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Everything posted by LaurentiusX

  1. The only people who even remotly resemble the sith are hitler, the naziz, mao and his communists and so on, you sir are but a western EMO kid and to even think you'd compare to the sith is pissing on the whole story arc, they are bad genocidal ******es not emo punks who because they're the middle child has to "manipulate" people to their will, pathetic dosn't even cut it, this is just so far beyond that it's crazy, it's emothetic! go watch twilight or something
  2. Me too, now I really like this game but this my only real problem, it just fells like one big ***, there honestly doesn't seem to be a single hood up armour at all, not one, well except for the spiky thing from PVP I think. With my consular I always found hood up armour but never wanted to use them on that char ironically enough.
  3. I read somewhere that some Jedi who have a strong will can indeed use force lighting, it's not that common though.
  4. Why post if you didn't read?! it was WORTH READING, you'd think the "ally" he had who refused to help him was an ***, how about egomaniacs who post tl:dr? This is why I play on Rp servers.
  5. I had some lag when i had 2gb RAM using win7, a few days later I got 2 more and I swear it has never lagged since, exept when there's + 250people in the imperial fleet.
  6. Back in my day we actually had to work for a living, not like these punk nosed kids today with their warcraft and tor, try fighting off the waffen SS with a butterknife! (Sarcasm off)
  7. wow, a WoWite being wrong, unable to comprehend basic statistics, what a shock. (Sarcasm off)
  8. That's why I rerolled on a RP server, the people there are generally more mature, helpful, nice and they don't seem to think the game (any game for that matter) is a epeen contest.
  9. Idiot, Bob Anderson who wielded vaders lightsaber has died, considering this is a star wars game and a star wars forum it's worth brining up, dumb-***
  10. Fist I've heard of it also, there's always some jack-*** who thinks he's smart and gotta troll. Don't know why I missed this, maybe I'm playing to much
  11. Yep, I've got about 9 people so far to start playing and they LOVE it, and even they laugh at the wow kiddies.
  12. I have to disagree with wow having a "vast open world", to me it was all but vast and open and it annoyed the hell out of me, Though i understand why some people where impressed and an im not saying you shouldn't have been but to me it never felt like a "world", it was a archtypical linear mmo in which you had to kill "generic wolf 1" in area one, then in area two you'd have "generic wolf 2" and subsequent extermination quests which NEVER ended. If your really want to understand where this game came from play KOTOR, a bioware RPG, and you'll se the strength of bioware games isn't necessarily that you can claim any mountain you see but the Story. With that said I'm REALLY looking forward to the expansions, with the current layout of the planets there isn't really a reason why they couldn't expand them, add bigger and more Freeroaming areas especially on planets like tatooine.
  13. They think the Earth, the sun, indeed the whole solar system revolves around them and ONLY them, and so if they don't like a game they just can't comprehend that other people do, same goes for game mechanics. I think it's a mental disorder of sorts, not being able to feel empathy or putting themselves in other peoples shoes, no it's just ME, ME ME ME ME ME ME. Either that or they're 12 year olds. Edit: like alot of people have said countless times before, the forums are full of these people because those who like the game are actually playing it.
  14. Agree, people like this should honestly play Korean mmos, they're all about the epeen, why they even bought swtor is beyond me.
  15. HELL YES, It'll be Great once the wow n00bs and wow rabble leave for good! noone likes them, noone wants them in any mmo, they are parasites who have infected the genre long enough, Maybe JUST maybe we'll get a more "old School" mmo community with adult people and mature discussions. And if not then we'll band togheter and blacklist every ****er of them til they cant find any groups anymore, they want to paly hardball, WE KNOW how to play hardball with 25year old with the mentality of 12year olds. We dont need you, BW doesn't need you and you haven't been welcomed in any mmo EVER and you never will be until you grow up, exept for world of panda wankers, LEAVE NOW AND NEVER COME BACK!
  16. You should all be ashamed, whining over loosing a couple of hours one day a week? Get over yourself! Im not insulted, though I m insulted by the fact that i am in the same union with alot of these players and I never had a say in the matter This is why mature EU player generally choose American servers because Eu players are generally *****.
  17. I rarely ever roll greed I just Pass unless it's something I actually need, the only "problem" I had was once on hammer station a Jedi Knight rolled Need on the hammer station doubble bladed lightsaber, which my Jedi Shadow needed (OBVIOUSLY) But the Knight didn't even notice what the loot was until I showed it to him afterwards. Suffice to say in that instance that was the only loot i rolled Need on, even though I won I was still a bit vexed about it. So I think some people just roll without thinking, they don't look at what the chatbox says about the other players choices whilst others are just pain idiots.
  18. This! It must be a good sign to see post such as these and "OMG I go AFK when crafing, THE SKY IS FALLING, It's the end times!"
  19. Hi, I've heard of a few servers but sadly the names have slipped my mind, the server Im playing on Trayus academy is mainly English speaking, though there is a swedish guild, and I know there are some Spanish players because during the EGA they spammed the tython chat and one even pretended to be a GM and threatened to ban non-spanish speakers, BUT since then the chat is 99% of the time in english. (This isn't a rant against spanish just explaning my experience with non-english speakers on this server, i love Spain ) although this is just my experience with Trayus Academy.
  20. Haven't had a single crash either, had a little lag with 2gb, fixed it with 4gb RAM so it aint the game, it's your louzy computer, all you do is blame bioware for you own shortcommings, then call people on the forums stupid, it's pathetic, your comp is medieval and your mindset is that of a 2year old child. Good luck finding a solution jack-***
  21. QFT, the babies just can't comprehend that other people may have different tastes than them and discussing things in an adult manner is just beyond their mentality they cry and cry and cry. Just look how they troll this thread, then the call us "fanbois" I love this game and agree with the OP completely.
  22. Yes, NEARLY, but nearly doesn't make a dane now does it? So you proved my point. The english are the descendants of the romano-brits and the germanic tribes. you have to excuse them for not being as "racially pure" as some other Britons. That movie is the biggest insult to ever hit the movie theaters, everything in it is either made up or taken out of context. It's like me making movie about the spanish armada and the americans (natives obviously) saves the day with aircraft carrirers. I will tell you this NO Romano britt would ever enlist the aid of picts because of some underlying racial issue, "we're celts, their not lets be friends" That's not how it works, these are terms we use thousands of years later to put things into a better context. but to a romano-britt a pict would be a horrible ally, they were roams afterall and the pics barbarians.
  23. Good, then we dont have to deal with the likes of you ingame, I have about 7 friends who will start playing within the week and im sure Im not alone.
  24. thats like saying well the nazis where at least honest about their hatred and racism so therefore through some idiotic way of thinking the allies were worse than the nazis. It's simple Good - Evil. This isn't tolkien were things sometimes aren't what they're supposed to be. In this universe Empire is the Evil side, or rather the Sith are evil. EDIT: the fact that they use the darkside kinda proves this.
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