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Everything posted by AMightyKnight

  1. Swtor does have a regular mantaince schedule. Servers go down almost every Tuesday for routine maintaince stuff. Emergency fixes can get deployed on other days as well (Thursdays or Fridays mostly) but are realy uncommon. Maintaince doesnt take longer than a couple of hours, especially when no major patch gets deployed. Unfortunately they patch all servers at the same time during off hours in America, meaning for Europeans patching usually happens between 8.00 and 14.00 GMT. Most of the time maintance times are announced the week before on the dev tracker. Nothing was announced for today, so its likely there wont be any server maintance. 2.7 due soon afterall.
  2. wow this is hilarious Yes, its unfortunate we didnt have the time to work on the actual questions. Cashogy was busy and it got delayed. Such things happen. Its completely unacceptable however, to show up after the fact and slam the efforts of those in the community who bothered to contribute. Thaak you very much for that one. You had your chance to speak up. You didnt. Tough luck. And nobody cares how good you think you are or how you got your rating on whatever server.
  3. Guess what, nobody cares about reg numbers. geez Balancing for Solo Ranked is like balancing for the level phase or solo pve. Its irrelevant, almost impossible, wastes ressources and creates huge issues concerning the top tier game mode. Cashogy is right on this.
  4. It has nothing to do with relics. Gunnery is a very easy spec to play if you are satisfied with utilizing 80% of your potential (= 99% of the playerbase). Assault is less straightforward to play and differs much from Gunnery. Its is the higher dps spec atm (probably nerf incoming) but unless you really get into the varrious Assault rotations combos the difference is really not that relevant. And on certain bosses, the burst options of Gunnery are still the way to go. Especially in comming Nightmare Conent.
  5. Grav Round got hit by multiple nerfs long ago. I dont think they will risk bringing back the Grav Spamming again, so a buff to GR should be really unlikely. 6 seconds ICD on CoF wont be happening either. Rotations would be primitive without any challenge whatsoever. They wont do that and 2.7 shows it. CoF proccing 30% alacrity for Full Auto would screw our ammo managemet since Cell Charger isnt affected by alacrity. Not attractive. A straight buff of Charged Launcher might be look bland, but its a far better way to go. Buffing Hammershots by linking it to Deadly Canon is a stupid way to go IMO. I dont want to use auto attack fillers in my rotations in the first place. As said, i'm for the simple HiB free again solution. Its a nice qol improvement for ammo management and itll add no more than a hundred dps in an acutal encounter. That would be a good spot IMO. The sad truth is, Gunnery will never be equal to the top damage specs outthere. Devs are incapable to understand that heavy armor, offheals and medicore uitilities is irrelevant when you're hitting enrage.
  6. Acutally its the auto attacks in our rotations that hurt our sustained dps the most. We are forced to use pretty much 2 Hammershots for every 3 CoF procs, meaning Mando ammo management is still to tight for Gunnery. I'd suggest just giving us our free HiB back. It wont matter that much on the dummy but will help tremendously in raids.
  7. Pretty much this. And the numerical ammo display of course. Id really like to hear the devs take on performance disparity between fractions and obvious disadvantages. Maybe we can use it as the wildcard question and mix the disnengage ability into the PvP more uitility question. Strictly PvE, as others have said, Gunnery still lacks sustained dps after 2.7. Removing the rng factor was a great qol impromvement but didnt do much for dps (which i believe was intended). We should ask them whether or not they think that amoo managment is still too tight aftert 2.7 or if we are supposed to to use unattractive base attack Hammershots in our rotations. I have the feeling the devs view this spec as much stronger as it acutally is. Especially with no ammo counter.
  8. DONT talk about Mortar Volley. After they butchered Orbital Strike its next in line. Dont remind them, give them something else to think about. Explosive Round? I dont think they will revisit this trainwreck after what they tried to do in 2.0. Also Gunnery just hasnt the energy reserves to do anything with ER. Personally i dont think Gunnery is too easy and boring these days. Truth to be told, it was easy to play at some 80% efficiency since launch but on the same time very difficult to master completely. Perfect energy management is a very hard thing to do during ops and to this day Mandos lack the neccessary tool to do it (ui ammo display). IMO the spec is actually harder to play perfectley with the constant cooldown. Before you had a relativley simple piority list based on your energy level to work with. You would utilize a CoF proc if it happened and as soon as your energy allowed for it. But now you have to keep track of the piority list and the hard 8 sec cd and CoF proc. You need to know all times which gcd is happening, when you need to cast your next Grav to proc and how you balance the 'wandering' DemoRound and HiB in this locked setting. I dont think anyone has found an optimal solution for this yet. And as always, whats looks ok on the dummy is a completely different thing when playing against the boss. Keeping track of gcds for max dps in a fluid enviroment with movement, target switching and damage stops is always a challenge, four buttons or not.
  9. Mando questions are due less than three weeks from today and we had some time testing the Gunnery changes on the pts. Its cashogys Job and all but we probably should start talking about our questions. I dont do pvp but usability of the class tops everything at this point i guess. Personally id argue for still more changes to Gunnery, maybe less than 8 secs cd on CoF proc or free HiB. And i would like to hear their excuses as to why Mandos are still on a disadvantge compared to Mers with the Assault Offhand issue and the missing UI ammo display. Or we could ask them when the Pyro nerf will be Happening Any thoughts?
