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Posts posted by AMightyKnight

  1. Ist Inno wirklich soviel Komplizierter?

    Aus PvE Sicht:

    Mit Arsenal kann man als Anfänger mit wenig Aufwand recht schnell vernünftige Ergebnisse erzielen.

    Es ist auch verhältmisäßig gut machbar den Spec bis zu einen gewissen Punkt gut zu beherrschen. Ungleich schwieriger ist es den Spec vollumfänglich am Limit zu spielen, wobei man gerade mit den 'letzten Prozentpunkten' einiges an sustained dps rausholen kann.

    Bei IO ist es eher so, dass der Einstieg schwerer ist, aber dann vergleichsweise etwas einfacher das Leistungsmaximum erreicht werden kann.

  2. The 190 Blues are probably better than anything below 192 and not everyone has full sets of 192s some people dont' even have a 2 piece set bonus yet. This is a good way to help get people geared up

    Yes it is. For about two months if BW is lucky. Have you played it yet? It doesnt take much effort to farm a couple of items.


    No it is not. They have blocked off parts of the the story and content from access. They made a post about this.

    [/Quote] They didnt actually. All they said was it was intentional that you cant complete the quest at this point.

    This says nothing about additional content in 3.2 or some time before the next big update at the end of the year.

    Doesnt rule it out either of course.


    And yes i know about certain screenshots certain people posted somewhere else. I'd love to see more on Ziost, but keep in mind, they had Ziost in the game since at least 2.0. Its entirely possible that they just moved stuff around forgot to remove some old files.


    The thing is, it would be a first for BW to add additional content this way. It has never happened. They release a story arc/area and never look back. Remember when Manaan came out and everybody thought we would see more of the planet with 3.0? Look how that turned out.


    Toborro was entertaining everyone for over a year and was the most popular and played ops because it was fast with good rewards. I don't see any reason this would be different. [/Quote] I dont doubt a new (accessible) worlld boss wont be popular. But i also dont think a world boss and a daily area will entertain the crowd for more than two months.


    Furthermore, keep in mind we have no solid evidence of a world / operations boss yet. I know where this rumor comes from, but there is no way to know if its a real thing planned for 3.2 or just something that fell under the table along the way.


    The story is mostly done obviously, but new raid boss and dailies are not accessible yet [/Quote] The dailies are the quests you pick up along the way, nothing more. It will be like Makeb and Oricion, once you finish the story once they'll activate.
  3. You would if u took a quick look at the stats of enhancements in those Ziost blue 190 armor pieces. Unless of course you're uber elite/wealthy NiM player and already have all min-maxed 192/198 enhancements. [/Quote]

    Fair Point but why would you wan to acquire it? If you want to minmax you'll play operations anyway and you'll get all the 192 stuff you need within weeks if you are remotely serious.

    Maybe you will use an item here or there, but again, how does this make the content last more than two months?

    If you dont play operations there is no need for better gear anyway.


    A lot of stuff on Ziost is not finished yet, new operation boss (Toborro-like) and dailies area are broken/inaccessible at the moment

    I dont think they will add more Ziost and one worldboss wont entertain the crowd for the rest of the year.

    Dailies are already playable. They are those sidemissions you can already do when you play the story. Its just the daily tag which is broken atm.

    But they wont entertain the crowd either since there is no rep grind and no really interesting stuff to get.


    If this is it, people will complaining about lack of content before summer.


    It's a PTS, meaning unfinished content. You could only do half of Rishi when 3.0 PTS went live, for example. I suggest you wait and see....

    [/Quote] I didnt get an invite in the closed beta so dunno what happend during 3.0 testing.

    But have you played 3.2 on the PTS yet? What makes you think there will be much more content beyond whats accessable? The story on Ziost is done, is it not?

  4. The devs said we wouldn't go a year without a new operation again.[/Quote] Did they? I remember Musco saying something like the content drought during last years summer was bad and wont happened again.


