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Everything posted by Senden

  1. They made a GREAT Star Wars game but a mediocre MMO. The world just doesn't feel living, the entire experience is all about you feeling heroic and very little build up for any of the iconic characters in the universe if they even exist. You just have to look at the fact there isn't server forums to see just how much attention and care Bioware put into the MMO feel of the game.
  2. Only people who should read this are those who want to learn how to answer questions like a politician. Seriously, out of all those questions, he provided very little insight into anything TOR development related. Most of the answers were the standard "we're aware of that but can say nothing more." His answer to the server forums bit was a huge kick in the teeth too.. there is no easy solution? Yes there is, just bleeding give them already!
  3. It was clearly a premature release. I think everyone including BW didn't expect to releae it until next year but with Blizzard announcing Diablo 3 was delayed until Quarter 1 next year, EA felt they had to release it now.. this imho was confirmed when the release date announcement for this game came within the first 24 hours of Blizzard announcing the delay. It's a great game for sure but it is certainly not as complete as it could have been.. simply put it lacks the polish of say WoW but I understand that BW aren't exactly in the luxurious position Blizzard are in.
  4. No they just completely shun the lower levels and let level 50s stomp all over the lower level players, I'm sure the low levels will love the small queues so they can ensure they get facerolled by level 50s with minimal waiting times.
  5. Yeah I've seen it enough times myself but had been naive and hoped BW might actually you know, communicate with it's community a bit more. Maybe once the dust is settled and they start losing subs from their ignorance they'll wisen up a bit more.
  6. Are level 50s going to make up 90% of the players scaring off lower levels from entering? Granted I'm only level 17 but coming up against level 50 sorcerers I can't even dent them before they burst me down.. it's not my intention to whine but it would be good to get some clarification on what BW plan on doing as it's going to seriously discourage lower level players from participating in warzones.
  7. Thats funny, I've been a pvper for about 5 years now and never once thought of rebinding my S key and never really realized just how useless it is.
  8. As a former rogue of Wow I really enjoy playing assassin.. it's somewhat different from rogue but the stealth and damage output is somewhat similar. Assassins can also tank too which is also a lot of fun. Out of the three classes I've played so far, Assassins are easily my favourite pvp class.
  9. Ability delay can be really annoying.. it becomes blatantly obvious in say huttball and you time the knockback perfect but only to see the player get knocked right past the fire for an easy score.
  10. Your last two points lack of interaction and bad developer communication are spot on the mark. Neither of which will effect my ingame judgement for the time being but could certainly have long term implications of whether or not I see this game as something I want to say get a 6/12 month subscription to.
  11. This pretty much! Consequences up the stakes but ultimately would just stop people wanting to pvp or cry more when things go wrong. The amount of stuns and knockbacks are what currently ruins pvp in this game.
  12. Server forums.. people who don't care about communities or check server forums need not bother commenting but go ask RPers how important it is to have official server forums.
  13. Yeah a grace period is so badly needed right now. I tend to crash out so often and when you get hit by huge queues it's just plain annoying. So far I've been ready waiting to play for three hours managed to get ingame twice and the longest I stayed in before my client stopped responding was 5 minutes. This has to change soon. I love this game and really want to play it but I don't see why I'd pay a monthly fee to either spend 80% of my time queueing or play at ridiculous hours.
  14. The space combat in this was tacked on almost so for the little time they had to work with it, it's turned out well I think however like the other guy said, this isn't SWG. The space combat in that game was really really good.
  15. I do think Bioware should look at compensating us for these queues. Do they have to? No! Should they? Yes! I understand queues are inevitable and Bioware are doing their best to make the experience as enjoyable to everyone as possible but these server management caps they are putting on throughout the day is killing my experience. I'm in a queue of 1134 and jumped about 200 places in 30 minutes and this is at lunchtime. I understand BW want to try and discourage players from joining full servers but they're really starting to test my patience now.
  16. SWG forums used to be great when I was used to play pre cu.
  17. Did you ever stop to think that the people on the forums whinging don't do it out of hatred/bitterness/whatever other negative thing you can muster but out of their love for the game? When I come on and complain about anything, I do so because of how much I'm enjoying the game and how I want my experience to be better.
  18. I don't think this game will ever die until Lucas Arts pulls the plug however I do worry that it won't meet EA's most likely ridiculous targets and they pull a lot of the funding for future updates. I agree that this game is amazing however I do still believe it's a work in progress and it's going to take a little while longer before it's "complete" if you will.
  19. Should be titled "you the publisher blah blah" as Bioware have little say over when it was released. Everyone including bioware I imagine expected it to be out sometime next year but after blizzard announced diablo 3 was pushed back until Quarter 1 next year, EA got cold feet and didn't want to risk releasing this around the same time. It's hardly a broken product either but it certainly lacks that extra bit of polish that would have made the game a much better experience.
  20. Is under 2m subscribers really a success for this game? Considering this game is rumoured to have such a costly development process and EA making it with WoW in it's sights, under 2m could potentially be at least half of EA's expected target. In terms of launch I'd say I'm 60% satisfied. The queues were AWFUL and the response time on working on them was equally awful as was the communication however I'm encouraged by Bioware's attempts to improve on these things and I'm especially happy with them communicating better with us all. For future though I really do hope server forums are added.. it might be a little late now but I still believe they're 100% needed to ensure a long, stable and healthy community. Other than that, I hope they focus on releasing unique original content. I understand they want to get the endgame going but the last thing I want is for them to pull a WoW and constantly regurgitate the gear grind with every patch then make all the gear obsolete in an expansion and rinse and repeat for the next eight years.
  21. I might cancel my subscription not because I don't think the game is worth playing but in protest in lack of some of the basic mmo features. This game is amazing it really is but there is more than a few things that I think need adding/changing plus Bioware need to get their act together open their eyes and realize what it is that makes MMO communities thrive.. because of this I might cancel my subscription in hope that the game changes for the better some time down the line.
  22. Maybe they didn't in the main interview that was quoted but the main forum post response in a thread listed that as their main reason.
  23. Because they're saying they don't have enough moderators to moderate them. No wonder they don't, they lock just about every thread which is remotely related to other threads or off topic. Or at least that seems to be the main legitimate post PR BS translation.
  24. There wasn't such a ridiculously strict moderation policy. Inb4thelock O look at that closed because I put this in general discussions.. case in point that we'll never get server forums because moderators would be working 40 hour shifts to moderate the forums from drifting slightly off course.
  25. Now I understand the logic behind capping the servers to try and ensure an even distribution but come on.. a 500 queue at 10:30 in the morning.. this is getting really old really fast.. the queues are longer in the mornings than they are in the evenings.
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