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Everything posted by DkSharktooth

  1. I think the more important question is where did he get a diamond one?
  2. In multiple matches he just stays stealth the whole time doing absolutely nothing until acid. That is not helpful at all. He is pretty much playing in spectator mode and making people lose on purpose.
  3. We all know who he is in solo que ranked by now, I am not going to write his full name or class. We know he leaves ranked warzone arenas on purpose, we know he stays stealthed or afk in a corner on purpose and laughs at his teamates who try to win 3v4 because he is the 4th teamate and always not participating. This player ques non stop only to enjoy watching people lose by handicapping his team on purpose. Matchmaking allows him to remain in que and matches nonstop with any rating group because it doesn't work properly. The question is, why has Bioware not implemented a proper policy to report these kind of players who que just to troll and make their team lose on purpose? This is trolling and griefing and assisting the enemy team. There are no consequences and no repercussions in place for these players and they are going haywire being unchecked. There is no way that a person will get X reports against them for leaving game/afk before their account is looked into. Something needs to be done. Video proof is not necessary, you can just ask general chat on POT5 Imperial side, they all despise this person. Vote to kick does NOT work for these kind of players, they use 1 ability to stay from being kicked, then go hide in a corner or stealth again and do nothing on purpose. Players on the server go as far as even leaving matches now when he is on their team because he is a waste of time by hiding the whole match, all rounds, as well as annoying and causes others to start leaving matches in a chain reaction. Your system is not fully functional in removing the weeds from the grass. Please take action ASAP to improve your ranked system. Tl;DR - People are abusing the ranked system and making a mockery out of it by staying in a corner or stealthed and afk on purpose to make certain people lose on purpose, matchmaking isn't working, needs to be a report button for players frequently afking in arenas (X amount of reports pends an investigation which can lead to a temp ban, ect...)
  4. Happy Thanksgivikuh 2013 POT5
  5. At your first point, I was simply asking from what skill level perspective you were coming from to see where you're at. I have personally cleared a few nightmare modes and stopped raiding after S&V NM because it was to repetitively boring for me. I was leading/co-leading many server first guilds from launch to SV operations. I also PvP Alot, my main passion currently (Hitmanpro my main pvp toon/raider, my merc, was 2450 rating for 4v4 Arenas Soloque pre-season one). I thought about what you replied, and thanks for being detailed, because it shows your understanding of the class. I agree with some of your points and revised my post. // Edit: Mercenary Bodyguard Healer Changes suggestions were recently updated 11-28-2013 :::Mercenary Bodyguard Healer Changes::: 1) Super Charged Gas Effects: In addition to current effects, healing scan builds 3 stacks of super charge, and Alacrity is increased by 10% while Super Charged Gas is active. Stacks of supercharge can be built while super charged gas is active (similar to how Marauders can now build fury while bloodthirst/predation are active as of patch 2.5). 3) Kolto Shell heat cost removed, procs faster with more alacrity, heals for slightly more. Kolto shell colors can be changed by purchasing an unlock from cartel market / cartel packs. 4) Kolto Missile heat cost is now 8, down from 16. 5) If healing scan is interrupted, reduce the cooldown of emergency scan by 1 second. 6) Everytime the mercenary takes damage, reduce the cooldown of energy shield OR jetboost by x Seconds (Copy paste the talents from the arsenal or pyro mercenary trees that allow for this. Pick which talent you want to reduce the cooldown for, knockback or energy shield. Note: If you think a 2 minute cooldown on a 25% dmg reduction energy shield is good, let's look at operative and sorc cooldowns on stuff like static barriers, shield probe, evasion. Then let's look at marauders cooldown of 30seconds cloak of pain that can last very long and reflect damage. This is because marauders are always under focus fire right....well so are Mercenarys in pvp!, they need better cooldowns! Heavy armor is nothing in pvp!) 7) When a healing ability crits on the mercenary or their allies, place an absorb shield equal to 10% of the value of the crit for 6 seconds on those allies. Example: Heal crits for 6k, Shield absorb would be 600 damage. If the mercenary crits more than one heal on a target, the absorb shields will stack, but still dissipate after 6 seconds each. edit: 8)Merc healers can now rapid shots themselves to heal
  6. You can't break what's already broken, but you can try to fix it. You should also read my updated post as I was still editing it while you quoted it. There is nothing gamebreaking about the suggested buffs. The 20% alacrity would equate to about 0.47 second cast time reduction (for a limited time) if you're worried about it being overpowered. If you think I am out of line in my suggestions, you should provide your reasoning as well as your current rank on leaderboards, characters name, and gear stats in order for us to know from what skill level your response is coming from.
