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Posts posted by Opapanax

  1. This thread is just gonna get /ducked by the QRF team, but congratz on coming to your senses. You really are doing this game and Bioware a favor. The only way to really show them how displeased you are in with your wallet.


    Although I'm not completely with everything you posted concering some issues. Your displeasure with actual game mechanics and customer service is duely noted.

  2. I'm posting this thread because I for one am extremely tired of hearing nothing but haters talk bad about the game that they're logging more time on then most people do at full time jobs. I can't take reading another post talking about how horrible swtor is. My goodness people if you hate it so much why not go back to wow for the love of God please leave so we can read one post that's not hating on the game a lot of us love.


    So i figured we could take this time to talk about the things that we all love about swtor "wishful thinking i know" Please anyone with negative comments go elsewhere, there's a lot of us who love the game and enjoy talking about it constructively and without criticism.


    This thread should be locked because it's not providing any constructive feedback and will lead to a case of "trolling" and/or "flamming"...


    I'd expect to hear this, but we know better than that..


    The game has it's good points, but they don't come close to covering the many holes that this ship has. SWTOR is taking on water, Bioware needs to get moar buckets and all passengers should probably keep their floatation devices at the ready..

  3. Edit because of people trying to be cute. With out the starwars name and such is this a good MMO?

    You know wear I am going with this it is a valid question. If this was a MMO with out the star wars franchise on the label would you be playing it.


    I would have to say nope no way.


    No a broken game is broken game.. Brandname doesn't matter in the long run it just buys you some leeway..

  4. I loved the questing. I enjoy my character development. Tython seemed pretty interesting... At first glance.


    However most worlds are so static and boring. Besides the occasional group of empire or republic soldier standing around or huddled behind a barricade forever shooting over it, the world feels so empty and static.


    Nothing moves around, there is no hustle and bustle of the world. No NPC events or occurrences. Ilum is supposed to be this big battlefield but really its a bunch of people standing around. Fleet feels so empty if their aren't players running around.


    Its hard to immerse yourself in such a static and stagnant world. Even older MMOs have made the world feel at least somewhat inhabited and interesting.


    Ilum would be so much more fun if it was a giant war, full of NPC's running around and fighting each other, instead we get big stupid walkers just sitting there ready for us to walk up to, picnic around it, then if we are bored, shoot a missile at it.





  5. Player VS crates and BGs not popping on some servers.


    Yet you somehow managed to make yourself defend it:eek:


    LoL.. Even funnier is that other form of PvP is fudge too..


    Here's another option.. Unsub..

  6. I've seen it done by several people now. What happens is you knock someone off a ledge, they go flying and then land. A second latter they start rubber banding. Then after a second or 2 of that the appear back where you knocked them off from. It's been done by several different people on several different matches. I don't know how and don't want to but I would like it stopped.


    I'm thinking this might purely be rubberbanding and that the person didn't fall but landed just on the edge..


    They could be force leaping or being pulled also, but thats not a bug and we all know that.

  7. they do not currently ban these people. It is not against the rules to afk


    No no, this man here is trying to mislead you..


    Bioware stance is that the fault does not fall on them, but on your game..

  8. Dear Bioware,


    Please forward me an email at a future date when you have fixed the numerous problems found with your game. Also please include a free trial period coupon in order for the player to confirm you have finally resolved the numerous issues.


    Sorry but im calling this one a lemon. Love many of the aspects about the game no doubt as many do, but end game pvp is seriously lacking playability and fairness.


    And you know they will.. :)

  9. The only thing that works during full resolve(White bar) is slow and root.


    Knockbacks, Mez, Stuns, and Knockdowns will not work.


    I swear you people are mistaking the stun that put you into white bar, with an ability being used during your white bar. I have yet, and I mean yet, in the several hundreds of matches of pvp on 4 characters, had resolve not work properly. I run around with the resolve bar under my nameplate above my characters head. I have never stunned anyone that was white at the time of me using my stun.



  10. http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm?loadfeature=3717&page=1&bhcp=




    Stomping your feet and flailing your arms will result in nothing....


    read this, as you seem to have no idea the process behind bug fixing..


    You know reading that makes me frown more at Bioware and SWTOR right now. They ae missing out on some of steps right now.




    The ugly reality: triage. Given all the above, the reality of fixing bugs, in both initial development and especially when the game goes live: not all bugs can be fixed. Thus, it’s someone’s responsibility (usually a producer, sometimes a lead programmer) to determine what gets valuable programming time and what gets shelved.


    The priority is usually fairly obvious. At the top are bugs that will destroy the game. This can be as simple as a bug that causes the server to fail to start, or the client to crash to desktop. It can also be more complex – a “dupe bug” that allows players to generate gold or items out of thin air will make the game’s economy worthless, and is a top priority for taking care of as soon as possible, before the game suffers critical damage. These are the sort of bugs that will get every programmer in a studio pulled in to fix, because, as I mentioned, left unfixed, they will destroy your game


    I think about Warzones not counting and Illum. Not about playing around with the Ability bar. AFTER you just fixed the ability bar, does this mean Bioware needs to take a look at those priorities?


    Why hold back a fix such as these for two more weeks just so can have some real content in the fluff they are adding in March. If they have the fix for these issues, put them in now. Making people wait because of fluff is counterproductive.


