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Everything posted by ebilwon

  1. Is it worth it? As in do you think you get more net profit from the materials if you were to sell them on the GTN than you would have by vendoring the item (that in this case would have probably not sold on the GTN - junky, etc)
  2. He was replying in the OP's native tongue.
  3. Ah, ok. I was thinking (hoping) that you could RE an item of your skill's type. Such as armstech being able to RE any dropped blasters and synthweaving being able to RE any dropped force users armor, etc etc.
  4. That's my question - if you can or if the dev's placed a level limit in place to restrict it like they have with some other crafting related things.
  5. This is only true for production skills correct? You can not max gathering or mission skills with a level 10 character, eh?
  6. So less profit from REing the item and selling the mats on the GTN than vendoring the item?
  7. Hmm. Ok, thanks much. I figured as much. Also, to steal my own thread - can you think of any reason at all to take more than one mission skill under any circumstance? The only reason I could think of is if its on an alt to try to increase the number of long mission time (~24 hour long missions) if you are limited to one of those at a time per skill. And in that for the reason of just being able to pop on the alt and send out your crew on several long missions and then popping back on your main. But I don't know for sure if you are limited to only one long mission for a particular mission skill at a time either...
  8. Can a crafter of low skill RE an item that is well beyond their crafting skill level? And if so would the resulting materials you get be the same? For a real world example... a level 50 character having a world drop green blaster drop and mailing it to a level 15 alt that has armstech to reverse engineer. (just for the mats instead of vendoring the green)
  9. 1) Drop cybertech 2) Pick up slicing 3) ??????? 4) Profit Sorry, had to. :/
  10. I think rock but my friend says scissors.
  11. The only two limitations are that you can only have up to three skills total and that you can only have one production skill out of those three. So, you could have up to three gathering or three mission skills or some various mix of them all.
  12. I wouldn't say overwhelming... most polls put it fairly well down on the list (generally ~4th or so) on which production skill people planned on taking.
  13. Surely more than one other person has the intertubes here now.
  14. This thread is the official..... recruitment thread for guilds on servers other than The Fatman.
  15. Checking in. Location: Bryant, AR Server: Undecided
  16. However many people Rift had it was enough that I had to queue before I left for work and remotely connect home to make sure I stayed in the queue.... just in order to have a chance to be able to get in to a server after work. I don't think I was able to get in on day one at all. I would prefer SWTOR to not be like this...
  17. I'm mostly wavering between a few options. 1x Production 1x Gathering 1x Mission 2x Gathering 1x Mission 3x Gathering Since I plan on maxing multiple characters eventually I lean towards having at least one mission skill so that I can hop on my alts and send out companions on the long ~24 hour missions once every day at try to make a profit on those characters while I'm not even playing on them. I don't particularly care if I have a production skill or not - though I suppose it can be more fun sometimes. At the same time in most MMORPG's crafting is more of a money sink than it is a money maker and more work than it's worth, leaving the gathering skills to make more profit over time (though somewhat boring to run around gathering mats for hours straight).
  18. From what I've read it's not profitable to send companions on missions for gathering skills to make money - net loss over time. Can it be profitable to send companions on missions for mission skills and sell the items on the GTN? Also, if it is.. is there any reason to take more than one mission skill for profit? As in, you can send all five companions (once you get them) on separate missions for one mission skill - such as Underworld Trading, correct? I'm planning on playing multiple characters up and I can see the benefit of taking mission skills if this is the case. Also, am I correct that you can no longer make profit on slicing missions? Thanks! -Ebilwon
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