    [...]In other words Bioware if we don't have at least one completely new raid by July this year [...].

    Uhm, there is no way this will happen?

    According to the... writings they call Roadmap for 2015, we'll get two major Content patches this year, one of which is 3.2.

    3.2 wont have any PvE content beyond some class Story and likely a daily area. They ruled out FPs during the cantina Event. Operations are completely unrealistic.

    Its possible of course they include Ravagers NM, but if they had any plans for it they would have said so. Since they didnt, its likely we will see nightmare some time after 3.2, meaning early July if they stick to their new slowed Content cycle.

    Then there is the other major update, but according to them it'll be 'by the end of the year'. End of the year means December, just like 3.0.

    We dont know anything about the update (and wont till someone leaks something somewhere by September or something) but if they had more operations to drop on us during the year, we would have three major content updates.

    We dont however and so we may get new operations by the end of the year at best. Or not if they have decided to further embrace their new marketing philosophy of effectively focusing on the single player, Kotor 3 crowd.

    As said this could easily mean Nightmare Content much later than everyone hopes.


    Funny thing is, we were in the same position during this time last year. For laughts, this is a D&T discussion about the Roadmap 2014.


    Sound familiar?

    And remember, last year they weren’t focusing on ‘story’.

  5. But my question new is does Bioware want more people to see NiM Ops? I personally feel that they do, given the introduction of NiM Power. However, with how Bioware is gating NiM Ops now, given the current state of HM Ops, what is their objective for NiM Ops now.

    The obvious answer IMO: The need to milk the ops content as much as possible since they are focussing on 'story' now. Nightmare modes gets pushed to q3 2015 and we wont see any new ops before 2016.


  6. Our plan is to deliver two major updates with this new story direction later this year – one in the summer and the other by the end of the year.


    What you are seeing in the Spring, with Ziost, is one of those large updates. The other update later in the year we will talk more about soon.


    So what is it, is the Ziost update one of the two major updates this year or will we have three?


    Also, whats major about it? It was already confirmed during the Cantina Event, 3.2 will have no Flashpoints. And of course no operations or PvP/GSF stuff.

    So that leaves us with daily areas on top of what, two hour max single player 'story' content?

    I hought this was supposed to be an MMO?

    If i had to guess, the next 'major update' - 3.3 or whatever it will be called - will just be Nightmare Operations during the summer lull? Thats really something to look forward to.


    If that is the scope of your 'major updates' this year, the game will suffer badly, Star Wars hype or not.

  7. Also, they did change fusion missile in 3.0, it costs 20 heat in arsenal and 15 heat in io, but its damage is completely a waste of a gcd on a single target. You can compare the tooltips between tracer and fusion missile in arsenal for example, fusion missile cost 5 more heat than tracer and does less damage.

    It depends on crits actually. If the first Grenade Hit crits or if more than ~33% of the dots crit, Plasma Grenade does more damage than Grav Round with no crit. You will always do more damage if you get a crit on Grav.


    In a burst phase with a limited time window would precast it to get the dot on target as well. Using it during your normal rotation might be a small damage gain or it might not.


    Anyways, i think we can agree on Plasma Grenade being an excellent choice when you face adds.

  8. The reasoning for the opener is, if I delay the usage of hsm in place of priming shot, then the 2nd hsm will be delayed before proccing bb.[/Quote]

    Yes, but no matter what you do, at some point you have to delay something anyway. There is just no way around it.

    Effectively its just a choice about what to delay at which point.


    If i'm not mistaken, you will have to delay either HiB or a Boltstorm proc the first time HiB comes off cd when you use your opener.

    It gets worse further in.


    A more important point to consider however, is the raid wide effect of Vortex Bolt. You use it on the 3rd or 4th GCD (depends on how accurate your precasting was vs the boss pull and whether or not you have a slight delay for activating super gas). This means at least the first two gcds happens without the raidwide damage bonus on ranged attacks. Sure its not much and irrelevant in HC Content but why waste it?


