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Everything posted by Vahzl

  1. The last thing a new MMO should be doing is allowing players to amass ingame currency. All MMO's need to start out hard balling players for currency gains, which is why there is a tonne of credit sinks already, and as many credits as you can make, you can spend equally quickly. Allowing players ease of farming leads to fast inflation, which makes things worthless and then you end up with a spiralling economy. A hypotheical situation: Those Blue Crystals you used to sell on the GTN for 4000 creds a stack, and made a profit on, now sell for 200k creds a stack, and the amount is meaningless as your character has 500 million creds now. Keep as much currency out of the players hands as possible at all times, and it retains it's value, thus bolstering your realms trade and sale.
  2. I just started playing, and after a 7 day trial, was literally exploding to get this game upgraded (had to wait for Amazon.co.uk to deliver). I have been playing it solidly since I installed it, and enjoying each aspect as it comes, but there are alot of fundamentals that need adding or fixing, like falling through any kind of see-through floor when I Force Leap... The game has a long way to go, and as with all new games, needs time to find it's feet, and for £8.99 a month, meh, ill keep playing till im no longer considering logging in. In short, it's better paying £8.99 than £50 a month on new games.
  3. Sorry but the LFG and LFR is the single most used and popular feature in WoW right now. It breathed life back into instances, as people simply skipped them all pre-LFG, so they could hit cap as quick as possible, without spamming trade for a group. The feature, while encouraging to those who might abuse it, is vital in any modern MMO as people do not want to spend hours of their paid time, standing in a high traffic zone, yelling for players who may leave without notice, wasting everyones time. If Bioware aren't considering an LFG (LFR is a different need, for later on, and not for the game in it's current state), then they are looking at the closing chapters of their game already. I hate to say it, but WoW hit it smack bang on the money with that system, and I hope SW:TOR gets one soon too.
  4. Then, if you hate it so much, vote with your feet and walk away from the game with your head held high.
  5. As much as there might be some truth in this, a server merge on release can show the developers are working with the players to get things running again. It shows compassion and understanding, as well as a commitment to getting things back online. There are something like 100 open servers right now, thats just mental stupid.
  6. That's not a question. Also those are 2 that stood out to me, there are tonnes of gaming websites talking about SWTOR's subs on the up and up. Like I said, Google.
  7. Why is the amount of people on your fleet your cornerstone? Personally im either in Warzones, on my own ship doing space missions, crafting (again on my own ship) or out levelling my main or alts. Probably not a good idea to tar your realm based on who you can see in a 20 metre radius. I agree the servers need cutting in even more than half, a quarter even should remain, and get rid of the rest, merge them up, wait for them to fill up, then start adding 1 of each type at a time. Also Bioware, a cross realm dungeon/warzone system would quell alot of the QQ you are seeing daily.
  8. Lets have a look whats been published this month... http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/03/09/star-wars-the-old-republic-subscription-numbers-stabilize-at-1 Thats just one of many. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2012/03/blizzard-producer-attributes-drop-in-wow-subscriptions-to-star-wars-the-old-republic.ars?clicked=related_right There an interesting comment from the WoW devs on it too. So yeah, Google.
  9. A more obvious visual notification of who you have targetted - Very difficult to see the faded red markers in PvP Looking for Group system - To not have this in an MMo is baffling these days Cross realm PvP Cross Realm Dungeons Ewoks as a playable race
  10. Stability changes are technical adjustments to the realm and game infrastructure to help keep things online and lowering latency. These are usually very technical tweaks, and code clean ups, that don't directly affect anything ingame, other than having less crashes and downtime. Ragers seem to want to rage at anything and everything though. Oddly enough, been here a week now and all I think when I see this forum is "This looks like the same players who post on WoW's official forums too". The rage is the same, only here the rage has space themes. Some people just need to chill about 80000%.
  11. Having just completed the 7 day free trial, and now a paid subscriber, I have found the game to be a great little adventure, and while im loving it, wanted to provide my feedback on it so far: Instances need a queueing system as the LFG is non-sensical, and kind of useless Space missions are fun but a group option would be very well received, as well as some kind of versus mode Trial users should have a specific section on the forums to be able to post on, as through my 7 days, I could not at all Server merges are insanely needed, there are just too many to choose from, I can't believe a game this young has that many, that is not a good thing to start with when opening an MMO Cross realm functionality for PvP/Instances - Copy WoW's LFG system Give people the option of something other than Coruscant as the first main mission hub as that place got very very boring due to the samey looks of all the underground missions Add more maps for the current game modes in Warzones - I love the PvP but it needs more variety in this respect Reassess the amount of stuns classes have available to them, as it's possible to be completely stun locked in PvP with no diminishing returns or staling, and also Force Lightning seems quite noticably OP, but then again im still quite low in the levels The storylines are excellent, giving each quest the feel of something important, and not ever feeling like you are collecting chickens for soup, ala WoW and Rift The Datacrons are an interesting touch, and I love going out to hunt them, we need more stuff like this! Bounty Hunting missions are something to be considered - Allow single players to put out a bounty on other players/NPC's and the first person to complete the bounty gets the rewards Allow guilds to hide their own custom lockboxes, containing credits, gear, and other bits and bobs, around the galaxy, allowing guild members to hunt them down and win the rewards Guild banks are on the way, great! Guild Ships - This baffles me as why it isn't already in place, as if ever there was a game that should have "guild halls", it's this one Clean up the Galactic Trade Network UI and allow searching for items without navigating through menus to do so, and also when you put an item up to sell, allow it to automatically display the last few successful sales of that item, to give an idea on price Crew Skills are awesome, but cannot be levelled with your character on the first run through the game, due to the immense cost of them, alongside the cost of buying talents and inventory upgrades - Suggest lowering talent costs, or making rank ups on talents automatic instead of buying them each tier This is purely feedback based on my experiences so far. The 7 day trial is huge enough to see what the game has to offer, and very enjoyable too, and this game has a TONNE of potential, but it needs focused work on key issues to survive. The first step needs to be a server merge, there is a ridiculous amount of low population ones, that all need to be stuck together. I count over 100 servers across regions, when on release, each region should have AT MOST, 10.
  12. Part of your subscription involves both planned and unplanned maintenance, as stated in the ToS of all online role playing, subscription based games.
  13. Being an EU player, playing on the US realms, this maint ends about an hour after I wake up in the morning, right in the middle of my 3 day weekend, so it suits me well (it's 10:26am here right now). What fits for some doesn't fit for others, remember the game is not region locked, and the world is round, there are many more people than just those in your one time zone. Also, does anyone know what the patch includes, as it doesn't say maintenance anywhere, it says patch in every post the CS bots have posted.
  14. Vahzl

    Space Daily

    Group Space Missions.
  15. Signed, please give us this Account security is a very high priority, and for what would take less than a day of development would mean thousands of happy WP7 users!
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