  10. Nothing will change with comns. They ll add 81 gear optainable in the DF NM, just like they did with the Kell Dragon gear.
  11. This has always been the case obviously. Demo/hiB has a fixed cd of 15 sec. The standard GR with 1.43 sec gives you ten gcds fpr 14,3 sec or eleven gcds for 15,73sec. Either way you cant win. We would need to stack enough alacrity to get eleven gcds in 15 sec, meaning one gcd has to be 1,36 secs. This translates to 9% alacrity. Doable but you have to use the 2% buff since the alacrity proc wont be up 100% of the time. Meaning you would need to use the 306 alacrity rating from your bis picture to get you 9%. 9% alacrity would translate to a 8.16sec casttime for 6 gcds between CoF procs. Looks nice, but is it worth it? Your Surges gone to hell and you screw your energy management since Cell Charger is still on 8 energy / 6 secs. Another issue, 6 gcds between Gravs to proc CoF and 11 gcds for cds on Demo/HiB don’t mix. For every Demo/HiB cycle, Demo/HiB cd will end one gcd position sooner than in the last cycle. This means you cant formulate a stable rotation without delaying Demo/HiB. But more problematical, sooner or later either your Demo or your HiB will get in conflict with the Grav to proc on every sixth GCD. This will happen with the 49th gcd at the latest if you don’t try some split rotation. IMO this is a theoretical problem only relevant on the dummy. In actual fights there will be much more stuff happening within 49 gcds. If you want to maximize both CoF procs and Demo/HiB hits it could look like this (ignoring ammo issues obviously): http://i.imgur.com/6XTzYrI.jpg A fight of 49 gcds amounts to 70,07 seconds with a 1,43 sec gcd and to 66,64 secs with optimal amount of alacrity. In other words you gain an advantage of no more than two attacks per minute. Thats no more than the difference between crit and no crit on a Demo Round.
  12. Well... i played around with my gear a bit on the pts. First, how do you get 7% alacrity from skills/buffs? I have 3% base and 2% from Weapons Calibrations so 5% total. So with 5% Alacrity (standard as of know) : Full Auto 2,86 sec & Grav 1,425 sec 8sec - 2,86 = 5,15 sec after which CoF will proc again. Meaning theoretical speaking i have 3 attacks to do other stuff. After the third there are 0,88 secs left (going with the 1,425 for gcd as well, dunno if correct) for a Grav to proc CoF, so i proc CoF after 8,56 secs. 0,56 secs are wasted. With 7.5 proc cycles a minute this amounts to 4,2 seconds of wasted proc time. So in theory, i lose out on one proc every two minutes of fighting. Now add more alacrity to the mix: Using 3 78 Alacrity pieces i get 282 alacrity rating and 8.89% alacrity buff total This amounts to Full Auto 2,75sec & Grav 1,375sec 8sec - 2,75 = 5,25 sec Three attacks later i have 1,13 left for a Grav to proc CoF. 2,75+4*1,375 = 8,25 sec 0,25 secs are wasted which amounts to 1,88 secs of wasted proc time every minute. Is this gain worth it? I dont think so. Another way to look at this: Ignoring energy issues you can do 42,1 1,425 seconds attacks in 1 minute. And if you are using alacrity gear for 1,375sec attacks you can do 43,6 attacks every minute. Thats less than two attacks more. But what are you giving up? I have a surge rating of 282 with all that alacrity which results in 67,39% surge (and 99,something Accuracy in 78 gear). I really dont think i want to go from 72,96% surge to 67,39% for a gain of 0,31 sec every 8 seconds. And even if we get a small gain from that, itll take one lag spike to screw things up. So no thanks.
  13. Oh sure there is more than one boss. But any half decent group will blast through any mechanics without even thinking. Trash is more difficult than the bosses. Which is sad because there are some nice mechanics in there. But everyone is in full 78 these days so why they came up with yet new FPs droping blue 66 items and Black Market Stuff is beyond me.
  14. Naja, meines Erachtens ist der Trash deutlich schwieriger als alles was in Kuyat so rumläuft. Vor allem im zweiten FP. Den kriegst du Solo mit vielen Klassen bestimmt nicht gebacken. Zu zweit aber kein Akt da durchzugehen, die Bossfights sind lächerlich, Trash ist schwerer. Die FPs dauern auch deutlich länger, Loot ist natürlich ein Witz. Klassischer Content den man halt einmal pro Char spielt damit die Quest weg is und das wars. Was Hardmode angeht bleibt wohl nur die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben. Für Czerka hamse ja auch mal nen nachgeschoben. Jo, auch sehr minimalistisch aufegezogen. Kurze Cutscenes mit Minimalcontent oder storymäßig irrelevanten Zeugs. Von nem großen Konflikt merkt man da noch garnichts, die beiden FPs hätten sie ohne weiteres irgendwo in die Story packen können.
  15. The Devs dont but Musco does. I'm sure he mentioned the issues raised he to the dev team. He even said as much in a recent podcast interview.
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