    Also, fusion missile is pretty much poop for single target dps, tso is better used for channeling with blazing bolts to vent heat over 2 gcds, and power surge I save for any "oopsies" in the rotation and I need the start of the next gcd to proc bb, then I use power surge + tm. [/Quote] Did they change the damage of Fusion Missile in 3.0?

  9. Why the delay on priming shot? If i remeber right, it gives 5% damage increase

    Its a 45sec debuff on the target, it will be up all the time.


    If you are talking about the opener i would agree with you. Doesnt make much sense to use Demo before Vortex Bolt.


    Personally i start with Vortex Bolt - Super Gas - Grav Round - Demo Round - Electro Net - Boltstorm



    Also, why is there no Tech Override + Reserve Powercell + Plasma Grenade?

  10. Tier 1:


    Parallactic Combat Stims: for bosses with lots of stuns and stuff, even more useful than Cell Capacitors

    Cell Capacitor: your Recharge Cells sucks without it

    Charged Barrier: we dont have many actual def cds

    Chain Gunnery: a must for AoE heavy fights

    Heavy Trooper: you need to put the 3 points somwhere


    Tier 2:

    Advance the Line: more mobility and the point has to go somewhere

    Suit FoE: Bosses with lots of periodic damage, endboss Ravagers for example


    Tier 3:

    Shock Absorbers: you want it for the 3rd Boss in Temple

    Reflexive Shield: buffs your def cd, take it when there is much group damage

    Overclock: take it if you need to be super mobile for a fight

    Supercharged Cells: use for maximum burst

    Forched March: You cant live without it. Take it no matter what.

  11. My point is that if you are going to discuss the cost to content ratio, you should compare the original list prices, not what you paid after discounts. [/Quote]

    Why should i care about BW marketing? I bought 2.0 with x amount of content for 9.99 while i had to pay 19.99 for 3. with less content.

    At the very least they should have offered 'discounts' for subs in 3.0 as well.


    Anyway, this is actually not a huge issue for me. I dont really have to care the game costing10$ more or less, its just the icing on the cake. The real problem is that basically throughout 2014 we get less content of lesser quality (also often later than advertised and most of the time ridiculously easy). I hoped 3.0 would make up for that somewhat but compared to 2.0 it got only worse imo.

    And thats very worrying. Swtor made huge profits since 2.0 and the game is doing better than ever. GSH and Conquests where huge successes, Revenue is way up.

    At this point its obvious however that no matter how good the game does, EA is unwilling to invest in Swtor.

    I dont doubt the devs motivation and all, they just cant do more with minimal resources.

  12. Ok gonna take issue with this.


    first of all.. I'm not sure Makeb DID offer more content.

    hthe Macro and seeker droid mechancis are nice but not everyones cup of tea. I never did the GSI stuff on more then one character. they defined tedious. And we DID get some new mechanics in the form of solo modes of some flashpoints and an ops boss. (this allowed people whom otherwise would not, to see certin bits of new content)

    As you yourself noted, we only got ONE new raid with 2.0 raids take a fair bit of work to do.

    Do we really need to count all GSI and daily quests introduced in 2.0? I'm sure dulfy has a list somewhere. There were at least twice as many.

    Whether you like GSI dailys is beside the point. I didnt care for most of it either. In any case it was additional content (some aewsome) which kept players busy.

    Solo Modes are a one time thing only if you didnt play the FPs when the were released months ago.


    We got one more raid with 2.0 which had 7 bosses. And they raised Asation which had an additional 5. Got us to 13 bosses (with the Makeb world boss). About as good as 10 new ones. The world boss on Yavin is the definition of casucal content. But this is another topic.


    the 4 HM flashpoints where just hard mode reworks of old content. the new ones in 3.0 are new (yeah sure we got taticals of em early but they where clearly intended for 3.0.

    Uhm no? They were intented to build up to 3.0.

    Tython & Korriban were released in April !!

