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  • Location
    West Texas, US
  • Interests
    RPGs, Art, Cosplay, mmmmbananas
  • Occupation
    Freelance Artist
  1. Obviously I'm in the minority... I wanted to move from a PVP server to an RP-PVP server. I'm wondering (because the wording is a smidgeon ambiguous) if this will be possible in the foreseeable future? Like, within months of implementing the first wave of origin to destination server type transfers. I just... this game's had so many things I've disagreed with/been mildly upset over and had to wait through getting patched and fixed, and I would like to know if this is one of the things that will develop more into an open system, or if I should just completely re-roll. Because that's really unacceptable. I understand the alternative to this smoothly controlled server population equation is something like the server pop crisis in the game which will not be named. I'm down with the idea. I'd just like to be able to change server types.
  2. This please. Communication is KEY to helping facilitate an enjoyable playing experience. I still have no idea if the one in-game ticket I put in was actually resolved, or just looked at and then closed, since the issue was a matter of waiting a few hours. I really really miss customer service where folks interacted with the players, and weren't some unnamed force. That way feedback was almost assured, and the playerbase was much more satisfied. I really want this game to succeed. I have loved it since I first logged in, and am having a hard time with the lack of communication. (Among the obvious server pop issues) Hopefully you guys are here to fix that, huh? =) Best of luck, looking forward to your impact on the community. Also, as a side note: Please stop re-posting the class trailer videos on the Facebook page. It's a pretty poor advertising tactic. Maybe limit it to recent things, such as the weekly Dev Q&A, or links to third party interviews (I haven't seen these, if they're already being posted). That way there's traffic to the site, and no re-hash that seems to only frustrate the player base that follows the FB feed.
  3. >< I'd be fine if my twi'lek knight's headband showed back up. She looks awful without it, and I've played to 37 dealing with whatever headpieces came my way. I was actually a little disappointed there wasn't a fix for the lekku to be put into a hood, but that WOULD be a pain in the *** for the art department, so I'm not really complaining. I rerolled a trooper with the helm permanently toggled off and I'm enjoying him just because he doesn't look terrible. I totally agree though, if the models are already in game, just implement them! What's the point of hoarding them for 'update' content when your player base is clearly upset? Put them in and go back to focusing on game play and performance.
  4. I thought that at first too. Since I got Doc though, I've got his affection to ~7000 (I'm only level 37) and he's managed to crack me up just about every convo. I agree, there could have been options among the companions for love interests. I was actually a little disappointed that I didn't roll a male for Kira, because it seems like half of the conversations with her to my female knight play like light lesbian flirting. Nothing wrong with that, but it's an awful tease. XD
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