  7. These changes are mainly for pvp, and will also help with defensive cooldowns and heat management in both pvp and pve. :::General Mercenary Changes for All Specs::: 1) Mercenarys now have a passive ability active at all times, DevelopersAttention, which allows for developers to look for improvements in this class more often and the community will give them cookies and highfives. 2) Hydraulic Overrides now increases speed by 50%, up from 30%, for it's duration (so we can actually escape or create some small distance to get at least one cast off) 3) While kolto overload is actively proc'd, the Mercenary gains 25% damage reduction in addition to current effects (in it's current state on live, when this ability procs, it heals you for about 2-4 ticks at +400 per tick at level 55 ranked pvp, then you usually die shortly after. This ability is almost useless in competitive ranked as it heals to slowly/minimally, and usually doesn't last the full duration before the mercenary dies from burst damage or executes) 4) Add into a talent or passive, AOE damage reduction by 10-20% 5) Fix the delay on the mercenary knockback jetboost. In it's current state, you can activate it at the same time an enemy is about to stun you, your knockback will go on cooldown and the enemy will not get knocked away, while you are fully stunned still in front of their face getting smashed to pieces. This is broken and I have reported it. 6) Remove ability pushback 7) Unload is now uninterruptable, except by knockbacks or Crowd Controls. Heat cost reduced by half. // Edit: Mercenary Bodyguard Healer Changes suggestions were recently updated 11-28-2013 :::Mercenary Bodyguard Healer Changes::: 1) Super Charged Gas Effects: SCG still requires 30 stacks, rapid scan still builds 6 stacks, rapid shots still builds 3 stacks. In addition to current effects, healing scan builds 3 stacks of super charge, and Alacrity is increased by 10% while Super Charged Gas is active. Stacks of supercharge can be built while super charged gas is active (similar to how Marauders can now build fury while bloodthirst/predation are active as of patch 2.5). 3) Kolto Shell heat cost removed, procs faster with more alacrity, heals for slightly more. Kolto shell colors can be changed by purchasing an unlock from cartel market / cartel packs. 4) Kolto Missile heat cost is now 8, down from 16. 5) If healing scan is interrupted, reduce the cooldown of emergency scan by 1 second. 6) Everytime the mercenary takes damage, reduce the cooldown of energy shield OR jetboost by x Seconds (Copy paste the talents from the arsenal or pyro mercenary trees that allow for this. Pick which talent you want to reduce the cooldown for, knockback or energy shield. Note: If you think a 2 minute cooldown on a 25% dmg reduction energy shield is good, let's look at operative and sorc cooldowns on stuff like static barriers, shield probe, evasion. Then let's look at marauders cooldown of 30seconds cloak of pain that can last very long and reflect damage. This is because marauders are always under focus fire right....well so are Mercenarys in pvp!, they need better cooldowns! Heavy armor is nothing in pvp!) 7) When a healing ability crits on the mercenary or their allies, place an absorb shield equal to 10% of the value of the crit for 6 seconds on those allies. Example: Heal crits for 6k, Shield absorb would be 600 damage. If the mercenary crits more than one heal on a target, the absorb shields will stack, but still dissipate after 6 seconds each. :::Pyro Mercenary Changes::: 1) Incendiary missile is now unable to be cleansed (except by operatives evasion defensive cooldown, and sorcs barrier) 2) The dot from thermal detonator is now unable to be cleansed (except by operatives evasion defensive cooldown, and sorcs barrier) :::Arsenal Mercenary Changes::: 1) Heatseaker Missile - now additionally increases the crit chance of heatseaker missile by 6%
  8. At first i told him what I wrote in the above original post, then he proceeded to troll and leave 4 more matches back to back, then I wasn't so nice.
