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Everything posted by Rasen

  1. But again you live in a land of idealism. TOR had the same steam going in. ESO had just as much going in. Just look back at the ESO thread and everything you just posted was pretty much said by that Mal guy. I'd love for Wildstar to be a success and all, but what I don't appreciate is when we have people trying to convince fans of TOR how stupid they are to like TOR or how bad TOR is. Why not praise Wildstar for its merits? Oh wait you can't because it isn't out yet! Why not wait for it to come out then come tell us how good the game is and how Jesus Christ rose from the dead just to play it? I'm just so confused as to why MMO gamers are so dense. I thought CoD players were bad, but MMO gamers are much worse. So blind to their delusions of grandeur.
  2. GSF has kind of the same learning curve. You can get a bad match and get turned off quickly, but I like challenges personally. For every bad match there are 3 good ones. People just don't highlight the good ones because the bad ones hurt more lol. I play almost every single aspect of the game these days. I RP a little, raid a ton, PvP a ton, GSF a little, GTN a lot, craft a little, customize a lot and am eagerly anticipating strongholds so I can bounce off the walls.
  3. Personally the two main audiences that were drawn to this game were Star Wars fans and Bioware fans. They would have come regardless of PvP. Only ones screaming bloody murder for PvP are the bored MMO gamers. At the same time PvP helps the game because it is actually fun. Swinging lightsabers at other people and fighting as a small army is exciting for many and if the game missed that at launch the Star Wars fans and Bioware fans might have only stuck it out for half the time maybe less. Raiding and flashpoints can only get you so far. Roleplaying isn't done by all and customization at launch was limited.
  4. Yes they would have. As many players as before would come, but without PvP they wouldn't stay as long. This goes for PvEers, roleplayers and PvPers. Most of those sects do PvP at some point. It offers us all an alternative form of gameplay. Some never do some of those things, but most do I'd imagine.
  5. I'll take this thread seriously. Removing PvP is removing one more distraction for players in the game. What keeps us logging in is knowing we have options. You can do flashpoints, level, raid, starfighter, craft, customize, gtn shopping, reputation and so much more. PvP is part of that. If you remove it we lose one venue of gameplay and will unsub far quicker than if we had that extra option. That is why it would have a negative effect.
  6. I'll force crush your lungs for you. Meet me in Voidstar.
  7. Don't know why this is an issue. Don't buy it! Wait for it to pop on GTN for a reasonable price. It most likely will eventually and then you'll get it. Or wait til your free coins build up enough then buy it then. Bioware could charge a $1000 for everything in the CM if they wanted. I'd be the fool for buying it. Not them.
  8. Mission tab is not part of your main inventory. If you are RPing it shouldn't affect it. If it does then I pray for you because RPing that hard is more of a chore for me, but that's just me I guess.
  9. Most players PvP at some point, but if you ask players to identify their playstyle in this game most would be PvEers. This is evidenced by the massive amounts of pugging for ops, the massive amount of players wearing PvE gear and also the massive amount of hate both in game and on forums towards hardcore PvPers.
  10. Regardless of this validity of this statement it does have a point. F2P should be restrictive. I don't understand why anyone would differ whether it be from a business stance or gamer stance. You don't pay to play the game in anyway so you face restrictions. Simple as that! I don't get to play Call of Duty for free nor Halo. I have to actually buy the game and buy new map packs to play everything. Nonetheless yes little restrictions like title and whatnot is kind of silly. You want to impose restrictions that would urge people to invest money to remove. These don't accomplish that.
  11. The starting area is the single worst experience I've had in gaming for awhile. It took me an entire weekend to go through it because I was bored to tears and couldn't devote more than a half hour of game time. When I left the starting area it definitely improved, but felt like a copy paste WoW mmo with the quest design, dialogue and environments. The combat is still the best thing the game has going for it though! Very fun. Don't agree on humor though. The humor is juvenile and insulting to intelligence. I know I've matured a lot in the past few years, but I am still only 23 and find the humor to be very low brow and dull. Art style goes hand in hand with that so at least they are consistent. The game overall reminds me of a Facebook MMO or one of those browser based ones. The combat elevates it quite a bit, but it is only good for an MMO. Play any other genre and you'll see how low quality it seems. That's kind of the main issue with this genre in general. Everything plays like a low quality game. WoW, SWTOR and ESO are really the only ones at the moment that feel worthy to be called a game in 2014 though each still have distinct things holding them back!
  12. Doesn't seem like you were here let alone play the same game, but whatever. I say we not argue like we did with the ESO folks, GW2 folks, for some reason Diablo 3 folks and wait for the game to launch. Just please I beg of all of you attacking SWTOR!!! Please actually leave the game and go play your video game messiah. It is getting old seeing people claiming they are leaving and still hang around trying to defend their game on a completely different game's forum. Just like with every other contender you all moan and groan about your new god and when your god turns out to be another false prophet you go back to this game. I know these forums are toxic due to some of the posters just in this thread, but I always hope we can actually discuss features we want without fighting over your sponsor MMO and why its better than this game...
  13. Bolster will bring the stats to parity removing the worry of undergeared players. Now all we worry about is unskilled players lol.
  14. The Rancor reward is put into context when considering it is Giradda's and as we know Giradda is the one who runs the ranked matches so he rewards the victors his personal Rancors. So yes it is relative to PvP. Nonetheless Bioware could figure out a thousand ways to make anything relative to PvP and IMO that's the point! If they just hand out rewards just because then the quality of the lore is damaged. If they frame it in the context that, "oh these wings of the architect were salvaged from the dread fortress and repurposed for Giradda's amusement. He's bored with it though and will give it to the victor of Season 2!", it'd probably be better. Bioware needs to put these rewards in context. It may sound silly to some, but I find such things important.
