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Posts posted by NoFishing

  1. If you're thick, basically what I'm saying is...So what if WS has it? SWTOR doesn't. SWTOR should.


    Uh, not sure why you're attacking me. I completely agree with you (aside from that I AM interested in WS), and simply pointing out that the competition has this to support the idea that Bioware should strongly consider adding it.

  2. On the flip side if items that required a lot of resources were approved the PvErs would be in here doing the samething about their lack of attention and wasting resources on PvP.


    To be fair, PvE'ers (I assume we're talking about raiders here) are not exactly happy with what's coming down the pipe either. No new operations before the expansion late this year and only tactical FPs on the horizon is pretty bad. But compared to what the PvP community has endured though...yeah, we've had it pretty good. :-)

  3. Should we all be lobbying the devs to set this game up so that we only EVER have to do something ONCE with ONE of our characters in order to be able to receive INFINITE copies of the reward for ALL of our characters, present and future? It's just a waste of time to have to do something on every character when you already did it on ONE character, after all. We can even claim that it has nothing to do with laziness because after all, we already did it ONCE and that proves we're not lazy, right?


    You didn't answer my question. Do you object to those stats as well?

  4. That is sort of like asking for a bus stop on your block, when you have a brand new truck you drive to work.


    I get a great deal of enjoyment putting my characters into costume. Currently my sentinel is doing a bang-up tinkerbell impression :)


    I don't think you understand what costume tabs are. They are appearance tabs that let you display one set of armor while still gaining the stats of a different set. Blues, greens, grays, wouldn't matter - they can all be put in costume slots without changing your augmented Dread Forged gear. And if you have multiple tabs, changing looks is as simple as selecting a different costume from a popup menu.

  5. That said, I have already explained in other threads that if BW ever implements legacy datacron bonuses I hope they do it in a manner such as:


    All of which seems fine to me if Bioware becomes concerned about the datacron stats unbalancing the game for low-level toons.


    In any case, I'm probably done in this thread. Everything that can be said has been said. I fully expect Bioware will implement legacy-wide datacrons at some point. I just hope I'm still around to enjoy the "Congrats Carebears, Bioware caved to your QQ and now the game sucks" posts.

  6. I honestly doubt the cross server thing is a tech limitation and more of a manpower limitation.


    It would be interesting to know the full story here. My personal theory is that they just spent an enormous pile of money and time on GSF, which they told themselves was PvP content. And now when the PvP team comes and says we need another enormous pile of money to implement cross-server queues, they are being told "no", either because the next big pile of money has "PvE expansion" written on it, or maybe GSF activity isn't where they predicted it would be. But I really really do think they sold themselves on GSF being PvP content.

  7. I'm curious to know what his comment was as well...anyone have a quote of it?


    The video is here. I assume he was referring to the comments starting at 32m 12s, where they say basically that they would like to have cross server queuing, but it's very technically challenging and would take too many resources (yes, that meme again!). So even though they acknowledge cross server queuing would be good, they can't do it without delaying other stuff, which they are not willing to do. And we just didn't understand what Eric meant when he said "no".

  8. It might be because titles are COSMETIC and NOT permanent stat bonuses. It might be because reputation items are COSMETIC. It might be because with the sole exception of the +41 crystals and one of the speeders, the CM items that can be added to collections are COSMETIC, and NONE of those items are PERMANENT stat increases. Even the +41 stat crystals are NOT permanent stat bonuses, they can be unequipped at any time.


    You cannot unequip a datacron stat bonus.


    Lol, sorry, no. Both the legacy buffs and the +41 crystals can be maintained with 100% uptime, in every environment, without a consumable item. They are NOT temporary. Unless you think people are choosing not to buff or to remove a +41 crystal from their gear. :rolleyes:

  9. Really? What is the difference between clicking on a security chest on the ground to get the loot drop and clicking on a datcron on the ground to get that stat bonus?


    I already answered this once, but here we go again. Because one unlocks a codex entry. The other gives you a physical piece of gear. One is also part of end-game gear progression, and will be obsolete in 8-12 months.


