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  1. I can make the mystic set. If you are impside, send a mail to Bluey. I am typically pubside these days and if you want to discuss directly with me, look for me on either yoga-flame, sighbot, or arthas.
  2. clearly PT tank due to shoulder cannon while stunned and can utility so that override breaks stuns. not that you would really need to take that, but you could if you wanna lol off all stuns
  3. pulferd

    Exile premades

    exile is getting so big should be called "every pub on BC that queues wzs". dont hate on exiles i have a couple toons in there and i havent met a single one yet i didnt enjoy playing with. also dont be a grump
  4. yeah when you were like "at a loss of 190 expertise" i was like no bro
  5. if sorc has immersion he should make a lol out of a chasing jugg. if jugg is really good at using his few control talents he *may* be able to take a big chunk out of a sorc before speed is off cd, but... god bubble for teh screw ups.
  6. This may be a tangent but your post makes me want to say something, but I have to provide context. Bio had admitted early in the game they were shocked by the speed at which their subscribers were consuming content - i think they expected a 6-9 month progression from level 1 to level 55, but we were level capping in a matter of weeks. bio isn't going to suddenly put the entire dev team on making end-game content to keep these voracious gamers happy, but they knew they had to keep people interested, so what do? the solution is to convince players to start all over again with another class, so as to put them back into step one of the churn. How to force people to reroll? Either make another class super interesting, or make the class youre playing super fail. And so, we have seen most classes suck hard at one point or another, and almost every class, save merc, has had their chance to faceroll. It would suggest also that merc is likely to go over the top in the future. Heck, If I was working at bio, this is exactly what I would do to keep you all entertained, and I don't know why people don't see that. And if i worked at bio, I sure wouldn't try to justify it to you. This would work until everyone had been forced into all 4 classes. I was surprised that they would make the 12xp pretty much permanent, until i realised that their data is likely showing them that of the people that are left, the vast majority have all classes already in their stables, and those that dont are not budging from their chosen class, OP or UP. The last card bio had to play to continue the churn is to OP the merc and make everyoone roll one. after that, it's new content or bust. This strategy should allow them to squeeze through until the star wars movie comes out and hopefully they get a bit of a boost and people become happy due to having new players around. After that, its either create true balance, bring out new pve content, or just leech of sub money with no investment until the tank runs out of gas. The reason I say all this is because no amount of complaining about this class or that class is going to move them from their churning strategy. they know full well that the class sucks, because its supposed to. you're not really supposed to be playing a merc right now unless you're really good at gaming and can achieve despite severe handicaps. this strategy is the only way they can keep you guys invested without putting down the money to make new content. So play past it. I have all classes and I play what they make me play. I dont game thinking "if im good enough, i can overcome these impairments". The way bio has created these classes, one is just better than the other. One thing that I can say is that I'll usually start on my deception, and if I completely stomp, I'll get on my sorc. if im still destroying, ill get on my mara, my weakest toon. Ill go weaker and weaker until i find the fights are balanced. I dont know why people dont realise that the pleasure of playing a well balanced game is more of a victory than winning a faceroll! In conclusion, Merc in rateds? what are you thinking. better have the DDOS buff bro
  7. idk why peeps be caring about overall as you can play civil war for 45 minutes and walk away with sick numbers, what about hps anyone hitting 4k?
  8. gamers are lemmings. swtor could go down to 18 active players, release a successful patch and droves will return, champion gear and all. the game is living on borrowed time until the next marginally decent mmo comes out. Im tired of sins pts and storms all day but i don't have a superior alternative. Id actually accept a lesser game if I got the feeling the development team was *trying*. I don't feel like BW is trying, i feel like they are feeding of us and quite possibly laughing at us.
  9. sorcs with dots, travelling in packs, will ruin. just like 5 lethalities. so will 4 snipers sitting in a line. so will 4 sentinels. nothing to see here.
  10. I had the exact same problem; both bracer and belt. I waited for them to respond, there was a bit of back and forth, eventually they asked me to log out so they could try themselves. Finally, they deleted the items from my cargo and mailed me replacements, which worked.
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