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10 Good
  1. Champion gear is basically the worst possible thing you could wear in a warzone right now. You basically want the best PVE gear you can get for your level until you hit 55, when you can start getting pieces that have expertise on them that are equivalent.
  2. Forget "to the death", I prefer "to the pain".
  3. This is the ultimate problem with the bolster system as is. It is impossible for you to simply look at to items and tell which is better without having them both inside a warzone and swapping them in and out.
  4. To fix this, they need to do the following: 1) You cannot apply talent points while in a warzone OR in a warzone queue. That's it. Any other fix can be worked around by simply having all your points open before entering the warzone.
  5. The problem is that these (Hydraulic Overrides and Covered Escape) are escape abilities, and they currently are not doing their job because of these bugs. Hydraulic Overrides is not immune to all slows. Covered Escape does not break roots, even though every other ability that breaks movement-impairing effects does break roots.
  6. The thing is, roots ARE covered by the sorcerer and assassin talents. Covered Escape is the only ability in the game that says it breaks movement-impairing effects and does not break roots. There is even a talent in Lethality that breaks roots on Countermeasures. Guess what it says as the text!
  7. I would love to see them fix both this and Covered Escape.
  8. As it is in the game, "movement-impairing" effects includes both slows and roots, except for in the case of Covered Escape. Take a look at the sorcerer talent or assassin talent that break movement-impairing effects. Those work against roots (like Legshot).
  9. Yea, I'm pretty disappointed that they haven't responded to the replies to that thread. Covered Escape has the exact same wording as the sorcerer and assassin talents that break movement impairing effects and those remove roots. If it says it removes movement-impairing effects, it should remove all roots and slows. If it says it gives immunity to movement-impairing effects, it should give immunity to all roots and slows. All abilities that use this wording should work like that. Covered Escape and Hydraulic Overrides should be fixed so they match the wording.
  10. Covered Escape does not break roots. I've tested it in both duels and warzones. Obviously it shouldn't break stuns, and it doesn't. All of these "breaks movement-impairing effects" abilities should work the same, but don't.
  11. According to the devs in another post, roots and snares aren't movement-impairing effects, so really you should just be rooted. At least, that is the reasoning they gave for why Covered Escape does not break roots. In my opinion, both abilities should remove all roots and slows.
  12. Thanks for the response David, however, I don't think your statement agrees with what "movement-impairing effects" has been used to mean on other abilities. Take the Assassin talent Disjunction or the Sorceror talent Fadeout. These abilities make Force Speed break roots and slows. This is the EXACT same wording as Covered Escape. So it appears either these talents are broken and incorrectly breaking roots when they are supposed to only break stuns, or the Sniper ability is broken. Covered Escape is a pretty poor escape compared to those talents or the BH Hydraulic Overrides, since you can't actually escape if you're being rooted. Whereas those abilities that say they break "movement-impairing effects" actually do break them.
  13. I just hit a new one. I was in a Novare Coast on my sniper, and was getting attacked by a marauder. I used Covered Escape at the exact same time he used some root (I guess), and it rolled me away then I teleported back to where I was. After that, the root lasted forever, even after 20s I could not use covered escape again or move at all. After I died, I could not move in the spawn room at all, and was forced to exit the warzone because I was permanently rooted.
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