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Everything posted by Jedi_Magnius

  1. Ascension server first Kephess. Pics to follow. Edit: Picture http://i853.photobucket.com/albums/ab95/MagniusDK/KephessTheUndyingHM.jpg
  2. Ascension is 3/4 HM TFB server first on the the first 2 bosses in HM TFB. Doomed Lemmings got server first on the 3rd boss. Edit: Guild link- http://www.ascensionbwr.com/
  3. In my judgement I would say the first boss in HM TFB is equal in difficulty to the bosses in HM EC and the difficulty increases with each successive boss. Both the second and third bosses have a dps check at various points in their fights and the third boss certainly takes more raid organization than anything in HM EC.
  4. Ascension Strikes Back has cleared Operator IX HM. Such an epic fight. http://i853.photobucket.com/albums/ab95/MagniusDK/OperatorIXHM.jpg
  5. Grats Doomed Lemming. The race is heating up. We are hopeful for a kill on Sunday. Say hi to Kephess for us and tell him he has at least 4 other guilds coming for him soon. And don't let him feed you any lines about how "Denova was just a setback".
  6. Yeah, my guildies don't let me out much, it's like they have to hide me or something. They only trot me out to help face off against raid bosses. While I'm sure the raid bosses quake in their boots when they see me coming, those same raid bosses make for very little conversation. Their dialogue always has the same general feeling, "You'll never defeat me" or "I'm unbeatable, turn back now", or "You shall no pass!!". I much prefer the conversation of those who don't have loot for me to take.
  7. I'll go ahead and add my voice and perspective to the others. I've made the following observations since moving to BC; there are usually a good number of people on at all times of the day/night, the server seems to be republic heavy, general chat can actually be informative and helpful and any trolling that I see is usually done only for the humor factor (as in it's done ina funny kind of way), the server economy is in a healthy state, and there are a wide array of guilds to chose from recruitment wise. If you chose to relocate to BC then I say welcome and see you around the server.
  8. Guild: Ascension Strikes Back Link: http://www.ascensionbwr.com GM: Magnius Officers: Ryd, Melyn, Maxximus, Threid PVP Contact: Melyn, Fluxs, Desi Raid Nights: Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun
  9. I'm late but I'm here. I'm Magnius, guildmaster and one of the raid leaders for Ascension Strikes Back and my favorite cookies are classic Oreo cookies dunked in milk. I love music, good books, running at the park, and long walks on the beach during sunset (especially if I've got our raid team with me and we are on our way to kill a raid boss or two). And for those that may not know, Kephess in EC is very stingy and to this day I believe the pet and the customization for Corso he (supposedly) drops are urban myths perpetuated by Gharj.
  10. Desi is part of my raid team so yes she was, she supplies the fuel for our raid team in the form of baked cookie goodness. Jballa is in Melyn's raid group though he does have 2 toons and no doubt would be able to back up my team on his alt if someone had to miss a day. My raid team consists of: Fluxs (Guardian tank) Maxximus (Vanguard tank) Ryd (Sage healer) Desi (Sage healer) Myself (Gunnery commando) Tynious (Gunnery commando) Yun (Gunslinger) Lucius (Shadow DPS) Our raid team make up changed just a bit since one of our previous tanks had to drop out of raid due to RL issues. Maxx used to be a melee dps for us but switched to tank and we brought in Yun on her gunslinger since we thought it would be cool to have a gunslinger in the raid and Yun rocks.
  11. Asation Progression. Ascension Strikes Back has killed the first boss at about 7:20 server time. http://i853.photobucket.com/albums/ab95/MagniusDK/WrithingHorrorHMAchievement.jpg http://i853.photobucket.com/albums/ab95/MagniusDK/DreadGuardHMAchievement.jpg Edit: sorry I did forget to mention they were HM kills.
  12. I'll post it here, but the links to each guild website didn't copy for some reason. I'm Arashi from El Elyon. First off a big thanks to Zinaire for keeping this up for so long. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. I will copy and paste what has been done by Zin into this so we can keep this thread alive. I'll keep the same format we've had going. Minus the Empire bias note from Zin: When posting progress, make sure you include guild name, difficulty, as well as raid size. A link to your guild's website would also be nice! Ordering top to bottom will be based on post times and general completion of the operation with Empire guilds first then Republic. I'll also only be listing the highest progression overall when that operation is complete. So if you're 2/4 HM Denova but 4/4 Story I'll list only HM. I will try to stay up to date on guilds that have broken up. But if I miss one, please reply about it. If a guild has vanished from the list it is because of this. Trying to keep this only for active guilds. If we could also get an updated list from other guilds not listed it would be nice. I know there are more guilds on this server than the ones listed here. These are just the ones that more or less found this thread. Guild Sites Empire Sith Syndicate Warriors of the Shadow Disciples of Darkness Grim Determination The-Damned Shades of Serroth Republic Shattered Council The Order of El Elyon Exiles Ascension Strikes Back Hope's Light Aeternum Ascension Doomed Lemmings Bad Motivator The Order Dead on Arrival The Initiative Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din -------------------------------------------------- Explosive Conflict -------------------------------------------------- Hard Mode AOE 4/4 Sith Syndicate 4/4 Shades of Serroth 1/4 Ascension Strikes Back 4/4 16 man + 8 man Dead on Arrival 1/4 16 man + 4/4 8 man Exiles 4/4 Doomed Lemmings 4/4 The Order of El Elyon 