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Everything posted by darkov

  1. The addition of Kolto tanks to fights does not make a flashpoint a tactical. They were designed for tank, healer and two dps, and really some of them still need them. It is truly painful to run most of the tacticals as four dps, or with new players. None of them are balanced like KDY, they're a lazy hash of the original SM. I still think HM is easier than Tactical for these flashpoints.
  2. Season two is the next expansion, probably late fall or early winter. KOTET is the leaked abbreviation for it's name. Currently speculation is that it is pretty similar to season one, except with a different bad guy, so still the Outlander versus the Eternal Throne.
  3. Accepting KOTFE ends all quests arcs prior to it. Working as intended.
  4. So, my theory and why I think SOR doesn't fit. If Valkorion wasn't Vitiate then everything would be perfectly fine.
  5. Actually, I think that any of the story before KOTFE is largely irrelevant, given how badly they jumped the shark with the Emperor. The story makes much more sense if you go from the end of the Knight storyline to the beginning of KOTFE. Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor take the story in a direction that just doesn't seem to fit in what we've ended up with in KOTFE.
  6. I wasn't really expecting anything, but I was hoping there would be something. I'm fine with KOTFE being what it is and their current focus, but they did suggest that after the first season they'd do some proper multiplayer content as well. The fact that they haven't mentioned there will be any news about SWTOR at E3 and that nothing for it was revealed in their presentation suggests there isn't going to be anything at all announced this coming week. We're likely not going to get any news until season one finishes and I expect it's going to be little more than season two coming in six months later. I also don't expect any more CGI trailers for SWTOR, ever. Last year was the big push to gather some new players based on the return of the movies, that hype is long over now and SWTOR is what it is and won't get many, if any, more players to it. We're on the steady decline until BioWare decide to move all the resources off of it (but hopefully that is a long time from now). Still, disappointed about the lack of news.
  7. There are some rough inspirations. For example it is clear that at some point Darth Maul inspired the Assassin, but it might be more accurate in say that he inspired the use of double bladed sabers in KOTOR, which in turn became the Assassin and Shadow. Pretty much all of the classes in SWTOR have some kind of root in what was in KOTOR and those that don't are just the opposites to create balance between the factions.
  8. Sorry, it isn't a counter to what you said, it's a reinforcement of it.
  9. This is a guy that has had his body destroyed multiple times. There is no way we can kill him through normal means, we need a way to erase his spirit and nothing has come close to that so far.
  10. Option 2 is one 30 minute story per class, but only one story is released per month. So they are equal, but if you only play one class, then seven of those stories won't apply to you and it will be a year before you get any more.
  11. He wants you to get stronger, killing Arcann is a test. Once you have proven your strength that is when he will try to take control of your body and absorb you and your power. You are the only threat to his existence that he can see, so he is entirely focused on a plan to turn you into something he can use, once that is done, there will be nothing to stop him from devouring the galaxy.
  12. Option 2. I'd rather have eight different 30 minute stories than one 4 hour story that is made so generic that it can apply to all of the classes. Ideally though, I would like a new expansion. If it must follow on from KotFE, then I would like it to simply be faction specific, returning us to the status quo that existed before Zakuul appeared. I want to rebuild the Republic and Empire and I would prefer to do it on worlds we already have. I don't need new worlds, just add new content to the worlds we have, maybe a new area like they did with the old dailies or just instances like they do with the events. Out of the new worlds they've added, I think it has been downhill since Makeb, for all of it's faults (small play areas, black shuttle), it was very unique and well crafted. Everything since then has felt a bit generic and almost a rehash of what we already have with a new coat of paint on it. I'd much rather just have more Tatooine, Korriban, Hutta, Alderan, etc.
  13. I don't mind really, I enjoy all the content they give even if I think some of it could be better quality. My big issue is simply the story, every chapter this feels less like SWTOR and less like Star Wars in general.