  15. I fully understand where you are coming from, but cannot sympathize considering what Bioware is all about. Bioware is primarily a company that produces interactive story driven video games. Their bread and butter is story. The Operations content in this game is story driven and with it can provide tailored rewards. PvP also has a story attached to it, but due to the nature of PvP the story just gives context to the fight, but has no role outside of that. Nonetheless they found a way to provide a unique texture to a mount that fits the context of PvP. You are asking Bioware, a story driven company, to forego story in the sake of fairness. To ignore one of their tenets to appease the customer. The fact is that most people who bought this game did so because of the name Bioware tied to it. To give story based rewards to those who elect to take no part in the story is a fallacy in itself. I sympathize with time constraints, but it is not anyone's problem but your own that you do not have the time to do operations. An MMO requires investment. This is not a pick up and play game. We all have the right to play the game as we choose to, but that doesn't mean you should have access to 100% of the game even though you only do less the half of it. This doesn't mean Bioware hasn't backed off their stance. They've lessened restrictions here and there based off feedback so posting that you want the same rewards as PvEers most likely won't fall on deaf ears, but as another member of this community who plays this game to the fullest I do not support your cause at all! PvPers should get their PvP themed mounts, but should never ever receive mounts that have NOTHING to do with the content they are engaged in. Fairness doesn't mean everyone is equal. Fairness means everyone has a chance to be equal. EVERY SINGLE PERSON here has a chance to do all the content and win the rewards. It is unfair to reward PvPers with loot that has nothing to do with their content just like it is unfair vice versa. Those are my thoughts on this. Edit: At the same time I wouldn't make a big fuss if they added alternate skins for things. I don't support it, but wouldn't go out of my way to stop it.
  16. That's not very nice. But yeah this thread is a good reminder to all to research before committing to a transfer. For now there is nothing we can do about this issue except find workarounds and implore BW to make changes.
  17. Your delusion is next level. Your own logic falters at first viewing. Wildstar is a new game and has buzz due to that. OF COURSE there will be views on it. I mean that is a no brainer. Plus Reddit is used on a higher level in the past year as opposed to when SWTOR came out. Hence why even using reddit as an indicator is flawed since it's popularity is recent and will be superceded by the next big thing! Come on man. Use some logic. Wildstar is an interesting game and all, but it won't appeal to everyone nor be the next killer of anything. It'll draw in a large crowd then once people have to start paying for it they won't and then it'll have it's own following like EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO POST WOW! This is pure unadulterated logic. SWTOR had hype, GW2 had hype, TSW had hype, ESO had hype and Wildstar has hype. They all end up the same because MMO's are not games that keep the masses' attention. If Wildstar bucks the trend that that would be astonishing and bravo to them, but the game is getting the same feedback every one of its kin get. It's fun, but isn't fun after you play it for a bit. Same that ESO got and everyone else got.
  18. Ignoring the nonsense in this thread... I support more tactical flashpoints/ez mode flashpoints, BUT I also want hard mode versions of them. The truth with this game is that if you want hard content you won't find it in flashpoints. You will find it in operations and PvP. If you don't want to do either then you have disqualified yourself from discussing such a topic since you are purposefully not doing tough content. Now if the desire is for small group content that is challenging I can sympathize, but will not support an endeavor that takes focus away from OP's which is the content I most enjoy.
  19. Good question and one I would help gets answered and resolved one day. Major quality of life issue right there! Now I have millions of questions, but at the moment my most pressing question is... Will crafting and legacy ever get a revamp? Both have become outdated as the game has evolved and no longer fulfill their original intended purpose.
  20. I posted a long counter argument to a topic like this in the PTS for why I was for Bolster in SM Operations and I am glad some share that view. I do not run Story mode ops as a raider anymore because there is little to no benefit for me. Only time I step foot in them is when I level a new toon, but even then with the amount of raiding I do on my fully geared characters I can transfer entire sets over and bypass that completely. I am positive most raiders are in the same boat so why would there be issue with this? All bolster will do is make story mode operations a more enjoyable experience for all and thus the entry barrier is broken down and we find a significantly larger raiding population to recruit from. Yeah they won't all be super awesome players, but it is the job of the community to help each other get better. I prefer an inexperienced raider who is excited to raid over a burnt out experienced raider who only logs in to raid and leaves until the next raid time.
  21. Personally I think we need more instanced Operation bosses like Golden Fury. They are nice distractions from the regular raiding. But that should be seperate from world bosses. We should continue to have stationary clicky world bosses and add roaming world bosses. They should drop tons of crafting material and commendations of all types and require large groups to tackle. These bosses should also have weeklies tied to them and a lockout timer. Push people to go after them by providing good rewards that all can use as well as make the fight fun with tons of mechanics. Less about fighting a 10 million HP boss, but more about fighting an enemy that throws lots of environmental attacks as well as red circles etc... The original Rakghoul Event Boss in the Outlaw's Den is still til today my favorite moment playing this game. The coordination between my randomly created group was astonishing as the Republic players kept trying to pick off our healers while our tanks dealt with the boss and its adds. It was an hour long battle over that boss. It was amazing!
  22. I think having the option to replay your class story would be brilliant! Maybe selecting a quest terminal in your stronghold allows you to relive your 'glory years'. Get to play through the class story from start to finish as much as you want, but as for how the game treats you it'll still be based off your first playthrough.
  23. This is so what I thought lol! Of course it is annoying, but if you report as spam and ignore it won't be as annoying. Plus I occasionally make a game of finding them and /slap them.
  24. Oh no he didn't!!! And yeah I'm the guild princess!
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