    The HM we got in 3.0 are just reqorks of old content. Essentially they are not even hm. But thats another topic as well.


    the acheivement system actually predates makeb. claiming it's part of 2.0 is as accurate as claiming strongholds are part of 3.0.

    uhm no? It was a long time ago but it says so in the patch notes and theres nothing before 2.0 about achievements on dufly.


    the new class abilities where ncie but the replacements mean we have new MEANINGFUL abilities, as opposed to new situational abilities.

    Replacements give you a new animnation at best. They were introduced because of engine limitations.


    the commendation system was new but wasn't a big big change.

    Commendation Gear for Endgame Content completely changed the endgame gearing (arguably not for the better).


    Training dummies where introduced well before 2.0.

    correct, my mistake


    And IMHO crafters got more in 3,0 then 2,0.

    Lets wait two months, shall we?
  13. Yes, RotHC had more initial content. But it was the same price ($19.99) as SoR. The $9.99 price was a subscriber special; subs got 2 months of 12xp + no training costs for SoR. I'd argue that *with these bonuses* both expansions were very good values.

    That said, I'd agree that RotHC had more content at launch than SoR, and that (absent preorder bonuses), SoR stacks up poorly against RotHC.

    Special or not, i only had to pay 9.99. SoR costs twice as much and offers less content. And we had bonus stuff for 2.0 as well.


    Also it depends on your playstyle how good the value of 12xp was. Not everyone wants to level each class twice. Even less would be willing to pay $10 for that.

    We subscribers actually had to pay for training costs during the first week of SoR. I'm not complaining but i'm personally short 3 mill for leveling 3 characters.

    Tuesdays' change to 'training costs are a thing of the past' (what a great bs PR line) affects everyone. And for F2P folks with credit caps its actually a real improvement.


    *That* said, RotHC purchasers got two significant updates -- CZ-198 and Oricon, and we haven't heard anything about additional SoR content updates. Also, I'd argue that SoR's crafting content is better than RotHC's. Cratfers get new adaptive armor and weapon sets, speeders (probably worthless, but a lot of people asked for them), and dyes (and even the trainer has some that should be very popular). Artificers can now craft entry-level endgame Relics (in RotHC, PVP relics were BiS over almost all Comm gear relics).

    Frankly i expect larger and more frequent content updates in 2015.

    Especially since during the RotHC 'area' we had GSF and GSH as well. There wont be another smiliar project according to the devs.


    Crafting got better with 3.0. It got better in 2.0 as well. And just like in 2.0 the party will be mostly over once players get to a decent gear level. Apart from adaptive armor nothing much has changed.

    If anything, they dumped it down since they drastically reduced the number of mats.


    Assuming I'm still playing when they release the next paid expansion, based on the value I've received preordering RotHC and SoR, I'd see no reason I wouldn't preorder it.

    The problem is not preordering or even buying it. I've been around since the beginning and i see a very worrying trend to less content of lesser quality since the pre launch content started to dry up.

    It looks to me like they cant invest the revenue generated by Swtor back into the game. Maybe we are just financing Shadow Realms at this point or its EA again. Doesnt matter really.



    Answers in Red.



    Why? Its a pretty sarcastic comment o be sure, but its not so far from the truth either.


    And what did you expect? A total revamp of the crafting system? As for Disciplines vs the old skill trees:

    I expected the update to be at least as large as 2.0. With some more content than the bare minimum required for 5 more levels.

    Personally i concentrate on nightmare raiding but you cant build an entire expansion on 10 new bosses and some flashpoints. They should have given us something new, not just more of the same.

    What about bew PvP maps or a game mode? What about the GSF folks? How about another stronghold maybe? a new companion? A new playable race?

    Just something to entertain the masses. Not everyone will jump into op content, especially since you can finish the story solo. On top of that they are movement heavy and the 2nd bosses are real content blocks. A nightmare for pugs.

    Then whats left? Looked at the Group finder lately? Its 2 tacticals and 4 hardmodes.