  14. I was actually thinking by the time they finally let us finish KotFE, they will probably just wrap up support for the game and leave it in life support mode whilst they do whatever else they have planned. They could stick Vit into any NPC body and just have us chase him endlessly around the galaxy after we've killed Arcann. Maybe set it up like the events, runs on a schedule, "spawn random NPC with X health and Y damage, use Emperor dialogue for fight, have purple particle effect leave body on death", rinse and repeat.
  15. I agree it is probably resource allocation. In an ideal world, the writers would have written the entire story for KotFE before any content is created, but they are probably only one chapter ahead of the content team, with a rough idea of where it is heading (which we all know anyways).
  16. Lets face it, most of what they've written to explain how we got the start of KotFE and why the factions are not with us, it complete rubbish. The scene setting for and in KotFE are arguably the worst writing BioWare has done to date in this game. Whilst I quite like some of the story in KotFE and the new characters are definitely interesting, there seems to be a focus on the immediate content story and little thought applied to world building or the long term. It's like they're writing book two of a trilogy without having written book one and with no idea (or intention perhaps) of writing book three.
  17. I hadn't thought of that, what could possibly come after this?
  18. Yes, but the implication of what is said, is that you can change your understanding/philosophy away from Jedi or Sith and become strong enough to defeat Arcann and Vaylin. Essentially, what we've done in this chapter is create a weapon imbued with the force that is able to defeat Arcann, regardless of whether the person wielding it is a Jedi, Sith or non-Force sensitive. That, just doesn't fit into Star Wars lore. If my character isn't strong enough or smart enough to defeat Arcann, then giving me a magic weapon that can defeat him isn't the solution, it's a cheap trick with no imagination behind it. When Luke needed to get stronger to defeat Vader and the Emperor, he trained under someone who could teach him things he didn't know, things that would help him win, how to use the force essentially. Yoda didn't just give him a magic talisman that did +5 damage to Palpatine. You would think as a Jedi Master that my character has already tapped into their full potential in the force, so the writers should come with an elegant solution of how to defeat Arcann, like... I don't know, using our bloody companions in the fight.
  19. Given the difficulty of the game's story content, you might as well just leave it in your inventory until you fight Arcann. No point wasting credits taking mods out of your current weapon.
  20. Ignoring the average writing and uninspired encounters, my main issue is the move away from Star Wars lore. A Jedi that doesn't follow the Jedi code isn't a Hero, the films, the books, the comics, the cartoons, all of these things have drummed this into us over decades. And on the flip side of that coin, whilst the Sith are more likely to stray from their teaching, the core tenant of their emotions fueling them can't be denied or changed. For BioWare, SWTOR and KotFE to turn around and say to all of us that everything we know of the Force, the Jedi and the Sith is complete rubbish and not of any help in defeating our greatest enemy is just a pathetic joke. I'm not sure I want to keep playing SWTOR if they are going to retcon four decades of Star Wars lore.
  21. I think KOTFE is example enough that resources have declined on SWTOR. Reworked all planets to scale characters Reworked all OPS to scale characters Reworked all Flashpoints to scale characters Reworked Heroic content for endgame Reworked companions to fill any role Introduced new system for easily adding companions Introduced new system to allow for Episodic quest content Introduced new identity for player character and systems to allow for single story Everything on that list which they did with KOTFE makes the game a lot easier to maintain and update. This allows SWTOR to operate with a smaller content development team meaning they focus the rest of the staff on the next project. Whether the support declines further remains to be seen, I assume Chapter 16 or whenever the current story arc is supposed to end is when we'll find out. If we get less after that, then it will be the answer.
  22. I hope that we see more of the main characters coming and going. I've never liked Koth, so seeing him leave is good, but there are going other companions in those main slots that I would either like to keep or leave depending on what class I'm playing. My Shadow is the perfect diplomat, so all are welcome with him, but on my Assassin Koth is gone. For my Commando, she'd never keep Kaliyo around any longer than absolutely necessary. And I'm sure there are going to be more examples like that in the future.
  23. Because it is different and has a nice effect. I'd settle for any new particle effect on a saber though.
  24. It is the rarest item in the game, priceless. You should simply put the highest number possible in the GTN
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