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Everything posted by Nessirin

  1. Concealment is a great leveling spec (at least it was for me) I was able to solo most heroic 2+ quests with the various tools we get (especially the hidden strike buff at the top of the tree) and the stealth level increase was very nice when soloing those, as well. Until level 20 though, just pick the skills you think are useful at YOUR level from any tree (I went for +shiv damage +crit et cetera) then at level 20 re-spec (its free) and pick up your class tree ability. (I went with concealment so this is when I got laceration). Honestly though, with Kaliyo decently kept upgraded, you can solo level as any operative spec. And once you get our other dps companions, leveling as a medic is not bad at all,either. But if you want easy time leveling, in my opinion, go Concealment.
  2. Of course you haven't. If you have, he'd be dead. Medic ninja is the best medic, you don't see him, he's swift, and he heals.
  3. At least you got to kill him... For us, he just bubbled himself into perma-immunity.
  4. While they're at it, they should also fix the hide dark side appearance resetting every loading screen.
  5. This. Although in most fights you will notice that during your combo it will happen at least once. I usually get it on the first hit, but then again, it is all chance. The only thing that acid blade has over the dart is the fact that you don't need to spend an extra GCD before your first lacerate to get a proc off the rifle butt. (Generally the target will stay poisoned for about .5 seconds more after your first lacerate if you're doing a HS=>BS=>Shiv=>LC combo.)
  6. I can do away with a nerf to hidden strike stun, if you make my out-of-stealth combat better. But don't turn me into what blizzard turned rogues into (i.e stealth opener being a joke where you tickle your opponent for 5 seconds and they laugh at you).
  7. Don't understand why you need an appearance tab. We do not need inquisitors running around in trooper armor casting force attacks. Aside from that, everything else you can mod. I don't like my agent's gear. So I'm running around in sith marauder's level 40 pvp vest instead. Same for my helmet. I don't see the problem with customization, every green/blue piece I've seen, has an orange model that you can buy associated with it. You just need to put some work into it. Unless, of course, you can not remove the mods out of the raid/ high end pvp gear. In which case I retract my statement and they should either fix that (removed mods stay BoP to prevent selling) or give us an appearance tab.
  8. ********. The only thing that saves is money for the biochemist. I'm a biochem. The blue quality TRADEABLE consumables persist through death (stims and adrenals) and medpacs heal the same amount (hell,usually blue medpacks heal for MORE than the purple ones, because they're not reusable). So yeah, while it saves money, there is no min/max advantage stat-wise on biochem.
  9. Wow OP that is just sad that you needed an overpowered profession to sustain yourself. I am currently 45, have every available speeder/speeder training bought, have all but the useless skills bought (Why I would need a 20 damage upgrade on my stun is beyond me), and am sitting at 200k at the moment. Were you REALLY that reliant on a profession that basically gave you free money every half an hour, that you can't figure out how to sustain yourself any other way? That's just silly. I bet you start every blizzard single player with greedisgood and every bethesda game with /tgm. Why would anyone buy your greens on GTN when quests hand out gear so easily? Only good blues, and every purple, are easy to sell on the GTN. I've put time into my cybertech to make sure I had an epic earpiece every 10 levels, and sold the excess earpieces easily with profits of 5-10k depending on stats (and i'm talking pure profit, covering cost of mats).
  10. This. Also Belsavis says hi, you monsters. And last but not least, cloak and dagger IA story gameplay. If IA was instead republic SIS, I'd be republic. It is too good to pass up.
  11. Have people gotten to rely so heavy on add-ons that they don't even research what is given to them by the game? Mouse over your character's stats, it shows you in HIGH details what each stat does. For example surge rating = mouse over crit multiplier, BAM. And yeah, they do work, if you actually pay attention to your character's regular numbers and then get an upgrade.
  12. Hm, I'm a dps operative, and people invite me to flashpoints all the time. I'm not a dick to people, I don't faceroll my keys and do what I'm needed to do, and I have a guild to call upon if all else fails. Why is it that the "rest of the games" dps classes can't do that? I mean, it HAS to be biowares fault,right? No one elses?
  13. Questing, flashpoints, pvp, crafting and selling, playing the GTN. Oh you meant nothing else gets credits for you, for absolutely no effort, other than previously-op slicing? Ah, such a shame
  14. Apparently casual = antisocial nowadays. Seriously how hard is it to get into a guild and find friends to group with? Soon you people will need the games to *********** play for you,too.
  15. 1 hour cooldown fleet pass to skip loading screens? Yeah I paid 7 bucks for it. Hell I would've paid more.
  16. Hmm I have 2 alts + my main, have not skipped a voiced cutscene yet, they don't get as boring as plain text in your face. One day you will realize people have different tastes from your own.
  17. Yeah this would be great. Also would be nice if face masks were able to be under the hood. Found the helmet from the sith trailer (The one that most sith were wearing in the attack) but it forces the hood down on the robe. I was sad.
  18. You're right, I much rather the servers be up than them fixing chat bugs, unkillable dungeon bosses due to broken mechanics (See - foundry last boss death bug) , and of course I'd like to keep profiteering from OPSlicing. Screw patching the game. Just let the kid play!
  19. I agree. I played every class in WoW up to level 10, and rogues (equivalent of lethality op on here) only had an auto attack and two other abilities. It took me forever to kill mobs! It must be like that later on in the game as well, since low level performance shows how the class will act throughout its lifetime. Especially classes that don't get any of their worthwhile skills until 20. My op is 41, I can burst down most people to under 50% health before they get up from my hidden strike into defib combo. If you're looking for absurd (I mean, since you say ours is low) burst damage, you should have rolled a sniper.
  20. No, YOU are missing the point. It is an option in the game for you,and anyone else who wants this absurdity in an mmo, to turn it off. FORCING it off for everyone, is not wanted and is not going to be supported here.
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