    Disciplines are a great concept (for the devs) but offer very little to the player. You are correct, now i have to chose between two or maybe three usefull utilities depending on the boss. Most of my 7 disicpline points i just have to use a certain way, no matter what. Just like before.


    Incorrect. You even mentioned Disciplines. Example 2: Solo Flashpoints.

    To my knowledge you cant run solo fps more than once.

    What i ment be 'game mechanics' is stuff like Seeker Droids and Macrobinoculars we got in 2.0. Not some combat system change but actually new stuff for the devs to use to create new content around it.


    This makes no sense. What content? Why only for a casuals? lot of "casuals" will now be able to actually solo content

    You cant solo ops due to mechanics, no matter what gear or level you have. The storymode versions of Flashpoints have been soloable since 2.0. Now you can do it with hardmodes as well. Big deal.


    3.0 removed much group content from the Group Finder. Currently its impossible to group for anything but the two new operations, the two new flashpoints and the four HM Forged Alliances FPs.

    Everything before that is gone, especially the ops.


    I must have forgotten all those amazing side-quests on Makeb.

    You must have. There are proabably two dozen GSI quests on Makeb alone (more in the rest of the galaxy) and more dailies as well.


    Which people found extraordinarily annoying and boring.

    Someone always complains. Personally i didnt like the Seeker either, but the quest design of the Shroud was just amazing. Its very unfortunate they never nerfed the 4man requirement of the last quests (which was the main problem for most people complaining).


    And in SoR we got Temple of Sacrifice(including Solo version for people who don't or can't do OPs) and The Ravagers.

    Actually the solo version is a completely different fight which has nothing to do with the Temple op.

    But you are correct, SoR has about the same amount of op content as 2.0. My point exactly.


    You may wish to revise that point and see how many lvl 60 FPs we have. Just saying

    Tython, Korriban, Manaan, Rakata Prime


    We actually got more new ones now then we did with RotHc.

    The achievement system was a new thing in 2.0. As were the daily and weekly quests for much group content.

    Class changes depend on the class i guess.


    Got this one this time too.

    Yeah, they just removed planet and classic coms. 2.0 actually introduced the idea of coms for endgame content.


    New ones would be kind of needless.

    tanks and healers say hello


    Got those now too..

    jep, for double the cost


    What a laughable biased post.

    Uhuh. Do you really want to argue you got the same amount of content (while paying double) as in 2.0? 'laughable biased' indeed.


    I had 0 rested XP, used an XP boost and started with Forged Alliances. At the end of Yavin, I was like 200k away from 60. What a nightmare!

    Good for you. Want to guess how far you can advance when you actually played the game the last couple of months? Meaning, Forged Alliances done and no meaningful amount of rested XP?

    I had to finish level 60 doing Czerka dailies with my Main.

  14. I agree as well, just suprised more people havent started complaining yet.


    It's a decent Pve Update. Not much more than 2.3 and 2.4 (Czerka & Oricon) combined with some more cutscenes.

    And thats pretty much it. Disicplines maybe great for the Devs but it doesnt offer the player all that much. Crafting is nothing new, just new stuff and 50 points to level.

    PvP, GSF, GSH, heroics, companions, races, game mechanis - nothing at all.

    And have you looked at the lvl 60 Group Finder? Level 60 killed so much content for casuals...


    With 2.0 we got

    Makeb (Rishi and Yavin offer way less quests),

    Macro & Sekker mechanics with awesome quests (The Shroud thing is the best quest in the game imo)

    Scum and Villainy (which had just 7 bosses but they bumped Asation with an additional 5)

    4 HM Flashpoints

    Achievment System

    numerous daily/weekly reward quests for group content

    class changes with actual new abilities (no replacements) for everyone

    new commendation system

    training dummies

    new gear sets, new crafting stuff


    and for all of that i paid 9.99.

    SoR cost us twice that and had less content.