    In his writting he states how "Quality of life" things are beneath Bugs on the checklist.

  11. This game needs to add player bounties, before more ppl quit. Less people wouldn't be stuck around, twiddling their thumbs in the fleet if we could hunt each other, while waiting for war zones . I know this isn't swg sadly, or kotr 2 hint hint. But if we could add player bounties, it would better than only php, quests, and click button crafting.


    Sorry pretentious game and makers but it's too much of a severely boring game. I'm not renewing my sub until server merges and player bounties, i'll think about it.


    This is not the game you were looking for..

  12. they can cleans DoTs, stealth and get away anytime they want


    any time you get the upper hand 1v1 they just take off and there's nothing you can do to stop them


    Look man, I don't even like playing this game like that.. In fact I don't I unsubbed..


    But you are complaining about something really, really.. silly..


    If you want to know more about how Assassin classes work then go google Dungeon and Dragons ruleset .


    NOTE: I know people are going to say that this is not D&D. **** yea I know that, you tards. BUT D&D is the only ruleset one can honestly use and it be widely accepted.


    I'm not talking about the numbers game of D&D to the RNG mess that is SWTOR. I'm speaking soley on the classes design..

  13. I noticed this too; having a grey logo would be handy, and I'd like to see that changed sometime.


    Still, a planet tells you its level range every time you travel there. It's not a great leap of logic to assume that unless you are returning for a Bonus Series, the quests will all be of the level range specified.


    Some low level quest are given on Fleet..

  14. I understand that and even said that in the quote of me you made. Again you need to read.


    Yes he opted for the CHOICE that refuses the quest and still got it. I acknowldged that and also presented an option for future conversations in case he wishes to use it.


    Until this is fixed what other choice is there?



  15. Ok getting hostile are we. I get what your saying. I said that by hitting escape get you out of it without having to make any choices. You made a selection and it still gave you the quest. If you would have hit escape it would have kicked you out of the dialog and NOT given you that quest.


    I also said that I do agree that you should be able to abandon quests.


    As far as my saying it is being worked on, well you dont seem to want to believe that so no use saying it again. As another poster has said, you could have done the stupid thing by now with all of the time you spent complaing about it.


    So before you get hostile again you try reading. I know it isnt what YOU want to hear but it is what it is.


    LoL.. You're hearing him but you're not listening. He wanted a quest but didn't realize it was so low. Seeing "No **** off" as an option of course he figured it'd drop the quest. He just didn't know that Bioware actually dropped the ball..


    The OP takes no blame here please do not place ANY of this situation on him.

  16. Two 8s mezzes? Care to list them? You surely are not counting Sleep Dart? It is useless for combat LOL. I'm starting to think you do not have an Operative or none that you PVP with.


    Please list me the CC that your Shadow has and I will list you what CC an Operative has.


    Sleep dart useless? Come now man, thats in the rotation for most operatives. Debating your point is cool, but keep it real with yaself.


    I hope Sleep Dark isn't an 8 second stun it does feel like forever tho. Thats an instant cast right? Does it need to be spec'd into for instant?


    Sith Assassins can use Force Tornado or whatever its called but you have to spec like 3rd teir of Maddness to get to it maybe. Not sure

  17. CC in this game is ridiculous.

    What BW ****ed up here is the lack of diminishing return concept on CC. (Current resolve is basically full duration or nothing, too bad even if your resolve is at 99% full the next 8 second stun will still stun you for 8 second + time required for animation to finish)



    And in group PvP full duration stun while being focus is 100% death. Actually you dont even need to be focus, 2 scoundrels with little skill jumping you can kill you in a 4 second stun window and they have multiple stuns.


    I know there are some classes for people that prefer to PvP without their opponent ever able to fight back (like stealth/stunlocking derpas) because if people can fight back they might have to learn how to PvP like everyone else.


    You either get lower burst with current derp stunlock or you get high burst with shorter CC.

    Noob stuff like Shoot First is their heaviest attack that also talented to stun for 1.5s (realistically its 3 to 4 second stun for the recovering from ground animation).


    Shoot First should do heavy damage and will not get a free stun, or you go for something cheap shot which does minimal damage but gives you a 4 second long stun.


    But thats class specific and people that can only pvp without others fighting back will QQ about it, so I would say implement Diminishing Return on CC on players.


    Also animation shouldnt be affecting the actual game play aka free extended stun after the initial 1.5 second. If you think animation doesnt make you get stunned longer, you really need to learn how to play and see it in action.


    I will keep submitting bug report for ability like K.O to get free extended stuns (about 300% of the intended duration) due to animation.


    That's something else I've discussed in game with others. The big thing that really got the Operatives nerfed on was their stuns. They were just ridiculously long.


    Yes. It says target is stunned for 'x" amount of time but it did it tell you also your target would have to play 32 pickup with their teeth? The recovering animation adds a good 2-23seconds to the end of your stun. Even worse, for peopele who don't think to actualy move and just assume their character will pick their lazy hides up..


    Uhuh.. That ****er will just lay there in all their glory... LoL... Best part bout knockdowns I don't really want to stress on that too much because I say it might actually brings a little immersion to the battle, but honestly its just another frustration with so many things impeading your movement already.

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