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Everything posted by micnevv

  1. Why are there armour sets that you can buy directly from the market in the boxes? I feel less inclined to open these types of crates due to this.
  2. I never mentioned NEW group content, I only referred to doing things we might have missed years ago while levelling. Like say a heroic 4 or world bosses. Rather than just stomping all over it you can now get some sort of challenge and something extra to do in down time.
  3. They're adding SOLO mode because most of those flashpoints are extremely important to the story. And there might not always be a group available for those flashpoints. It is something that should have also been available at launch, with 4-man teams being optional for extra rewards.
  4. I'm really struggling why people are so scared of this change. This is the change we've needed since launch, it will give the world a spark of life. We don't have to stand around in fleet doing nothing while waiting for a WZ or Raid. Now we can go out in the open and do random content without stomping all over the mobs. Why are you so scared of creating a group to do content? It is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game after all. I personally can't wait to get groups set up for world bosses to contest other people for it like at launch, rather than just going in and 1 shotting the boss alone. If you enjoy stomping over level 20 mobs for entertainment then you might as well go play club penguin.
  5. We have a little over 2 months left for this expansion to come out. Thus far we have learned nothing of great importance from Bioware other than the "story" and a few tiny bits of information here and there. I would also like to add that from the information we know there is likely to be only 9-10 hours worth of story content. And that is extremely worrying considering we are not getting any other forms of content such as a new operation or PVP map. just let that sink on for a moment, an expansion releasing with allegedly only 10 hours worth of new content That content plus an additional story episode here and there are meant to keep us entertained for several months while we do scaled up raids that we've been doing for 8 months now. Somehow after knowing all this, people are still willing to defend Bioware for not sharing basic information with us such as ; Class Changes, Crafting, Etc.
  6. It's coming out in 2 months time. They should be more than ready to show most of the base mechanic changes. Do you really expect them to overhaul major changes in under 1 month without testing??
  7. These race unlocks offer nothing to people in-game other than just more cosmetic options. And that is how Bioware makes their money in this game so take it or leave it.
  8. I really find this hilarious. A lot of items in the cartel market have been broken since they've come out and none of them were ever fixed. But a nice bug that people like?? Heresy - Fix it immediately!
  9. This is something that has been asked for by the community for quite a while now and has still not been addressed. There no longer is a need to pay 250k per crystal since we can just pull out a crystal of equal stats for free from our collections. You have also recently added the Black-Purple Striated crystals to the collection system so why not add these older crystals as-well.
  10. http://tor-fashion.com/enhanced-assailant/
  11. You can get a white version with Makeb reputation and dye it gray. It's slightly different but the closest you can get. The default version however is only available to Collectors edition.
  12. Vitiate's original name was Tenebrae. However someone on reddit brought up an interesting point - What if Vitiate was never really Vitiate? What if this Valkorian took control of Tenebrae as a child, which would explain why he was "strange" and "emotionless" even at an early age. To further prove this theory Bioware recently said that we still don't know Vitiate's true form despite being born a Pureblood Sith.
  13. I'm up for anything as long as it works, however this issue plagues most games and never gets fixed. So I'm just going to assume that Bioware isn't going to fix this kind of clipping anytime soon, therefore we have to settle for the next best thing - removing the physics effects from the item. Or at least offer us a toggle On/Off.
  14. Unfortunately that's not the case for Body Type 2. And this is especially bad on my marauder, most of the times when I am just walking around with my weapons un-sheathed it will clip instantly. Not even jumping or using an ability fixes it in most cases. It has gotten soo annoying that I just end up hiding my head slot which is a shame because I really like this crown.
  15. I love the new Freedon Nadd set, been looking for something like it for ages - especially the crown. However there is one massive problem with the crown it it's current state : the cloth that drops down has cape physics and whenever you mount up or use an ability the cloth clips through your head and stays there until your jump around to un-clip it. Sometimes this happens when you are walking around normally. I think a lot of people would appreciate this small fix to the helmet. Images of the bug - http://puu.sh/il5OA/a602201f50.png / http://puu.sh/il5OZ/819edf822c.png / http://puu.sh/il5Pf/5489788483.png
  16. I got a pair of Primeval Bracers from my platinum pack. A fairly rubbish item that I doubt anyone would want to be honest.
