO disappointed. I want to continue to love and support SWTOR, but man they are making it harder and harder to keep justifying a PVP sub when the PVP community gets absolutely no love or attention from BW. One wz every 18 months isn't going to cut it. /sigh
  12. I was just trying to come up with a feasible way to add some content to the game. I love the idea of outlaws den having a cantina with the pvp terminals located there and using it as the new pvp base for both factions, but i forgot about the atrocious load time of tatooine
  13. The "leaked beta" footage you are talking about was actually pre-pre-alpha. Look around and check the new beta videos that have leaked, looks like a totally different game. Every object in the world is interactive and can be picked up like single player ES, and there are chests around the world for exploration with oblivions lockpicking system copy/pasted over. The ESO is looking great. However, this isn't about ESO. This is about SWTOR, a game I love, not producing any crumb of PVP content since f2p or for an expansion.
  14. That's a good point about the 5 minute lag for the tatooine load screen. You would think that they would have shaved that load time down to nothing by now.
  15. It isn't game changing or anything. Just a low tech idea to give PVP players a new place to hang out, where both rep and imp could hang in the same cantina and just outside the door awaited ffa madness. Put a terminal out there with the daily and weekly pvp quests (just the ones already in existance, nothing new) and just let the pvp players create their own fun in the new pvp hangout.
  16. Trade the credits to a friend and have them give it back.
  17. Thank you. It's just a simple suggestion from a big fan of pvp in SWTOR. It doesn't need to be a big world event, or anything game breaking. just a simple cantina with the pvp dailies (no new dailies added, just an alternative place to pick up and turn in vs the fleet) and /vendors out there with the gtn that's already there, somewhere where the pvp crowd of both factions can hang out and communicate with one another in friendly/unfriendly manner and if there's a problem, step outside the cantina where it becomes ffa and settle it. Take earning valor out to stop farming/grinding and just turn it into a fun little hangout spot for the pvp groupies of SWTOR where we could pick up our dailies, shoot the u know wut with one another, and just have fun at our own expense without stepping on toes of PVE players. It could become the spot on a pvp server
  18. Bioware, I have a suggestion for world pvp. Nothing major, but a simple gesture that would go a very long way for your PVP community (we exist, and we luv the pvp but want more) Today, I was out with a friend in Outlaws den and I saw the GTN. I thought, why not expand and put a cantina attached to it? Nothing fancy, just a copy/pasted one. It would do wonders for world pvp if there were a cantina with a copy/pasted pvp terminal from the fleet outside. Both rep/imps could use this cantina (Maybe make inside the cantina a safe zone or have guards or totally ffa) and use it as a central base for pvp fans on both factions where we could communicate, pick up our daily. use the gtn, and hang out amongst our fellow PVPers, maybe even step outside for fun now and then since it's right there. This is low tech for Bw to copy/paste a pvp terminal there and a cantina, and while it isn't game breaking, it is a huge gesture towards the pvp crowd who want world pvp. This is a very cheap solution that will give us some world pvp, and is actually possible to implement, and it wouldn't step on the toes of the PVE crowd who wouldn't want to be forced into unwanted content. Just a humble suggestion
  19. It doesn't even need to do anything drastic, i posted a suggestion last page that is incredibly low budget, cost effective, do-able and while it wouldn't be game changing it would be a nice gesture towards the pvp community that they are listening and doing what they can for us.
  20. There isn't hardly any opportunities, despite what it may appear on PVE/RP servers. No one leaves the fleet other than dailies, and lvling and dailies are seperated enough that one hardly ever encounters the other faction other than world events. Something as low tech as the solution I posted above would do wonders for world pvp and moral of the pvp community, and it's incredibly low tech and cost effective for BW to pull off successfully.
  21. There is a difference between open world pvp, and griefing and people mistake the two. I don't think any of us want to go back to the dark ages of mmo's where no where was safe, permadeath was real and very scary, and the emptiness of losing a high level character and all of his gear forever. Something as simple as putting cloned pvp vendors and daily terminal from the fleet in outlaws den and add a safezone cantina as the hub for both rep/imp there, and if you leave that cantina you run the risk. Doesn't have to have rewards, just putting daily terminals (no new quests needed) and a safe cantina beside the GTN that's already strangely in the middle of outlaws den. Bam, world pvp solved since now pvp players will have a home and somewhere besides the fleet to chill and both sides being there adds the cross faction communication and element of danger, fun, unpredictability. And, it is something you would have to elect to be there for and wouldn't be forcing anything on any PVE players. It's low budget, and easy to make happen for Bioware. Lack of good Wpvp isn't the only issue, the pvp subs just aren't seeing any new content even in an expansion. Not even new valor ranks
  22. See I don't get that attitude of the person you quoted. I love SWTOR and want it to succeed, but I'm a PVP player and desperately need some new content. Whether it's in turning smugglers den into an easy to do hangout spot for the pvpers, or whether it's new wz's or the sssp with pvp... we need more pvp and have been ignored hard since f2p. At least the pve crowd has seen something and had Ilum. The pvp has seen virtually nothing since f2p and it's a shame, because I really luv the pvp in swtor and recommend it to everyone, but right now it's clear we are the forgotten sub's so plz bioware, don't forget the pvp crowd.
  23. Wasn't trying to be confrontational to you or anything, I just have a bad sense of humor/sarcasm at times I suppose. I 100% respect your opinion and your contributions to the thread so I apologize if I came off as a jerk, wasn't my intention but that can happen sometimes with internet sarcasm. my fault The new wz launched back in like Sept, and I included it when I said one tiny new wz in the last year. One tiny wz every 18 months isn't cutting it. Since then the game has gone f2p and an expansion dropped so yea, we have gotten garbage for content since f2p. Nothing at all, especially when the only incentive for pvp, gear is completely devalued at the moment thanks to bolster. Again, what purpose does pvp gear serve when you can equip all greens and have higher PVP stats? PVP subs just feel very very neglected is all
  24. Rich enough where I could blow 18m on a single item on the GTN without sweating it. Honestly, credits are pretty easy to come by in SWTOR. Even if you did nothing but dailies, or space missions, or pvp, or did nothing but buy/sell cartel items... money comes cheap in SWTOR
  25. ROFL bolster content rofl. It already existed pre 50, and honestly it does FAR more harm at 55 than good. I saw a recent 55 today wearing all greens in a wz because it gave him more expertise than full pvp gear. /sigh. New pvp gear is worthless because of the bolster. To call that content is a joke. We have gotten absolutely zero content so don't try and spin it as anything else. The incentive to pvp, gear, was removed when bolster shattered 55 pvp balance. New wz's, new valor, and rewards for pvp like launch had. How about a start to s1 sometime soon? etc etc. PVP subs have absolutely and totally been neglected and ignored since f2p and even with the expansion. Not a crumb of development attention
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