4/4 Bad Motivator 3/4 Aliit Ori'shya Tal'din 3/4 Hope's Light 1/4 The Initiative 1/4 Story mode Shades of Serroth 4/4 16 man Warriors of the Shadow 4/4 Grim Determination 4/4 Exiles 4/4 16man + 8 man The Shattered Council 1/4 16 man + 4/4 8 man Aeternum Ascension 4/4 The Order 4/4 -------------------------------------------------- Eternity Vault -------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Mode Warriors of the Shadow 5/5 (Infernal) Sith Syndicate 5/5 (Infernal) Shades of Serroth 5/5 (Infernal) AOE 5/5 Ascension Strikes Back 5/5 16 man (Infernal) + 8 man (Infernal) Aeternum Ascension 5/5 16 man + 8 man (Infernal) Doomed Lemmings 5/5 16 man (Infernal) + 8 man (Infernal) Dead on Arrival 5/5 16 man (Infernal) + 8 man (Infernal) Exiles 5/5 16 man + 8 man (Infernal) The Order of El Elyon 5/5 (Infernal) The Shattered Council 5/5 (Infernal) Bad Motivator 5/5 (Infernal) The Initiative 5/5 (Infernal) Hope's Light 5/5 The Order 5/5 Hard Mode Disciples of Darkness 5/5 Grim Determination 5/5 The-Damned 5/5 The Shattered Council 5/5 16 man Story Mode Shades of Serroth 5/5 16 man The Order of El Elyon 5/5 16 man -------------------------------------------------- Karagga's Palace -------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Mode Warriors of the Shadow 5/5 AOE 5/5 Shades of Serroth 1/5 Ascension Strikes Back 5/5 16 man (Unyielding) + 5/5 8 man (Unyielding) Dead on Arrival 5/5 16 man (Unyielding) + 5/5 8 man (Unyielding) The Shattered Council 5/5 (Unyielding) Exiles 5/5 (Unyielding) The Order of El Elyon 5/5 (Unyielding) Aeternum Ascension 5/5 Bad Motivator 3/5 Doomed Lemmings 3/5 The Initiative 1/5 Hard Mode Sith Syndicate 5/5 Grim Determination 5/5 The-Damned 5/5 Disciples of Darkness 3/5 The Shattered Council 5/5 16 man Doomed Lemmings 5/5 16 man Hope's Light 5/5 Exiles 5/5 16 man The Order 5/5 Story Mode Shades of Serroth 3/5 16 man The Order of El Elyon 5/5 16 man -------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Pilgrim -------------------------------------------------- Ascension Strikes Back Exiles The Order of El Elyon Doomed Lemmings
  13. So much win in this thread, both for Desi and Melyn, that I had to make an appearance. /signed
  14. Question 1: When will we get an in-game ready check? Question 2: Is there anything coming soon for Ilum or incentivized world pvp? Question 3: A few weeks ago it was released that cross server pvp queing was not currently in the works, with the new servers up and running is there a plan to re-visit this issue?
  15. Agreed, it is good to finally have our own server forum.
  16. I too am sad to see you guys go, but I also understand why. I've been in the ops since week 2 or 3 of launch and I fully understand the frustration with the bugs, lag, and lack of content. And I agree that with the lack of any recent or near end-game content and the game going F2P it can be a real challenge to keep your raid team together. I wish you guys the best.
  17. This is getting to be rather crazy. I too was happy to see the end content of 1.2 come out mostly bug free. My guild was able to clear SM 16 EC the first weekend it was live, downed Toth and Zorn 8 HM, Lost Island HM was fun and a bit challenging on the first boss since we had 1 melee dps, and Nightmare Pilgrim was a good fight. It actually seemed like they did correct issues that were found in the PTR. Now they have rolled out a few patches that were not tested and broke 16 HM Kephess and the stone to summon Nightmare Pilgrim. I mean seriously that is what the PTR is for. Even 1 day of these patches being on the PTR and these bugs would have been discovered. Heck, how hard would it be to even have 1 internal server that mirrors the live servers in every way for the "internal testers" to use to find these extremely obvious bugs. These bugs are so easy to discover and document that it is extremely hard to believe that paid testers are not finding them prior to a patch going live. I mean I was able to document with just 2 hours of observation that our Nightmare Pilgrim summon stone was working when servers came up, then in a few hours just miraculously became un-clickable and without substance. I have 17 other guildies that this has affected for 2 weeks now. And I know there are 3 or 4 other guilds on my server who have had to put up with this as well. I'm starting to get a bit concerned about the general state of the endgame and where it lays in their "priority list". I was willing to put up with the bugs in EV (See Soa threat drops, double dinging ball lightning in NiM, and pylons as a start) since it was their first attempt at making and tuning raids, but it is now 5 months since launch and 1.2 was tested fairly well. They should not be patching in bugs like an un-clickable summon stone for an endgame open world boss. If a bug makes it to live it should at the very minimum be something more complex than that. In all honestly if Bioware does actually pay a team of people to test this stuff and given all the bugs (mostly simple and preventable) that manage to make it to live servers, the only conclusion that I can draw is that Bioware is certainly not getting their monies worth out of their testing team and they really need to re-evaluate how they go about testing this stuff. Either that or they do actually discover these bugs and let them go live anyway.
  18. This This and more This. This would help to ensure that crit-crafted gear was not BiS compared to raid gear drops. It would also create more markets for each profession, etc.
  19. Kinda getting a bit sick of waiting for this. It would have at least been nice if Bio-ware had stated in the patch notes that the fix was only for new JK's and that they were still working on fixing those of us who leveled during pre-launch. As with most things if they only set the correct expectations.
  20. Bump, I ran into this also and want it fixed. Lvl 30 and I really really don't want to have to re-roll.
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