  15. What's the 3.0 stat priority for Gunnery Commando dps?


    Is it still Accuracy to 100/110%, Crit and Surge to reasonable levels and then an emphasis on Power? [/Quote]

    Nothing else has come up yet.

    Accuarcy is still the most important stat, get it at least to 99% something.

    Crit sweet spot might be a bit lower than before, but it should still be a math question only. Personally i aim for 300 crit raiting.


    If you uise a mixture of (token) 186, 192 and 198 items, getting close to 100% accuracy should leave you with maybe 350 additional raiting points for Surge or Alacrity.

    Someone in my guild suggested a Accuracy/Alacrity only build, but i can't see it working. Like you said, we have way more instant cast stuff with 3.0.

    Also we a nowhere near DR territory when it comes to Surge. That wont change until we get nightmare gear.

  16. What did we get?

    5 more levels (yay, i actually have to play my raiding toons 3h each outside ops)

    some new class abilities screwing up balance (disicplines is nice for the devs but it isnt new content)

    yet another gear tier (why they introduced 198 instead of 195 is anyones guess)

    yet two more daily areas & rep grinds (with crap vendor items and less credits for dailies)

    2 new tactical fps, 4 old hardmode fps and 2 ops. (finally something new after 14 months of DF/DP)


    What didn’t we get?


    PvP maps/modes (i dont do PvP but the last map was when? 18 months ago?)

    Strongholds (i have four maxed strongholds, i want another one for all those new decorations)

    GSF modes/maps (i'm kidding of course, we should be glad if the get around to fix GSF eventually)

    new companions (we can use 6 compansions now, but noone to join the party? Come on)

    new playable races (they need some content for 3.1 or 3.2 right?)

    heroic challenges (how about a real world boss like Dreadtooth back in the day? Heroic world conent?)

    pve mechanics like seeker/macrobinoculars (i hated the mechanics to be honest, but the quest design was awsome)


    In short, we got a decent PvE expansion and a story that just stopped when it became good.


    Personally I can live with it since I focus on operations content anyway, but there are troubled times ahead if they don’t deliver soon. Just take a look at the Group Finder at level sixty.

    You got two raids, two 2 tacticals and 4 hardmodes in there. It wont be enough to interest even the casual crowd for the next six months.

    Especially since there is no reason to beat the FP/OP content with the solo versions of everything in the story quest.

  17. http://i.imgur.com/OQvzrrN.png


    Das Bild beinhaltet einen Ausschnitt aus den Patchnotes von letzter Woche. Darin befindet sich der Satz:


    Präzisionswertung gibt jetzt prozentual mehr Präzision pro Punkt.


    Die Frage ist nur, wo ist diese Funktion? Ich hab davon noch nichts bemerkt. [/Quote]

    Soweit ich das andernorts gelesen habe gibt es das in der Tat nicht. Sprich, die Formel zur Berechnung von Accuracy ist noch die gleiche wie vor 3.0.

    Ist halt entweder ein Bug oder sie haben Blödsinn erzählt.


    Zudem muss ich sagen, dass ich es enttäuschend finde eine gefühlte "Alpha-Version" auf die Live-Server zu schmeißen. Wiedermal kann es auch nicht sein, dass es zu wenig quest oder eher gesagt zu wenig XP gibt pro Quest um vernünftig auf 60 zu leveln. Es gibt ja eigentlich noch einiges mehr zu nörgeln, aber wie gesagt ist mir das mit der Präzision recht wichtig zu hören

    Eine Alpha Version die außer 2 Ops und 2 FPs praktisch keinen Content bietet...

    Was das Leveln angeht, es hängt enorm viel davon ab ob dein Char ausgeruht ist oder nicht. Ich habe einen gelevelt der seit Monaten die Festung nicht mehr verlassen hat und war alleine mit Forged Alliance & Rishi Level 60 ohne auf Yavin zu landen.

    Mit meinen Main haben dagegen aber Rishi und Yavin mit allen erdenklichen sonstigen XP Bonus nicht gereicht um auf mehr zu kommen als Level 59...

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