  9. Toxic trolls that leave matches don't do ranked anyway, wouldn't matter if u ban them.
  10. Example Situation Today: Que today on my sniper for solo ranked. First 3 matches of the day, I get a player everyone on the server knows stays in stealth the entire time till acid comes, and always loses (can't name him due to forum rules). The marauder on my team knew this stealth assassin does this every match, cursed at him, and left the match on purpose, purposely leaving After backfill wouldn't replace the 4th spot, making it a 3v4. I proceeded to whisper this marauder that he is just as bad as the assassin because he is causing people to lose on purpose and that he is not doing the community any favors by leaving after backfill cannot replace him. This marauder further proceeded to act like an immature kid by leaving 4 other following matches after backfill could not replace him, on purpose just because he was mad from the 1st match with the assassin and I called him out for being just as bad of a person for doing what he did. So Bioware, I am telling you that you need to shed some light and consequences on these situations. By not giving the community a proper vote to kick feature, by majority, instead of waiting 1 minute 30seconds for that voted person to get into combat. You are losing and will lose more subscribers than you keep when 1 person is allowed to constantly abuse your leave a ranked match wtih no consequences at all then laugh at everyone he made lose rating. What is more valuable to you: 1 subscriber who is acting terribly to 3 other subscribers and probably being toxic to everyone else in other matches, or those 3 subscribers that actually want to play your game and now want to leave and stop participating because of this 1 crazy subscriber that will NOT GET PUNISHED AT ALL BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO TAKE ANY ACTION or ADMIT THERE IS A PROBLEM HERE! I even have video proof of these events, however it won't matter because you refuse to do anything. TL;DR - People are leaving Ranked Matches on purpose after backfill won't apply. There are no consequences that are fair. There is no proper way to report a player who does this in order for consequences to apply to them. Do Something about this now please.
  11. Nice video, I would comment on youtube, but I hate google +
  12. My Suggestion on how to fix acid is demonstrated in this diagram I drew: http://imgur.com/nwj63R1 In addition to the diagram, once players are in the center ring, some sort of hutt barricade drops around them and prevents them from leaving this area (of a certain diameter).
  13. Popcorn, get your popcorn hereeee.
  14. Team smashtards welcomes the BH wave and would like to thank them in advance for the rating boosts.
  15. Good idea. I have been lobbying for this feature for a while. Unite the playerbase, keep the lore separate. This would also help increase que pops, team compositions, number of teams, and much more. This is needed along with cross server for a healthy population.
  16. Good Job BW! Looking forward to more added features in the future. http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards
  17. A problem occurs when only "good" teams (so to speak) que frequently on your server at certain times. The not-so-good teams need a few matches where they verse easier teams on their level or lower sometimes or else they will stop queing because they get rolled by the same 2-3 good teams and nobody else is queing ever. This is why there needs to be more teams queing, so there are more ques in general and not a competition of which of these 3 teams will be #1 spot in 6 months among each other. It's not biowares fault people aren't always queing, but it is their fault that alot of players left their game due to poor and extremely slow decision making and class balance.
  18. Help Support this thread for Ranked Arenas: PvP Season 1 Needs a Boost of Incentive for more teams to Que up for Ranked Arenas. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6932245#post6932245
  19. PvP Season 1 Needs a Boost of Incentive for more teams to Que up for Ranked Arenas. The current system is working well and allows teams que up for matches. The problem lies in that there are not enough teams queing up. This needs a solution right away. More teams need incentive's to que, and really good ones. Anyway you want to look at it, there needs to be more teams queing to properly implement matchmaking. My Suggestion would be to add a weekly pvp quest with a cartel coin grant or cartel shop item for competing in 10 ranked warzones or so. This will increase the amount of people who will at least try to que or try ranked arenas, increase the amount of teams for matchmaking, and increase the amount of ques popping. Alternatively, move all players to the PTS as a mega server, or tell people to copy their characters to PTS for competitive Ranked Arenas and implement it in a way which teams can see when other teams are qued up and what their ratings are (so teams don't waste their time in que for hours if nobody is qued up). How will Bioware achieve this? Does anyone have any ideas that are simple enough for Bioware to implement in order to get more teams to que for ranked pvp?
  20. Great Blog update, thanks! Any possibility that we will see an earlier release of the rewards, or at least some of the ideas you have for rewards? It's kind of hard fighting when you don't know what you're fighting for : (
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