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Everything posted by BrigandsAuthor

  1. Instead of adding character slots to each server to not have to re-start your legacy on another server, why not have Legacy span all servers? I know there will be a lot of 'It's annoying to have to change servers', but i think that would be worth it. BrigandsAuthor
  2. That would be a good change, but I believe there is at least one other thread on that subject. BrigandsAuthor
  3. Well, if you can have Romance with a Trandoshan.... I'm just saying, lol. BrigandsAuthor
  4. Are there any positive comments for any of these? BrigandsAuthor
  5. Another thing i forgot to put in: the ability to re-customize your characters. Specifically hair and tattoos, that kinda stuff. BrigandsAuthor
  6. Ok, if you can buy them, then i'm fine on that! That was just something i didn't know, thanks for saying! Also, remembered another thing. I think that when Legacy comes out Live, we should be able to switch character servers, or have Legacy span all characters on all servers, which i personally think would be cool. BrigandsAuthor
  7. Hello, I have quite a long list of in-game updates i have been thinking about for a while now. For one, I have noticed that on the character creation screen on test (with the 1.2 update) it says, for all locked species, 'Unlocked after playing a (sith, zabrak, etc) to lvl 50.' Just paraphrasing. Instead, I think it would be nice to unlock after completing chapter 1, or even sooner. Another thing that has crossed my mind instead of that, is adding another step to character creation: where this specific character would fit in to you Legacy. This would be between choosing your faction and class, or class and species. Here's an example of how that would work: Say you have a Zabrak father and a Human mother, and you make a Cyborg son, you immediately get to use customizations that go to both Zabrak and Human, eg. Zabrak spikes, but human skin, or Zabrak skin but no spike, etc. Pretty much combining features from mother and father to create the child. Even better, for those who wouldnt want to use this, is the option to skip it. Also, I think it's kinda weak that only humans can be Cyborgs. Why can't Chiss or Zabrak or Sith be Cyborgs? Again, this would add another step after choosing your race, if you choose Cyborg you would get to choose what kind. Or you could choose other races and get the choice to be a cyborg of that race. If this is confusing i apoligize! I agree with many people in that there are some races that need to be added. At the very least: Trandoshan, Nautolan, Kel Dorian, and (if i remember right) Togruta. If that last one's wrong, please correct me. When it comes to adding other species, i don't think it would be bad to have a Trandoshan speaking Basic. For me, i would rather be able to play a Basic-speaking Trandoshan than not at all! That or just have subtitles, I don't care! I also think there would be two ways to solve the gear problem. Either just make it so the gear automatically conforms to your species, or make gear specifically for new races. They did that in Star Wars Galaxies, and it seemed to work fine. Another thing that i think would be cool, but may take some work, is to be able to make your characters' background. Who are their relatives (with Legacy), where did they grow up, did they rebel from their family and join a group of swashbuckling rogues? Or did they carry on the family business? who was their mentor? MENTORS!!! Through Legacy, i think there should be a mentor ability. I think that's pretty self-explainatory. That's all i can think of for now, but if i think of anything else, I'll just add on to this one! Thanks, BrigandsAuthor
  8. I'm sorry, but that sentence makes no sense.... Is BW sitting there eith a gun saying: 'Play it again! Play it again!!!' I certainly hope not....
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