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Everything posted by SalvorHardin

  1. If you ever played on Europe Infinity, I was spamming in front of Mos Eisley starport about BioWare taking over or making a new Star Wars MMO in february 2006... (also got banned from the forums for starting numerous threads about this). And I'm not in yet for various reasons but you don't see me whining about it here and blaming BioWare for it.
  2. No. I pre ordered CE, I'm not in yet and I won't be today. But still no.
  3. So because you didn't get invited, you refused to come back to the website and then complain that you didn't get to see the pre order announcement ? Seriously, this has to be one of the worst post in this thread and that says A LOT !
  4. My god, there will never be enough tin foil hats for everyone today !!
  5. I'm a hipster orange dot lover : I put it in my sig before it was cool
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