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Everything posted by tdmaha

  1. Ah yes posting facts or opinions that don't support your agenda is trolling...got it.
  2. So would this be the right time to put..... SHENAGIANS!
  3. K sorry I just don't understand what you are peeved about? So you spent real money to get the slots? Is that what you are saying? My first and 6th pack dropped a slot machine, I don't pay for cc anymore because I tried for a mount once and it never dropped.? Did I QQ I spent $40 and didn't get what I wanted? Nope, did I get peeved? Nope. Did I quit? Nope. But the drop rate on the slot machine was pretty good plus you can't QQ about buying cc just to buy packs for one item that's ignorant trust me I know I did it once. To have the nerve to cry about being ignorant (if that is what you are saying) is ridiculous! You got a lot more in those packs I'm sure you either kept or sold.
  4. And i want to thank you for continuing to give me air time. It's nice to get bumped because my comments about how ridiculous all this QQing and lying about what was said about a silly slot machine needs to be said. I understand you guys need to get your QQing in cause you have nothing better to do, but I'm just here to tell you how ridiculous it is. Your crying over a slot machine that sits in your stronghold! Say that out loud or ask your mom if she thinks that's something to cry about?
  5. You unsubbed because of slots? I'm going to accuse you of overreacting and or not actually Unsubbing.
  6. To be fair there were complaints about selling rep items for crazy amounts, there were complaints about too many Certs, there were complaints about crew skills are worthless now because of slots. These were all beaten to death last week.
  7. Yeppers a busy bee over here...moving my office to a new building though soon hopefully I get service in here since we have tight cyber security here... For some reason I think a few of you are hoping I don't get service
  8. No little buddy I didn't say you are doing all the spamming maybe a little education on reading comprehension will serve you some good. No charge either... I said purposely "overflowing" the forums with more threads on the same subject is spamming. Now please read that very slowly this time. Nice try
  9. Well personly if a VIDEO GAME ever made me have to step away to calm down especially something as small as the slots Id look into if one I need help or if two should I be playing these VIDEO GAMES that are making me feel this way. I don't ever see a situation in my life where I would ever have to ask those questions.
  10. Oh look at that another one who has reading issues...I recommend you reading it again because he clearly stated they are hear the complaints and are looking into them. do you honestly think straight up lying will help your agenda? And people won't call you out for it?
  11. Yes my post may hold nothing of value to poster like you who QQ all day on the forums. And I also believe your post has no other value than trolling...which is against the rules btw we better fix that.
  12. Hmm I'm curious little buddy why are you not calling out the guy I'm replying to? If I'm trolling shouldnt you call him out for trolling? Or do you only believe those who disagree with you are trolling?
  13. And thank you for bumping my post and helping me get my point across how silly the QQing over these slots actually is. Keep up the good work buddy!
  14. I know what he was saying. You missed what I was saying let me clarify. There is zero chance if the main dev opened up a discussion with the forum community it would lead to a constructive conversation. You would need to find a different venue if you truly wanted to have constructive conversation. Personally I don't think the slots would justify this type of response.
  15. Well purposely "overflowing" the forums would Actuslly be called SPAMMING which is against the rules. So no we didn't need another and let's just expedites this one no longer spamming the forums shall we...
  16. Well you better find someplace else to have your "constructive conversation" because those don't happen here. It's just QQ after QQ, thread after thread of a complsiner copy/pasting another complainers QQ to a new thread. And this happens on ever topic... I'm amazed you guys still pay for something you QQ all day every day on.
  17. Sounds to me like you guys are running out of copy/paste materiel and want them to say something so you can take their words out of context and or complain about whatever they say.
  18. I've been around MMOS for awhile now not sure about you but the chances you had two different posters have the same suggestion on any subject is rare. So which suggestion should have they listen too? Yours? One of the other 50 postsrs? I don't recall in any MMO they took one specific suggestions and implemented it, that's not how things work. They made a decision based off of feedback from those QQing. Now people are QQing about the consequences of either their own QQing or the fact they kept quiet while they raked in the benefits of what others thought was wrong. There were very few people last week giving credible suggestions most of it was pretty much the same thing we are seeing today. Lots and lots of complaining with.
  19. Haha you new to these forums? People would still be QQing about or find something to QQ about, it's what they do. He also said we heard their "complaints" which would mean more than one which would lead most to believe more than just jj was on the chopping block. Now if you are looking for something to QQ about sure you may try pick one what works best for your agenda.
  20. So you believe if nobody said a work last week we would be having this discussion this week?
  21. That bull this would never have been switched if people didn't QQ last week. There are consequences for actions people take and now some are QQ about the consequences of their original QQing and the rest are QQing because well they have nothing better to do but jump on the hater train.
  22. Hey kharThos asked you to stop with this. I will tell you again I WILL POST YOUR POST LATER! Now go copy/paste something else thst has to do with the topic.
  23. Hey kharThos there are about 20 other threads about the silly slot machine go post on one of them Arts busy here
  24. Pretty sure I said I will post them later today when I get home and YOU will be apologizing to me silly. I've actually said that a few times now. Slow down a bit when reading post, i understand you are a little worked up because of the consequences of your actions yesterday.
  25. And What was my reply to that POST? Oh look another quitting post by Art probably? So if I clled it a post yesterday I ment a post today. But all in all you have threatened to quit either by post or thresd multiple times. I know for fact there was one during the training cost uproar.
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