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Posts posted by Talizzar

  1. We are generally not talking about upcoming balance information, for any class, until we have finalized the changes enough to be certain, which usually means when changes are about to hit PTS. This avoids confusion and wrong expectations, but understandably causes people to be impatient.


    I have acknowledged, when asked at the Guild Summit, that we determined healing on Operative can use some improvements and have made changes in 1.2 (along with changes to almost every other aspect of the game).


    For details, you will have to wait until the patch hits PTS (which should be soon) for the reasons stated. Even then, I would advise you to actually test the changes on the server rather than relying on theory crafting based on patch notes, as some of the underlying rules for the game (e.g. diminishing returns for certain stats) have changed at the same time.


    Disclaimer: When I state 'we changed X', it does not preclude changes to Y and Z. I did not say 'we did not change Y and Z' but neither did I say 'we changed Y and Z'. I merely made a singular statement about X, which is not to be constructed as a statement about Y or Z. Even though I just said 'we changed X', the statistical probability for the immediate appearance of threads decrying the lack of change to Y and Z has significantly increased by this statement about X. This puzzling effect is why the first rule of partial class balance discussion is that you do not discuss partial class balance.


    What? Are you running for a political office? What a bunch of double speak LOL. This is like the 4th dev post that is vague and less than informative. I think you would have been better off saying nothing than posting this wall of blah blah blah.

  2. BW has already state that most players are not rich and most have less than 500k of credits so to fix that we are going to make players BUY non re usable products..............


    Freaking amazing.


    Amazing that people get paid to think up this crap.

  3. The cancer is spreading rapidly.


    Especially in the Republic fleets. They have had enough of the favoritism and new same faction WZ's favor the imps even more.


    The imp servers I play are still pretty busy but declining.

  4. Obviously this game if far too hard for a majority of their playerbase.


    Rock, Scissor, paper time?


    Or maybe the ranges classes throw sticks and the melee use sticks for swords etc and we all have one attack.

  5. It is a bug.


    Who gets it now is the person that is closest to their next valor rank.


    The guy with the most Valor should lead.


    If you need someone to mark a healer for you in a lvl 50 WZ you need to L2P, simple as that.


    Others should be able to mark in WZ's. What if the leader is defending a node as that is what they do best?


    You should be able to have 3 lt's to assist.

  6. Who cares, valor is being tossed out with the dirty laundry water.


    New War Hero Gear is coming.


    Too many scoreboard watchers.


    If she is not having fun then quit the stupid game. If you gauge your fun by the number of medals you get you have issues.


    Thus the problem with WZ's...They are just grinding areas. Half the people don't even care if they win or lose.


    Terrible pvp is terrible.


    and her posts are just a wall of QQ.

  7. There will never be good Open World pvp with the terrible faction imbalance found on the the pvp servers.


    The 2nd empire planet (Drummond Kaas sp?) the other night at 68 people in it. The pub side about 10.........


    The game was not build around an open pvp system. How do you put in meaningful OPVP when the rest of the game is not build around the concept.


    You have to go look for a fight while leveling because they kept the two factions separate. Why?


    I really think they would prefer a game without hard core pvpers and I think that is the message we are getting. We are dumbing down the game, more same faction wz's and nothing about any attempt to balance the factions.


    Another game with tons of potential to be great, which fails hard at least in the pvp department.

  8. mini game wz pvp sucks.


    Ilum is broke. Nobody goes anymore.


    Then again there are less and less on everyday.


    It might be time to sing turn out the lights on pvp in this game.

  9. I don't recall having this issue with other games as much as I have seen here.


    There are plenty of solutions. One of them is not burying your head in the sand and ignoring it.


    Just another glaring oversight by the pvp devs.....

  10. 10 is fine. You can level pretty quick with pvp at that level too.


    Ignore the idiots that will blame you if you happen to lose because you are low level. Most people don't understand the bolster system.


    Sure you don't have all your utility but you can easily contribute and I carry the ball in Hutt and score.

  11. Ok, I am not going to QQ about all the utilities sorc have. I am not going to whine that if you have more than 3 sorc in huttball it's pretty much a win, that they are the best runners, best ball carriers, most survivable etc... Nor will I ask to have extraction be removed. But for god's sake, make resolve affect it.

    If I cant stun, pull, snare someone because of resolve, he should also be freaking immune to extraction!




    I think you just QQed.


    Pew Pew more.

  12. Because I am the best I deserve even better gear? Is that your argument? Seriously?


    When I talk about most pvpers really do not want a competitive match all you need to do it look at this guy.


    He like many just want an Iwin button so he can roflpawn people with his gear advantage.


    Yes the rich need to get richer....


    You do understand that because of the ilum valor exploitation that the devs had to scrap the valor system as obviously many many people were involved and if they banned them all they would have to take a huge hit on the bottom line.


    People should be pvping for fun not to grind gear. People will take the easy road on the way to that gear, afking, hacks, exploits come to mind. If there was no golden carrot most of the cheating in game would go away. Of course there will always be some people that will alway hack.


    The bigger the reward the more people feel pressured to get it as fast as possible using whatever means whether they are legal or not.

  13. I agree that all forms of CC need to be addressed with the resolve bar.


    If you are being focused fire by 4 people you should probably die however you should not be stuck, rooted or whatever in place if your resolve bar is full.


    One other change is that if you detect a stealthed opponent you should be immediately put in combat. You are now aware of a threat. As there is no way I can put myself in combat without hitting them is silly. Many classes do not instant cast dots and with the lack luster targeting system it becomes very difficult to target the stealthy when you see him to hit him with an attack before the are gone.


    Being chain mezzed by two Shadows/Assassins is poor design especially when you have cap timers that are less or the same time as the mez or stun etc.

  14. My lvl 11 Jugg is not stunning anyone that should be stunable. When it never works there is probably an issue. I realize there are skills that counter this but not everyone has it and on every leap?


    I guess that was the fix...lol


    So we fixed the exploit but cant find where our buggy code lets in too many players. Excellent!


    So when can we expect that having more than 8 players in a wz will get fixed?


    Just hand one with 9.


    That will be great for the rated WZ's if you can sneak in a few extra players right.....


    Honestly, has BW gotten anything right? Why are some many people giving them a pass.

  15. Games spend far too much time with gear. In a PVP+E situation you would have to have equal gear available for both types of players.


    In open world pvp, how can you have pvp gear and pve gear. The pve folks are running around in gear to kill bosses and the pvp gear is built to kill players. This entire concept is flawed.


    The game is too instanced based to have real world pvp. The game was not built around this concept.


    Enjoy the game for what it is. Anything coming will mostly be window dressing on what we already have. 4 years and this is what we have. There will be no earth shaking changes in a month.

  16. Stephen it is great that the pvp team has plans for open world pvp. The question is what are those ideas. We hardly get any post from the pvp dev team. To be honest with you after dropping the ball with Ilum and open world pvp in general there should be some open discussion with the pvp team on the boards.


    It's great your reworking Ilum but what about other open world pvp objectives. I think you will find most pvp players want to go to more than one place to pvp and have objectives to fight over.


    Warhammer got some of this right with guild controlled objective. How about taking somethings that have worked and was fun in Warhammer and DOAC and use those ideas. GW2 is taking the DOAC model and using it.. I would love to see some pvp devs on here and talk about what may happen in the next year for SWTOR open world pvp.. It's great we are getting another warzone but what about OPEN WORLD PVP?


    Apparently only guilds are worth talking to in this game. Months of posts here in this forum have been ignored. I don't think they care.

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