  17. Small Suggestion : Can you make the Report Spam option automatically request if you would like to ignore the person you have just reported? I know a lot of people that don't bother reporting spammers and just ignore them. This fix would probably result in more people using the report function.
  18. Sure you could do this, but you're not playing on the alt. The point of transferring a tier 1 set to your alt via labels is so that you don't get demolished when you hit 60 and not waste to comms. At the end of the day it was an unintended quality of life update just like Legacy gear was. And it was an update that was sorely needed for PVP gearing alts since Bioware can't be bothered to come up with a half decent bolster system.
  19. The credit sink isn't the problem here, I'm pretty sure most PVP'ers wouldn't care if they had to spend some credits. It's the fact that you need the old armour shell to get to the next tier unlike PVE.
  20. What's interesting about this is the fact that it's 2mil per character for a Quality Of Life improvement. Just let that sink in - HK-51 (Fully Voiced Companion) : 1mil per character - Repair Droid : 350K per character - Field Respec : 200K per character - And the list goes on This is clearly just a cash grab for people to spend their cartel coins.
  21. The problem with Wildstar's current situation lies with several massive problems that clearly weren't even noticed till it was too late. First off, the game had horrible marketing - and I mean literally the worst I've seen for an MMO in a long time. At last years' Gamescom in Germany Cologne I remember passing the Wildstar booth a few times and seeing barely anyone waiting to try the game whilst massive crowd bringers like League Of Legends were 20 meters away. Any other good marketing team would have used this advantage to its fullest, but since it wasn't even marketed before no one bothered to look at it. This should have been a massive slap to the face to the marketing team to wake up and realize that something was horribly wrong. Unfortunately they didn't learn their lesson until it was too late. They relied on word of mouth to do the marketing for them. This led to fanboys exaggerating the games' endgame. It wasn't until 1 month before the game launched that they started to do some real advertising (and it was done poorly). The game also suffered from a horrible release date. ESO had just launched a few months prior and left a sour taste in most players' mouth due to it's colossal problems ranging from game breaking bugs such as item duping to broken combat. Therefor people just went back to the games they felt comfortable with - WOW, SWTOR, GW2 etc. Another issue that also ties in with the games' marketing problems are it's graphics. The game looks like it was made for 10 year olds. Every corner has something that screams "I'm a Disney game" - Massive weapons, Fairy tail creatures, Starships that look like something out of the looney tunes and the list goes on. And to add insult to injury it has the same texture quality of World of Warcraft, a game that came out 10 years ago. These graphics alone made several of my friends not even bother giving it a chance. ( And yet this game is aimed at hardcore players? ) It's combat also leaves much to be desired. The limited amount of abilities that you can have at any one time leads to you having to spam your basic attacks several times while the other 5 abilities go off cooldown. And it also suffered from massive class imbalances such as medics being un-killable in a 1v1 fight or spellslingers being able to 1v3 without any problem whatsoever. Let us also not forget the massive vegetable soup that is PVP, having everyone pointing at a direction and using their abilities hoping to hit something. Finally, they targeted the wrong audience. Hardcore players are a dying breed - most of the targeted hardcore players are now adults with families and jobs. This leaves them with very little time to dedicate to a hardcore game so they end up playing a normal MMO like SWTOR / WOW or not even play MMOs anymore. -Side note : One thing that personally effected me was the bad customer service and extremely defensive and angry community the game has. I had a problem were the game retailer I got my key from accidentally gave me an EU key instead of a US one and unfortunately couldn't change it. So I went to submit a support ticket to try and swap my account region only to find that they can't swap it unless you buy a brand new copy of the game and give them the key. At the time I didn't know if I should laugh or cry so I went to the sub-reddit for the game to see if anyone was having the same issue, only to be greeted by a mob with pitchforks and torches saying it was somehow my fault that I entered an incorrect key and downvoting me for criticizing the customer support.
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