    Do you also object to legacy titles? Shared reputation? The collections system? Companion affection stat bonuses?


    And a hypothetical question: When legacy launched way back in 1.2, if Bioware had made codex entries legacy wide at that time, with a side effect that they applied their affect across the entire legacy, would you have objected then?

  10. I'm not trying to insult you or belittle your preferred game mode, but if your only interest is pvp, why would you play any game with a pve requirement, SWTOR or Wildstar?


    There really isn't a significant PvE requirement in WS. You can start queuing for PvP at level 6, and PvP all the way to max level without missing out on anything.


    There is a difference in PvE vs PvP gear, but from everything I can gather, it is pretty small. Raiding in PvP gear should be viable at least at the 20-man level (although there is apparently some attunement quest to complete before then).


    There is some question about how one will earn elder gems if they only PvP that I don't think has been resolved yet (elder gems are needed at max level to buy more ability and AMP points to min-max). But with everything else Carbine has put into PvP, and that this seems like a pretty trivial thing to figure out, I'm pretty confident this will get cleared up by launch.

  11. This may not be anywhere near the severity of exploitation that comes into play with human trafficking or sweatshops, but I would say it's still a legitimate open question as to whether or not it is a genuine form of exploitation - even if it is a "first world problem" version of it.


    Addictive like meth? Or addictive like online ****? Because those addictions are nowhere close to having similar societal impacts.


    In either case, at some level we could be having an argument about whether it is ethical to play because the energy required to power your computer and all those internet hubs causes pollution which harms the environment.


    So even if MMOs can be addictive for some people, I'm going to say it isn't unethical for companies to make them or for people who enjoy them to play. Same with the cartel packs.

  12. if you think I shouldn't have used the word exploitation, what word would you use to mean taking an unfair advantage of someone?


    I don't care what word you use. I want you to explain to me how someone can be victimized by Bioware choosing what items to put on the cartel market, and for packs, what the drop chance is for the items in the packs. And please explain how any such "victimization" is different than renting a bad movie from iTunes, getting a badly seasoned steak at a restaurant, or buying an XBox One the week before it sees a price cut. Or getting selected for Jury Duty.


    Edit: and to be clear, the quote you included didn't say anything about exploitation or ethics. They simply provided a workable theory as to how Bioware can exert control over the GTN pricing of CM items. You added the questions about exploitation and ethics.

  13. I would say that ethics plays a part in the SWTOR cartel market because buying cartel packs amounts to gambling. Some people become addicted to the "gambling" style of play and if you don't think this was purposeful on the part of EA/Bioware I'd say you're being delusional.


    Without wanting to start a debate about what technically is or isn't gambling, yes, the system is definitely designed to encourage people to buy more packs to get some item they want. But as long as people are not spending more than they can afford, and are getting enjoyment from opening the packs, I don't see anything unethical happening. If people start to feel like they are getting ripped off, they should stop buying the packs.


    And I know that gambling addictions are a real thing. What I don't know is if any scientific study has actually been done to show that it applies to digital content packs as well.

  14. Building is not hard. Just don't be in a rush. Watch where you stick stand-offs and save the cable management till after the first post. (come on, who hasn't spent 2 hours making the perfect cable **** only to rip it apart when something doesn't work)


    Heh, this is probably why I stick to cases without windows - so when I get to the point of that first boot and can start installing the OS, I can just slap the covers on and forget about it. :)

  15. Yeah that is really me. This account will be up long enough to deal with the Class Rep stuff, and then its likely adios.


    Given the response in this board, you may need to turn out the lights when you leave. :(

  16. In order to understand pvp, you need to pvp.


    Not really true. I haven't really PvP'd in a long time, and even then I didn't consider myself a PvP'er. But I can easily understand how ground PvP has been allowed to atrophy to the point of needing some major efforts and overhauls to revive.

  17. Will you be implementing Cross-server queuing?


    We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.


    Ugh, you really should reconsider this or at least provide a better/fuller explanation of why you are not willing to consider it. Because a lot of your other answers are about trying to strike a balance for faster queue times, and combining the PvP populations would only seem to make that balance easier.

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